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Our comics are being shared and viewed all over the internet. And as uncle Ben said: with great views, come great comments. This week, I'd like to share a few of the best ones. For the sake of privacy, I won't disclose any usernames. All of these comments come from Reddit though.


Technically not a comment, but a private message. I got this one after posting the Wholesome Christmas comic  in December last year. It warmed my heart:

Hey man,
I wanted to let you know I saw your comic on /r/WholesomeMemes, and I shocked myself after being moved to tears as I read through it. I've recently gone through some hardships with a relationship, but after a long time things are starting to look up and fall into place for the better. I just felt it might be worth knowing that your efforts are appreciated and felt.

Really great work, my friend, and I look forward to what else you have in store (:

Best Wishes and Happy Holidays

Another private message after I uploaded the Animated Webcomics-comic  from a user who was too embarrassed to comment:

I am embarrassed to say that it took me 8 hours to get the joke, but as a result of thinking about it and having to go back and re read multiple times, I find it hilarious.

I couldn't admit that on a public forum but had to say I loved it anyway

A comment on the Animated Webcomics-comic that defended me against hoards of comments criticizing the logic of the comic:

why does the ball getting punched not run into the ball that passes right though it on it's way up? Why does the first panel open for every other ball even though it doesn't appear to be connected to anything mechanical? Why are we looking for logic/physics in a web comic?

Friendly words from other artists or writers are always great to read:

As a guy who's working on a graphic novel I'd like to thank you for taking the time to make this comic for not only me and several other people to laugh with, share, and stare at. Good job!

Or that one time someone recognized my crudely drawn couch in the Weekend of Ascension comic :

Is that an IKEA BEDDINGE futon?

And to take it even further: in the same thread, I had to explain our... unusual breadbox.

Anon: Why is there a mailbox in the living room
Me: Found one in Antwerp in some second-hand shop. I use it as a breadbox ever since!
Anon: Do you put the flag-thingy up when there's bread in it?
Me: Of course I do! I still manage to forget though. Every two weeks I have to clean out the mutated moldy bread.

Or when people decided I'm some sort of deciple of Gabe Newell:

OP is /u/AbelHagen . Rearrange that and you get... HALE GABEN.

Close enough!

Another great piece of interaction I have when I upload another Young Adult Red comic is when people search (and often find) the Alolan Exeggutor I hide in every episode. In this one , I created a VERY faint Exeggutor watermark that's nearly impossible to see, thinking I finally beat them. First comment:

Me: Also, good luck finding Exeggutor in this one, mwahaha!
Anon: Exeggutor watermark?

After a few episodes, people started recognizing my comics on other subreddits. This one was a comment on the Animated Webcomics-comic.

I can't find the Exeggutor in this one.

And there's always people looking for flaws. Sometimes I have to surrender when the logic is sound. Like this one, on the Breath of the Open World comic :

I call fake. Link spoke words.


Of course, not every comment is friendly. There's always a few people commenting that apparently detest my work. I don't really mind, as long as it's not the majority! A few examples:

Is this suppose to be funny?

Yes dude. It is. Sheez.

Ha ha! An unpopular opinion! Man there should be a penguin meme like this!
But you invented it because you're a genius! Well done fuckwit!

I can't tell if this is a compliment or an insult.

you're a smug normie piece of trash and your comic sucks



go die

Technically, I am!


And in this case, "UGLY" is a synonym for "WEIRD". Because sometimes, comments are just... just... I don't know. See for yourself:

Letting his inner man speak:

Margaery needs to show us her ass already.
That's right, I'm saying the things that truly matter. Fuck season 7, I want butt.

Best presented without context:

Pumpkin Spice Lattes can suck my dick


Usually when I see link in a comic surrounded by big scary men he ends up brutallly fucked



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