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Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm back to showcase this week's Fakemon and collect prompts for future Fakemon! There are no restrictions to the ideas you are allowed to suggest, but I particularly like Fakemon ideas that have something to do with current events or releases!

I designed a squad of three elemental raptors this week, as suggested by Kenneth Parker:

I like elemental monkeys but I like the idea of elemental raptors even more.

Leave your own suggestions in the comments and/or choose your favourite idea from the poll below. I'll make the most popular option from the poll for next week, unless there's something relevant happening in pop culture that I want to reference via a Fakemon.

Let me know if you have any questions!

PS: I've sorted the poll by the most popular choices. If I don't put your idea in next week's poll it doesn't mean I don't like it, but that there's a reason why I don't think the idea would work (for example: me not being familiar with the inspiration or the idea not matching the Wooden Plank audience). In that case, I suggest changing the idea and/or trying again in a few weeks.



A tulip Pokémon as an alternate evolution for Budew in a Netherlands Pokémon game ;)

J Gerard

Nice one! A Grass/Dark Starter that is a wolf that's similar to WereGarurumon from Digimon (This is WereGarurumon if curious though. https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/WereGarurumon ) for its final evolution, a Fire/Fairy Starter that is a sheep and a Water/Psychic Starter that starts as an clown fish. That or this crazy idea for a Pokémon, a simple Dragon type, but has multiple evolutions like Eevee where each one adds a second type.


raptors are objectively better than monkeys. Let's see the evolved forms!


What about a Frankenstein's monster Fakemon?


Give us another angel-like pokemon other than togetic! Psychic type probably?


Isn't Porygon Z already a corrupted version of Porygon, using a Dubious Disk to corrupt it and make it all glitchy and freaky?


Hisoka Pokémon?


Now that we have news about Silksong, how about a Hollow Knight Pokémon? :D


A drawing or cartoon that's come to life, kind of like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Maybe it can be psychic-poison; psychic for it's ability to pull items out of pocket spaces (or hammerspace as it's also known), and poison for the ink it's made of (: and then in-game it might have different forms depending on it's nature, like "Naughty" making it look more like a demon, "Hasty" maybe impersonating Speedy Gonzales or the Road Runner, "Lax" giving it the classic nightgown, cap, and candle-holder combo, or "Serious" making it look like a superhero comic book character.


make it look more like the "biblically accurate angles" illustrations with the rings

Shelby Kinkead

Is it weird that I kind of want to see what the evolutions of these three might end looking like?