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 Welcome to the seventeenth episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of last year's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

I'm going to help you a bit. I've ordered these details into categories. Also, there's no Loss and no JoJo reference in this comic.


1: Marth says something along the line of 'Sorry, I don't speak English yet...', to which Fox replies 'Ah that's okay, me neither!'. This is a reference to the fact that Marth spoke Japanese in Melee (even in the North American/European version). Fox did have some English voice lines but they were obviously done by a Japanese voice actor. Found by James Patrick Victoriano
Furthermore, Falco is seen learning his English lines from a book called 'English for Video Game Characters'. Found by Marwan Abunura
All the fighters in 2001 have their old Melee designs (Mewtwo's huge head and long fingers, Roy has a babyface, et cetera). Found by Zoe Kunz
Sakurai is wearing a GameCube shirt in 2001. Found by Toon Draw
5: Sakurai has a glorious mustache, long hair and white Nike shoes in 2001. He didn't have those in reality back then, but it's fun to imagine he did.
Only the newcomers are wearing 'Hi, my name is...' badges. Marth, Roy and Falco have written their names in Katakana, since they can't read/speak/write English yet. Found by CrazySeanDX
In 2020, Sakurai has changed his shirt to a Nintendo Switch-branded shirt. Found by JakiStow
8: The nametags on the two Byleths read 'Byleth' and 'Also Byleth'.
9: All the fighters in 2020 have their Ultimate designs (Mewtwo's proportions are normal again, Falco doesn't have his huge beak anymore).

The two wide panels take place in the same room, but things changed in the past 20 years:

10: The little village outside the window grew into a huge city with skyscrapers and everything. Found by AquaticMadman
The plant grew big. I did some research into long-living plants and the Hosta apparently can live longer than 15 years, so I made sure to make it look like a Hosta. Found by Phloxiana
12: The walls got a fresh new layer of white paint.
The flags have changed colors from 'Melee purple' to 'Byleth green'. Found by Alex Nelson
The huge CRT TV has made room for a flatscreen in 2020. Found by Zach


15: Balthazar's butt is visible among the Fire Emblem fighters. Found by Hunter Poirier




Roy looks less anime after all these years


And/or every character looks fresher and newer in the 2020 picture


Balthazar in the last panel


The shirt that Sakurai is wearing has the GameCube logo


CRT gets replaced with a large HD Flatscreen


The plant in the background has grown between the timeskip


Mewtwo’s head is soooo big in the past


Fox and Falco are in the first panel welcoming Marth and Roy because Fox and Falco also use their japanese VAs in Melee (in normal gameplay at least)


Everyone has their Melee looks in the first panel


Everyone in the first panel has name tags to get to know each other.


Falco is reading a book called "English for Video Game Characters" while Fox is greeting Marth and Roy


The small town in panel one turns into a city in panel 4


The Bunny Bum between all the FE Characters


Sakurai's GC shirt from 2001 has been replaced by a Switch shirt in 2020.

Alex Nelson

OK, new update: the purple banners in 2001 have been replaced with green banners in 2020. I deleted my previous comment.