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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-sixty-third episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is one Loss, one Balthazar and one crewmate. Bonus comics don't count.

In the first panel, a Spidops is weaving webs in between the fences in the background.
2: Percylegallois mentioned the store sign in the second panel. The full text on the store reads "School outfits for actual kids and kinky dress-up". Hey, if you're going to sell school uniforms, why not make your target audience as big as possible?
3: This week's loss is visible in the petals in the flowers in the same panel, as mentioned by Generic Hero.
4: Duck Hunt Duck disguised him/herself as a Quaxly, as pointed out by C213.
5: Yes Trigger, dog definitely feels some competition from another dog (Rockruff) on the team, as evidenced by his expression in the second panel.
6: Kirby decided to disguise himself as Tinkatink. And to be honest, he pulls it off, don't you think so edmg7?
7: And Duck Hunt Dog dressed up as a Maschiff, as mentioned by Zanreo!
8: There's a lost item visible on the ground in the third panel. You see those twinkly things everywhere in the game.
9: I didn't mean for Quaxwell to Mimic Sephiroth in the fifth panel, Cameron Devera, but I guess that is what it looks like since I've done that before.
10: Rockruff is looking back at his trainers in dispair in the fourth panel. Not only is he at a type disadvantage, Phloxiana, but he's probably woefully underleveled as well.
11: He's barely visible, but Alolan Exeggutor makes another appearance in the sixth panel, behind Crabominable.
12: Balthazar graphics are used to promote something on the Pokémon Center screens in the seventh panel. I wonder what it is, happy pasta.
13: Yeah, in the final panel I've made a reference to the Pokémon anime (Pikachu defeating Onix by triggering the sprinklers in the Gym). It's indeed interesting how that anime is also considered fiction in the actual Pokémon world, Edgar Castro.
14: Kofu's protegé is checking Pokémon battle rules in the final panel to see if a Pokémon being defeated by a giant olive counts as a victory. Not sure what you mean with the Growlithe playing basketball though, Lord Circe!
15: There's a crewmate visible in Kofu's sussy Gym in the final panel. Good eyes, Spirit of Gotham!

Next week around this time, I'll reveal all the details. The ones that have not been found will be marked italic.




Of course Rockruff ain’t happy goin’ up against Crabominable. Rock is weak to Ice and Fighting.


Crewmate in panel 8 inside the pokeball icon.


Duck Hunt Dog disguised as a Maschiff

Fighting Master

Does anyone find it out odd that their using an ambulance to get crabominable to the pokemon center instead of using it's pokeball


There are two Balthazar faces on the Pokémon Center screen in panel 7

Shelby Kinkead

Wait a minute, weren’t you supposed to reveal the hidden details for the previous comic?


Luigi has a rockruff as his partner because dog fighting is only ok when they are Pokémon dogs.


Crewmate is in the middle of the pokeball on the building on the last panel


There's an amongus in the pokebal in the last panel, very sus

Kristen Shields

There be a Donald Duck over here


The 2 gyms the teams are at are relatively close to each other


The Duck of the duck hunt duo is disguised as Quaxly, despite it being a starting pokemon itself.