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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-seventy-ninth episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There's one Loss, one Balthazar, one Miep and one crewmate. Bonus comics don't count.

Barret has his rod attached to his gun arm. I don't know if we can talk about it or why we would, but you did point it out correctly Shelby Kinkead.
2: Every dad is wearing socks in sandals in this comic, as pointed out by Miz Kriss. You can't get more dad-like than that, right?
3: Chrom is once again on-brand and has removed one of the sleeves from his fishing outfit, just like his regular outfit in Fire Emblem and Smash. Definitely worth mentioning, Williams Fan 82.
4: Balthazar is taking a stroll on the path in the first panel, behind Barret. Glad you noticed his little butt, Daniel Myhre.
5: The fish in the first panel is one of the fish from the Fishing Hole minigame in Link's Awakening!

Kiryu Kazuma is casually fishing in the background of the third panel, even though there's no fishing minigame in Yakuza as far as I'm aware.

In this panel, the hair/fin of Cheep Cheep is visible in the water, as mentioned by The Negotiator.
8: Joel has a little customized fishing chair. Maybe Ellie gave it to him or something. Or maybe I added that to counter people not recognizing him. We'll never know, Percylegallois.

Falchion (Chrom and Lucina's sword) is hanging next to the door in Lucina's room. Found by Cameron Devera.
10: On the other side of the door there's a map of Chrom and Lucina's home continent, Ylisse. One corner of the land is indeed looking a bit sussy though, G3ntiLP.
11: I shouldn't count this because it's the fourth detail you mentioned in one comment, Pixelman86, but you're the first one to point out Robin's room being across the hall.

Lucina's bed has a Mark of the Exalt pattern on it! Good catch, Brandon Digwood!
13: Instead of saying just "fire", Lucina has decided her reaction to a fire emoji/reward was going to be "PK Fire", which is indeed a reference to Ness, Zanreo.

In this panel, Miep has replaced Balthazar taking a stroll along the path in the background, as pointed out by Spirit of Gotham!
15: The Link's Awakening fish from the first panel has apparently been caught in this panel. You can see it in Barret's pink bucket. Good eye, Generic Hero!
16: This week's loss is divided over four panels: in every panel the front of Barett's hat is visible, the badges change to form loss. Thanks, Tyra.

The details that have not been found are marked italic.



Jon Brouse

In the fifth panel, we see that Robin’s room is across from Lucina’s. Except, which Robin are we talking here?

Urux drone

pretty sure yakuza has a fishing mini game, and the third have one infamously hard one