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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-twenty-third episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar, ONE crewmate and NO JoJo reference. Bonus panels don't count.

No idea how to decide which detail is a "hidden detail" and which one isn't with this comic. It's basically one big hidden detail-fest. Ah well, we'll see what you all come up with.

1: Pikachu and Sora went wild with the glue, cardboard and tape throughout the comic, but the first thing we can spot is that they made Sheik's headband thing into a snowman. And that's exactly what edmg7 did!
Pikachu and Sora pasted a cutout Mike Wazowski on Sheik's eye thing on her chest. Sora likes to spread that Disney magic, Abdulaziz Alaryani.
Hehehe yes- uhh I mean YES! That "Big Glue" is indeed an F-Zero reference, Tejayes.
Haha yeah, that IS the loss reference of this week, Lord Circe. There's a book on the shelf in many of the panels that says ロっス, which roughly translates to loss.
There's a picture of Roxas in the background of most of the panels with a cardboard Batman cowl taped over him. No idea who Roxas is but he seemed important so I chose him. Good catch, Shelby Kinkead.
Damn, I only now realize the pipe could be considered a reference to Detective Pikachu, Carrick RaccoonBro Inabnett! Good thinking.
Kazooie has been transformed into a plane that says "Kazooie Air", and it features Sora, Pikachu, and R.O.B. in the windows, as mentioned by Nunya.Byznyz! Oh and Balthazar is one of the passengers of the Kazooie plane as well, as mentioned by Cameron Devera!
Pikachu dresses up as an Elekid in the second panel, angry facial expression and all. Thanks for noticing, A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends!
They also dressed up Mega Man as Dr. Wily! Good eye, Steven Stokes!
And they taped Metroid cutouts to Dark Samus'... chest. As seen in the third panel. Maybe you'll get used to it one day, Jon Brouse.
Glad you noticed the little Kingdom Hearts crowns on the gears as Sora is thinking, Phloxiana!
I was really scared to draw Sora and Pikachu dressing up as Mickey Mouse, Noah. The Mouse probably knows where I live and will sue me for copyright infringement. But yeah, Mickey Mouse is a fitting costume with Pikachu being a Mouse Pokémon and Sora knowing Mickey personally.
13: They put a little drawing of Inkling's regular face over her handsome face, as noticed by Daniel Myhre. Mostly a reference to many angry Inkling fans being outraged about their new handsome appearance. And yeah, the Inkling is still wearing her Loss shirt. I didn't count it because it's partially obstructed and indeed not the main loss this week, Zach.
Shame that no one noticed that the lightbulb in the fourth panel is Gyro Gearloose's Little Helper!
In the fourth panel, Pikachu dresses up as Peach with the help of some cardboard. He's a pretty princess, Zanreo.
Sora and Pikachu attached a little Toad cutout to Piranha Plants head in the fifth panel. Doesn't it look cute, Supercharged (CEO of 9-Volt)?
Yes Fighting Master! Since Kazuya is so grumpy all the time, they gave him a "happy mask" in the fifth panel!
Technically not one, but FOUR crewmates in today's comic: the Pikmin in the sixth panel all have little cardboard crewmate costumes, as noticed by Spirit of Gotham!
Referencing Akira Toriyama, who designes both Dragon Ball characters and Dragon Quest characters, Hero has a little cardboard Vegeta costume in the sixth panel. Good catch, Chj92!
Pikachu uses his cheeks as eyes for a wacky costume in the sixth panel.
21: Yep, the fact that Meta Knight and Chrom are visible in the seventh panel is because all those unrevived fighters are ordered by Smash fighter number, Trigger!
I mostly just chose the one cat character we have to wear the Sprigatito costume VisionPlayer22, but yeah, there is some nice symbolism to Incineroar being the one wearing it.
Isabelle is dressed as the most loved/hated villager from Animal Crossing New Horizons: Raymond! And yes, I indeed gave her the heterochromia as well, Generic Hero.
He's probably mocking him, Josue Cazanga. But yes, Sora does dress up as Sephiroth in the final panel!
Three Pikachu costumes not mentioned: thief Pikachu in panel 4 and muscular Pikachu in panel 7. And Pikachu dresses up as a dragon, using his tail as the dragon's head!

Details written in italic are the ones that haven't been mentioned by anyone!




Roxas is Sora's nobody in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. He was created when Sora got turned into a heartless in the first game.

Jon Brouse

Honestly, I think it has more to do with the look Dark ZSS is giving Sora and Pikachu in the panel. Like a stepmom coming in wearing practically a bikini.