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Hy guys,

This blog post will be a shorter one since we're currently pretty busy finishing a first complete test build of Judge Mental, finalizing all the paperwork and contracts that are part of it, getting verified by some subreddit mods and preparing some content for a small educational conference later this week where we'll be displaying a short demo of a workshop  that we designed for kids ranging from around 7-10 years old.

After about 4 months we're really close to finalyzing the first fully working version of Judge Mental. We are currently adding some final gameplay enhancements and doing some final tuning and optimization before we'll send it of to be tested on different hardware and platforms so expect an update about that with a potential release date or another dedicated blogpost about it soon.

Abel mentioned that in 2017 we'll be trying to get more people engaged with our comics and Patreon. We sat down last week and decided a couple of things. One of those things is that we will make some changes in some of our rewards and goals and make it even more interesting to support us. 


- Christiaan


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