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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-thirty-seventh episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar, ONE crewmate and TWO JoJo references. Bonus panels don't count.

1: Ha, that's a nice way of wording that, Tejayes. There's indeed a little note in the background of the first panel labeled "Pyra" with a crude drawing of a very well endowed anime girl.
Next to that, we can see some notes about how Cloud could possibly revived. We can just make out a "Phoenix Down", whatever that is. Guess that'll remain a mystery, Zach.
I think it counts, Strengthening Weakener. Piranha Plant is indeed (nearly) fully grown now.
The gang is apparently anticipating a Sephiroth retaliation, according to the note in the third panel. It also says that his whereabouts are currently unknown.
Yes, Jon Brouse! Apparently the Smash fighters have noticed a "mysterious bunny" popping up here and there and made a note about him in case he turns out to be relevant. The note is above Isabelle 2 in the third panel.
More (possible) foreshadowing in the notes in the third panel: one can read the name "Rex", referencing the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 protagonist.
Also, there's a mention of Mementos, a place in Persona 5 (and also a Smash stage).
Samus is still being a mom to Little Mac (who is picking his nose). I'll see how long I can keep Little Mac a baby, John Leonard.
In the fourth panel, one can spot a little portrait of Glover behind Mewtwo. I'm quite enjoying putting obscure video game characters in backgrounds lately, Blue Speeder.
Also in the fourth panel, behind Isabelle 1, there's a note that says "Dialga, Palkia, Arceus? Still with Sephiroth". Maybe the gang is trying to get the legendary Pokémon back?
In the fourth panel as well, there's a note right above Isabelle one labeled "PEPE SILVIA", which is of course a reference to the famous It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia scene, Lord Circe.
In the same panel we can see a piece of paper mentioning the Doom Slayer Mii Gunner army we last saw chasing Sephiroth away. Yeah, I guess they are still their strongest line of defense, Trigger.
Apparently Sonichu is part of the deliberations as well. Although I really hope he never shows up, Daniel Myhre.
For some reason, there's a JoJo ranking hanging among the resurrection plans in the fifth panel. Isabella's views don't reflect my own, Lukas Wandler.
An often mentioned revival tactic for the Fire Emblem characters is switching from Classic Mode to Casual Mode and disabling permadeath. I think that's a bit too easy, but I did reference it in one of the notes in the fifth panel.
In the fifth panel as well, one of the sheets of paper mentions Anna, a merchant that's in nearly every Fire Emblem game. Good catch, Generic Hero.
Another super-often mentioned revival tactic: get the Fire Emblem characters back via cacha in Fire Emblem Heroes. I dislike mobile/gacha games so I don't want to use that, but again, I did think it was funny to reference it in a note in the fifth panel.
Isabelle keeps pronouncing Valentia wrong. First she says Venezia and then Virginia. She keeps being corrected by Celica.
Ever since injuring Pac-Man in a bonus panel, Pac is wearing bandages. You can still see them in the sixth panel, as mentioned by Nico.
Pichu is hanging upside-down in the final panel. No particular reason for this other than I had empty space at the top there.
This week's crewmate is casually chilling among the fighters in the final panel. He's right above Hero's hand. Thanks for finding him, KII.
And this week's loss is visible in Byleth's torn pantyhose in the final panel, as found by VisionPlayer22.
And finally, of course, there's the classic JoJo "To Be Continued" arrow.

All the details that haven't been found are written in italic.




There are notes about Cloud's revival in the background of the first panel, specifically use of a Phoenix Down.


Crewmate above hero's hand in the last panel

Generic Hero

One of the Isabelles ideas on the wall is to contact Anna, a series of sisters recurring throughout the FE series, who also tend to be found between various worlds.


Panel 1a has a drawing of three spheres labeled "Pyra."

Lord Circe

Well, I think I can tell why Isabelle thinks Pepe Silva is important enough to circle in Panel 4.


Samus still has that maternal instinct going strong with the way she's adopted Little Little Mac. Keep it that way forever.

Jon Brouse

The Smashers are aware of Balthazar, and made an artists impression in the third panel

Strengthening Weakener

Dunno if this counts, and I’m not 100% this is the case, but it looks as though Piranha Plant has finally reached adulthood.


Sonichu behind the Isabelles in panel 4


Olimar looking up at Samus holding Baby Mac might be due to his own status as a Father. Maybe?


Is seems that the Doom Slayer Mii gunner army is still part of the plan