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What's up lovely people!

As you might have noticed, our output volume has sneakily grown over the years. Not that long ago, we would make comics with four panels, Tuesday Choosedays without any backgrounds and no Fakemon, and now we regularly have weeks with 8-panel comics (+ 6 bonus panels), Tuesday Choosedays with four options and detailed backgrounds, and full three stage Fakemon evolution lines, while it's still only little old me drawing it all. What I'm getting at is that maintaining this amount of content on a consistent basis has been taking its toll on me, especially during weeks like these, where I don't have any interns helping me out.

But don't fret, I'm not quitting or anything. I'm just taking a little summer break to recharge because HOO BOY do I need it.

That being said... the revival arc has been SO much fun to make and I absolutely thrive on the Patron input, both with the Fakemon and revival ideas. You guys are absolutely amazing and I'm very, very proud of the community we've build.

I got some very wild twists and turns planned to wrap the revival arc story up, but before I do that I'm going to rest up for a bit. This is the schedule for the remainder of August:

So in short: regular content week next week, then a shitpost week (always fun), then a two week break and then we're back to regular content.

Some interesting things have been happening behind the screens by the way. We've moved offices, for example. The new office is, quite literally, a wooden plank office, since it's this super cozy... attic-like space with a very high ceiling and many wooden beams. We're still renovating and working on it, but it's going to be extremely cute. It's also a two minute walk from my home, which saves me a lot of time every day. Also, in September, TWO new interns will start, so hopefully our days will be a lot less stressful when it's three people working on the comics instead of one. So with all these changes going on, hopefully we'll soon have time to finally get some work done on new projects and things that have been on the backburner for ages now, for example:

- Patron portraits (old reward)
- New tier rewards in general
- Art streams from the cozy office
- New merch
- Hidden Details rewards

But for now, I'll have to ask you all for forgiveness for this little summer break. But hey, I either take a break or I die and then you won't have any comics at all :')

Drop any questions you might have below and I'll do my best to answer them!

Have a great summer and be sure to stay hydrated!






I'm so glad you're taking a break. You have rocked this so hard that I was actually getting worried.

Joao Vittor Monteiro

So what are you going to do since Little Mac Is a baby and Snake is in the underworld and Byleth is out somewhere also Sephiroth is somewhere for a comic now Wooden plank studios??

Jared Ott

The waiting making it all the more worth it because we know you give us quality or quantity


Yeah birthday comic!!


Take some well deserved R&R mate.


Take a break from drawing before drawing breaks you 😉

Jon Brouse

Hey, no problem. Recharge those batteries when you guys need to. I’m content with finally seeing this Wendigo Fakemon

Sean Chan

Can't wait to see the ultimate twist for the conclusion of the Revival Arc. Thank you for all your hard work, Abel!


Are you going to take this vacation for the ending to have some spicy suspense? Regardless I think in the end Sephiroth is going to kill everyone again and Byleth will time travel and prevent everyone from drinking the drink in the first place, then Sephiroth gets beaten up and Cloud ends up getting all the credit. Anyway, enjoy your vacation... I wish cryogenic sleep was a thing.