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So THAT's why the game is called Awakening!





Cool, only 3 Fire Emblem characters to go. I laughed at the Extra panels with Tharja, but I would have like to see the FE Awakening characters as a family, with FemRobin being Chrom's wife and Lucina's mom.


Ok, fine, Robin is the player avatar, makes sense... but, one: (here we go) what about Female Robin? Two: why Chrom isn't more worried that his DAUGHTER is dead? Three: His TIME-TRAVELING daughter, now that I think about it.


Here's the context: Last time Robin died was when he sacrificed to kill the Fell Dragon Grima for good. However since Grima is Robin and Robin is Grima, this also caused Robin to die, however according to the Divine Dragon Naga, Robin can survive if his bonds with his allies are strong enough. Even though the chances were very slight, it still worked and Robin returned to life without Grima's mark on his hand.


After those bonus panels, I think we're gonna begin seeing Sephiroth's image in black and white with all the other dead fighters.

Issac A. Flores

I like to think Tharja isn’t even married to Robin, she’s just to obsessed with him. This was funny.

Issac A. Flores

I think similar to Byleth and Corrin they’re only going to develope one Robin. Oh the other Robin, Corrin, and Byleth are nonexistent in this comic series.


Tharja is by FAR best girl


That’s pretty much how she always is. Even when you marry someone else.


6 fighters left everyone!!


3 if you don't count the remaining FE characters, remember the Isabelles were planning on taking them to the sacred springs in Valentia to revive them. Other than the FE characters, the only ones left are Pyra/Mythra, Joker, and Cloud. I have a feeling Cloud is going to be last because because he's going to be important for dealing with Sephiroth. However, Joker could also be the last revived fighter so WPS can take advantage of the "last surprise" meme. As for how Joker is revived... either they are getting the rest of the Phantom Thieves and/or the Velvet Room squad involved, or it's going to be another opossum gambit like Byleth where he was alive all along and was just faking being dead (like Byleth he also technically "died" in his home canon, but survived because the Joker that was killed, wasn't really Joker but rather the cognitive version of Joker that existed in the mind of his nemesis who was unknowningly dragged into the Metaverse when he went to kill Joker). Perhaps the Smash cast has been in the Metaverse this whole time inside Sephiroth's cognitive Palace? Cloud could use a Phoenix Down, though as Sephiroth proved in FFVII with Aerith, being battle-dead in a JRPG isn't the same as being story-dead. Same with Joker though revival items from Persona 5 don't work on him anyway since you get a Game Over if he falls. I wonder how they will approach that distinction? Pyra/Mythra will likely be the next revival after the rest of the FE cast, though I'm not sure how they're going to go about reviving her. Technically her life force is shared with her Driver Rex, though, so maybe we'll see him.


As a tharja fan, I approve of these bonus panels.


Sephiroth’s gonna have a fate worse than death. Tharja: Robin! Me and Sephiroth got engaged (shows Sephiroth in his engagement ring) Sephiroth: (terrified) Robin: (overjoyed to Tharja) Oh. Congratulations, Tharja. 😊 (glares at Sephiroth) Sephiroth… 😠 Later, Tharja and Sephiroth were in bed… Sephiroth: (traumatized) Tharja, your ex-fiancé is gonna kill me… 😰 Tharja: I know… 😈

Anonymous Monkey

I guess after everyone's back, in order to complete the roster again someone's gonna have to revive sephiroth

Anonymous Monkey

also...should I be worried wario is put in charge on baby mac duty?

Issac A. Flores

That would’ve been too obvious. And I’m still holding out hope for Chrom being married to maribelle in this comic series so she can beat him with her umbrella for flirting behind her back.

Ashe Celeste

Huh, I am now noticing exactly how close we are to having the full cast revived again. There's only 6 grey spaces left.


I’m so happy Waluigi was there :,)