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Hi, welcome to the thirty-first Pokémonday voting post!

Last week's prompt was:

Ideas for a new Pokémon connecting two previously unrelated Pokémon into a new evolutionary family!

I agree with João Paulo Brito; way too many good ideas again this time around. MAYBE, if I can find the time, I'll do two instead of one, but I can't promise anything. Definitely going to bring this prompt back in the future though because it's a fun one! Scroll down to see the ones I picked.

And now it's time to reveal last week's winner!

Prompt: Ideas a new Dragon-type Pokémon!

Winning idea: A Chinese festival dragon (by Lord Circe)

2: A gold-hoarding dragon (by the Wesinator)
3: A Tarasque (by lokomotives)
4: A bearded dragon lizard (by the Negotiator)

He's insecure about his looks, so he dons a mask upon evolving:

And upon evolving again, he expands his costume:

Pretty proud of this one myself. I once again pushed my limits a bit so I hope this week's Pokémon will be a bit less intense to create.

Thank you all for your creative ideas and good luck to the ideas in this poll! May the best idea win!


J Gerard

. . .Is this the Pseudo-Legendary?


Awesome design.

Shelby Kinkead

Even if the bug doesn’t win, the fact that one of my suggestions (supported by another of course) made it to a voting post is a victory in itself

The Wesinator

Linking Tauros and Miltank I understand, since they’re both cattle, but I don’t think Bouffalant fits in with that since it’s a buffalo. I know this is being nitpicky, but I just felt like sharing my thoughts.