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When the cat's away, the mice will play.




Neo Ultra Mike

You know I'm really glad to get these bonus panels because I was going to go "wait a minute it wouldn't make sense for Mythra's character to take being treated as a freaking servant by these poke mouse why the hell doesn't she eradicate these things" so glad to see "oh yeah we thought of that but they have Rex who Mythra wouldn't want dead/really hurt for a variety of reasons" was put there. I have to admit to I kind of thought that the Maunces would just be a joke and I guess this is still supposed to be seen as more of a goof but one where they are packing serious threats.


Why is the villager on their side?!


Either they get Incineroar, or they can pull a Pied Piper of Hamelin on the Maushold


This got weirdly kinky... not that I'm complaining


Hypernova Kirby?


Calling it now, meowscarda and Inciniroar are going to have a great time when they get back to the smash house.


Well, this got weird. Really weird

Tim Lockwood

Which character was trying to warn Daisy? Obviously, they'd all say it, but who would GabaLeth give that line to? Peach, Falco, and Dedede are the closest to Isabelle that aren't pokemon (who, aside from Incineroar for some reason, haven't spoken english yet)

Ryan Connell

OK. That Got Dark... Real Fast


How did they let this happen?! Also, Dang it, Rex!!

Calvin Barbanell

Canonically, Pokémon can only say their own names, with a few minor exceptions: Meowth from the Pokémon anime taught himself to speak human language because he's a simp; when in the form of another Pokémon, anyone can understand what the Pokémon are saying as though it were actual words (this is true even if they're a human magically transmogrified into a Pokémon, like in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games); and certain Pokémon deities have the ability to speak the human tongue. I think there might also be some weird exception relating to psychic communication, but I'm not sure about that.

Jon Brouse

Hmm…wonder if Nia would be willing to come back and clean house. Purely hypothetically, I swear. No ulterior motives here. No siree.


I get the feeling that Peach and Daisy may in the future use the Mauses to restart their fur lingerie business, except this time I think Isabelle and the rest'll be just fine with it.


Villager teaming up with the moushold is so on point though


maybe Simon Bayonetta and Dark Samus are going to be a resistance of some sort


Oh my God.... I knew they were evil

Anonymous Monkey

we always did knew population bomb was an OP move...ignoring the rocky helmet and rough skin


Suddenly Sephiroth's pear doesn't seem too bad


The mauses should count themselves lucky that this is virgin XC2 Rex and not gigachad XC3 Rex.


Anyone else think this got way too dark? Have read Wooden Plank Studios for years, and this may be the first time I'm actually a bit disgusted at one of their comics. Lumas are basically star kids/babies, for goodness's sake. Hope this doesn't last for too long.

Tim Lockwood

Sephiroth killed everybody and it took a year and a half for everybody to come back to life.


At least Sephiroth didn't have anyone dress in fetishist outfits.


I don’t think it’s so much supposed to be fetish wear but just reins in the luma. The Maushold are using it as a mount, like a horse.


Perhaps for the Luma, although the same can't be said for the others. Luckily Samus is already dealing with the situation in the latest comic.

Jon Brouse

Do not make me tap the “Take it easy, it’s just a drawing” sign, please.


I respect your opinion, although something apparently as simple as, say, a drawing, a game or movie can convey a lot of emotions, feelings and experiences to the audience even if the characters and scenarios are fantastical. When we, for example, buy a game, we're actually paying for the experiences, feelings and emotions it'll give us. Whether it's joy and adventure in a colorful platforming game, awe and discovery in an epic RPG, dread and tension in a horror game, adrenaline and excitement in a fighting game... It's a testament to the value of Nintendo's franchises and characters, as well as the skill of Wooden Plank Studios to breathe them additional life, that they can make us care for their characters and series a lot. The worst sin a piece of media can commit is making their audience feel nothing or outright say the Eight Deadly Words: "I don't care what happens to these people". Even media that makes the audience feel something negative is better than that which make them feel nothing at all. Feel free to tap on the sign, though. As said, I respect your opinion. Have a good day, and let's cheer on Samus and the Resistance these upcoming weeks.


Mythra almost forgot that she's connected to Rex, he dies, so will she And pyra