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Welcome to the twenty-first episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of last year's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There are ONE Losses, ONE Balthazar and TWO JoJo references.

1: There are Wooloo gathering in the background to witness the massacre. The amount of Wooloo increases every panel. Found by Phloxiana
JoJo reference: the words on Milo's shirt spell out 'You fell for it, fool' Found by Zanreo
JoJo reference: in the second panel, the Grookey gang's poses are the same as Mista, Narancia and Abbacchio from JoJo, during the scene where they beat up an assumed Stand user. Found by Destiny sparkles
In the second panel, Milo's freckles form Loss. Found by John Hattan
Balthazar is, once again, in the final panel. Found by Jacob Cervantes
One of the Grookeys strikes Arnold Schwarzenegger's pose in the final panel. Found by Zoe Kunz, kinda

Extra: The Grookeys are using famous wrestling moves in the third panel: a suplex, Shawn Michael's Elbow drop, a stunning steel chair and a Rear Naked Choke. Found by Rich Hilborn and CrazySeanDX




The text on Milo's shirt says "you fell for it fool"


Milos freckles on the second page are loss


The Grookey’s are all using wrestling moves in three third panel. Do I need to list the moves?


The gym equipment costs $399! PewDiePie reference?


Screw it! Imma do it! There’s a suplex, Shawn Micheal’s Elbow drop, a stunning steel chair and I can’t tell the last one.


You know, Milo giving the badge reminds me of an Iron Man also the badges are a medallion, not a pin in this game


And not a reference but I can imagine the song X gon give it to ya in background


Balthazar is among the Wooloo in the last slide


The second panel the grookeys look like narancha mista and abbacchio beating that one random guy up in part 5


Second to the roght Grookey is holding a limited edition Pewdiepie G-Fuel cup


jk, but the grookeys all do a pose after winning in the background of the last panel


The number of Wooloo in the background increase throughout the comic.