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 Welcome to the thirtieth episode of the Hidden Details blog! Lots of new Patrons this week, so we're very happy. Welcome, everyone! There aren't many hidden details this week so this'll be a nice introduction.

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of 2019's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is NO Loss, ONE Balthazar and NO JoJo reference.

1: Hanna and Nina (from our Discord) make a guest appearance in the first panel
2: I'm selling turnips in the first panel

3: Jamie's Nook-McNuggies art is being sold in the background of the first panel. Found by Hunter Poirier
4: In the second panel, you can see the turnips are being bought for 420 Bells per turnip (nice). Found by Marwan Abunura
5: Balthazar is on one of the islands in the background of the third panel. Found by John Hattan
6: In the fourth panel, the Nook McNuggies painting has apparently been bought by Nina. Found by Phloxiana
7: In the final panel, Mewtwo is visible in one of the tanks in the background. Found by James Patrick Victoriano
8: The bandana used to gag me is Nook Inc-branded
9: Eternal Nook has little Nook head shapes on his holy ring... thing. And hte has a leaf on his robe. Found by Zach
10: Even as a naked clone, Wilbur is wearing his pilot shades.
11: Timmy and Tommy are doing their usual thing were they repeat the final word the other one said. Found by THE MECA

After one week, I'll reveal all the details that haven't been found. These ones are written in italic.




The second panel shows that turnip prices are 420 bells


Thicc nook wants your nuggies


Balthazar on the island to the left of the villagers head


The clones you can spot are Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle, Mable, Tom Nook, Wilbur and Blathers


There's a Mewtwo among the clones in the back of the 5th panel


timmy and tommy are repeating the last word of their phrases like the villagers in hot fuzz


Apparently Thicc Nook has been purchased as of the fourth panel.


The Eternal One still has a leaf on his clothes