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Look, it's Easter Monday. I just want to go home, chill and play Xenoblade. And I'm guessing you just want to chill as well, so I'm not gonna bother writing a lengthy blog post because I can't imagine you're in the mood for one.

Instead, I'll share some cool links we've been gathering the past few weeks. General theme: audio.

First of all: we've been featured on a podcast! (15:43 onwards)
I don't think we've ever been mentioned on a podcast before, so there's another milestone for ya. Awesome to hear these guys being nice about the comics as well! We also have never been compared to chicken soup before, so we also got that going on for us!

Next: we discovered there are tons of dubs of our comics floating around on the web. We had NO idea, and some of them are really good and have been viewed A LOT.

Here's one of the Xenoblade comic from two weeks ago 

This Young Adult Red episode is my favorite, the voices are spot on 

And one featuring... myself 

That last one was extremely weird to see. That's not my voice, obviously (you would've been able to tell by the Dutch accent), but the first character is supposed to be me. It's so funny to hear someone else guess what your voice sounds like without ever meeting. Apparently, I look kinda young and boyish, as my real life voice is A LOT deeper than this.

Anyway, these podcast mentions and dubs are obviously a sign that we're gaining steam! I love them all. Hope to share more with you soon.

Happy Easter!

- Abel



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