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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-twenty-seventh episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar, ONE crewmate and NO JoJo reference. Bonus panels don't count.

1: It's not referencing her origin per se, but I'll count it, Sebastian L. Isabelle is using a Nook Phone in this comic (the phone you get in Animal Crossing New Horizons).
2: Balthazar is very subtly hidden this week: he's visible on screen of the phone that Isabelle is holding in the first panel. Glad you found him, Noah.
3: You probably got that feeling because I tried my very best to make this reference obvious, Shelby Kinkead! Isabelle's reaction to Knuckle's voice is indeed referencing Idris Elba who voices Knuckles in the Sonic movie.
4: No idea why I added that tongue on the monitor in the third panel, Chj92.
5: I have no idea CSDX, I haven't played Sonic 06 (or any Sonic for that matter), but yeah, apparently Sonic gets revived by a kiss from a girl in Sonic 06, which is what Tails is alluding to!
6: Both Isabelles are oogling Knuckles in the fourth and sixth panels, but he doesn't seem to realize what's happening, And3rs_.
7: Hehehe yes, the flies circling dead Sonic are indeed forming Loss, Tejayes.
8: King Dedede has a cute little phone case with Bandana Waddle Dee on it. Thanks for noticing this cute detail, Generic Hero.
9: The book in the seventh panel says "Maidens and Where to Find Them", which is both a reference to the title of the comic and the fact that everyone calls you maidenless in Elden Ring, Trigger!
10: I had to use those posters to hammer home the fact that Hewg (the smithing guy) loves smithing, Jon Brouse. I had to make sure that even non-Elden Ring players would understand what happened. And yeah, among the posters are a "commissions open" poster (found by Cameron Devera), to further explain that Dedede commissioned 100 rings with him, and a "sure sex is nice, but have you ever tried SMITHING" poster (found by Daniel Myhre).
11: This week's crewmate... or rather crewmates, are found on the Hewg's anvil! Good catch, VisionPlayer22!
12: Yay, glad someone noticed this, Zach! I intentionally put Bayonetta in the last panel because both her and Sonic are SEGA characters!
13: And correct Phloxiana, in the final panel, Peach is glad she didn't have to kiss dead Sonic.




There’s a Commissions open poster!

Lord Circe

Not sure if this counts, but the palm trees in the background all seem to be identical, possibly referencing the way game sprites were reused throughout Green Hill Zone


Lol the Sonic Icon is sticking his tongue out in 1 up Monitor.


The poster on the right of the blacksmith is the "Sure, Sex is great, but X" meme.

Fighting Master

Isabelle is attracted to movie knuckles voice


Isabelle is videoconferencing with Dedede and Meta Knight and she talks about Zoom-ing to collect rings. I know it may be a stretch.


How could sonics tongue be still wet after death? Should be dry no?


Knuckles being confused by Isabelle's love for him


- The flies in panel 5 are positioned in the Loss format (Above Sonic's nose and lower stomach)

Sebastian L.

I would even go a little further and say all the background items are modelled after the sprites from the Green Hill Zone (1st Level) of the OG Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive Game "Sonic the Hedgehog": Flowers, Trees, Totem-Thingies, Waterfalls, The chess-like squares of the ground.

Sebastian L.

Isabelle has a phone case with the animal crossing logo referencing her origin