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[Fixed the poll again. It's automatically set to single-choice and you can't change it after the post has been published, really annoying. Sorry about that!]

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm back to showcase this week's Fakemon and collect prompts for future Fakemon! There are no restrictions to the ideas you are allowed to suggest, but I particularly like Fakemon ideas that have something to do with current events or releases!

Finally! After being in the poll since January, Punching Cat's idea of a Wendigo Pokémon has taken form:

I was recently made aware of the fact that some people from indigenous tribes are tired of a creature from their folklore/mythology being used by people outside of their culture, but I also had a hard time denying everyone who voted for a Wendigo Pokémon in the polls after being in the running for long, so I really hope this isn't offensive to anyone. If it is, I humbly apologize!!

Leave your own suggestions in the comments and/or choose your favourite idea from the poll below. I'll make the most popular option from the poll for next week, unless there's something relevant happening in pop culture that I want to reference via a Fakemon.

Let me know if you have any questions!

PS: I've sorted the poll by the most popular choices. If I don't put your idea in next week's poll it doesn't mean I don't like it, but that there's a reason why I don't think the idea would work (for example: me not being familiar with the inspiration or the idea not matching the Wooden Plank audience). In that case, I suggest changing the idea. I occasionally trim the fat from the poll by removing choices that consistently get few votes.



Would love to see more Pokémon based off monsters like the chupacabra and Mothman.


do a pokemon with 2 forms, one being a dragon, the other as a normal type tiger, both inspired by the yin and yang mythology


I’ve been championing the ice dark orca for so long, I thought this would be our week 😔

Heavy Blues

I'd be interested to see one based on witchcraft/curses in American folklore. Maybe a wooden effigy that gets more gnarled and evil looking as it evolves. Don't play Hunt: Showdown at all but that game's got some great visual references for the theme.


Cloud Pokémon for next week when you bring him back


No he’s bringing joker this week


Next week cloud is coming back


i have an idea, a object pokemon thats a cleaning spray it would be a water and fairy type no evolution but it could have many forms but the normal form would be always water/fairy while other forms would always have water and something else (EX:water/poison, water/ice, water/steel) due to the amount of wacky and crazy cleaning spray brands and scents and shit like that i think forms would be better instead of an evolution

Jon Brouse

Gauntigo, the Famished Pokémon. It is cursed with an eternal hunger after it consumed the flesh of it’s original species kind.

Jon Brouse

Soon enough, my friend. We have endured this long, and look at where we sit now.


A circle of life evolution line: where pokemon A evolves into pokemon B, B into C, then C...back into A. It could be a fun little challenge