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Welcome to the twenty-sixth episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of last year's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar and NO JoJo reference.

1: There's a Magikarp in one of the tanks in the first panel. Found by Zanreo
2: You can see a manila clam squirting some water out of its den on the beach in the first panel
3: There's a present arriving via balloon in the background of the first panel. Found by AquaticMadman
4: Antonio and Ursula are actually my starting villagers
5: There's a Loss on Blather's icon on his tent in the second panel. Found by John Hattan
6: The centipede is getting nauseous from all the running in the second panel. Found by James Patrick Victoriano
7: The wasp wants to kill me in the second panel. Found by Phloxiana
8: Both Balthazar and Panda (my other bunny) are present in the fourth panel. Found by Marwan Abunura/CrazySeanDX




One of the caught fish is a Magikarp


Blather's tent has loss on it


Balthazar is in the final panel lying next to the gamer on the couch


Not sure if it's a hidden detail, But there's a Balloon Present in the first panel


One of the leaves on Nook's shirt has a dent in it, like on the game's logo


The wasp is plotting revenge in the second panel.


The centipede is probably nauseous from being carried in the second panel


There is yet another bun in the 4th panel that isn't Balthazar.


Don't know if its a hidden detail, but the player is wearing a sailor outfit. Is it a reference to something? Gulliver, perhaps?


Nope, that was actually my starting outfit. I thought everyone started with a sailor outfit until I saw other players lol