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Hi! Hope you all had a good holiday. I spend New Year's eve in Berlin, which was awesome. Other than that, I didn't really have any free time because of the animated short we released two weeks ago and the comic that had to be made last week. Still, I had one free day last Friday, and it was amazing.

(This is me being self-deprecating. FEEL SORRY FOR ME.)

Anyway, the short didn't do as well as I hoped it would. I thought a general theme like 2016 and all it's craziness would do well among... everyone. But it barely got any views and was hardly shared anywhere. That's about a months' work down the drain. On a positive note, I'm glad the "Shorts" button on the website is enabled now, and maybe some companies who want to hire us to do freelance animation work will appreciate it as a portfolio piece.

These short-comings (get it?) made me a bit blue for a few days, but my mood is improving. In a few weeks, I'll probably get back the "I'm gonna do better next time"-mentality.

Anyway, here's to a successful 2017! We haven't made a professional 2017-blueprint yet, but there are a few things I'd really like Wooden Plank to do this year:

- Develop and release Judge Mental
- Develop and release a revamped Cat's Catch (which has secretly been in development for some months now)
- Get people more engaged with the comics, because we can't survive on $49 a month. The more posts we're posting for 13 Patrons, the more we realize Patreon isn't an easy way to earn money. It takes a lot more dedication, marketing/spamming and strategy. So I think it's a nice resolution to dive into this in 2017. That said, we do immensly appreciate all 13 of you :)


- Abel



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