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Welcome to the sixty-fifth episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

This weekend, I'm going to count all the Hidden Detail blogs of 2020 and message the winners!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar, and NO JoJo reference.

1: Pikachu and Terry appear to be good friends, as seen in the first panel. Pikachu is even wearing Terry's hat. I just thought it was cute, but now that I look at it again, Terry does kinda look like a buff Red/Ash! I'll count it, John Hattan.
Kirby is indeed at every table, Phloxiana. And yes, his copy ability comes in very handy in this case.
And yep, Villager is still a villain. Ah, the good old days of early Smash 4 memes... Found by CrazySeanDX.
Steve is a villain as well. You can read his origin story in the "Gold Diggers" comic I did a few months ago. Found by Eli Hurtt.
Everyone is wearing casual clothes, since they're having breakfast. Ganondorf still wears his Triforce/Adidas shirt that we wanted to sell as actual merch, but couldn't for various reasons. Good catch, Trigger.
Byleth's pajama has super long sleeves, just like her regular outfit. Found by Daniel Myhre.
Cloud is giving Sephiroth a death stare, because... well, because they're enemies. And Sephiroth killed his girlfriend. Found by Toon Draw.
There's a subtle loss on Sephiroth's chest armor plate thingy. Nicely found, Marwan Abunura.
Balthazar is indeed in the final panel. Apparently everyone misread those background silhouettes for characters sitting at the same table in the foreground. I just wanted to fill the background a bit with random characters. But hey, you found my sweet son, Alex Nelson.
Hero is wearing blue Dragon Quest Slime slippers! Glad you noticed, Luke.
And since gorillas need potassium, Donkey Kong is enjoying a well-earned banana instead of porridge. Good eye, Zanreo.

After one week, I'll reveal all the details that haven't been found. These ones are written in italic.




Hero from Dragon Quest has Blue Slime slippers


Pikachu stole Terry's hat to match one of his smash alts sort of


Steve is sitting with the villains after he became friends with them earlier.


Loss on a circular plate Sephiroth's wearing right below his chest


Kirby is sitting at all the tables (thanks to his copy ability).

Alex Nelson

Balthazar's shadow at the exhibitionists table. Clever...


You can see how Cloud is still annoyed by Sephiroth looking at the “Anime Sword guys”


Villager is sitting with the villains, once again based on the memes that he's a cold-blooded murderer.


Donkey Kong is eating bananas instead of porridge


Link is the only one not wearing any kind of footwear at the anime table.


Loss on Sephiroth's shirt


It appears that Ganondorf still wears his Adidas Triforce shirt from "Evil Memes" comic