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Welcome to the twenty-ninth episode of the Hidden Details blog! Lots of new Patrons this week, so we're very happy. Welcome, everyone! There aren't many hidden details this week so this'll be a nice introduction.

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of 2019's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar and ONE JoJo reference.

1: JoJo reference: the other villager (Saoirsé, good friend of mine) is wearing an 'after-school outfit', which looks suspiciously familiar to Jotaro Kujoh's clothes. Found by Marwan Abunara
2: Balthazar and Greg are seen fishing in the background of the first panel. Found by Phloxiana
3: There's a heist board in Graham's tent because Graham is Lester's fursona. According to me. Found by Zanreo
4: Loss: there's a Loss among the confetti in the final panel. Found by Zach
5: Graham is holding a cane in the final panel. Further evidence that Graham is Lester in hamster form.
6: The anarchist's A from the previous comic is still somewhat visible. Found by John Hattan

After one week, I'll reveal all the details that haven't been found. These ones are written in italic.


Here's actual footage of me meeting Graham for the very first time. The outfits are wrong but the same energy is definitely present.

And here's a screenshot of me asking my good friend Saoirsé (who's also a Patron) to be in this comic:

And the screenshot she sent me for reference:





Balthazar is fishing with a tarantula


The other villager is dressed up like Jotaro Kujo


Anarchist A is still somewhat on nook's wall


Loss in the middle of the confetti in the last panel


Heist plans in background of fourth (fifth?) panel


This ain't a hidden detail, but why do you call Graham an incel and a weeb?


Greg from the last comic is fishing next to Balthazar


As for the weeb thing: his house is full of computers and servers, he has anime posters on his wall and Bubblegum K.K. is playing. As for the incel thing: that's definitely the vibe I get from him.