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Welcome to the sixteenth episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog! First one of the year!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice... We still need to do the big reveal of last year's winner though!

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

1: Urshifu has a superior branch in his mouth: his branch has THREE leaves.
2: JoJo reference: Urshifu is the Pangoro's 'bossu'.
JoJo reference: Urshifu screams 'useless useless useless!' (DIO's muda). Found by Zach
There's a random Nopon (Xenoblade Chronicles) among the crowd of Pokémon in panel 4. Found by James Patrick Victoriano
Regice's eyes are shaped as Loss. Found by Zoe Kunz
Psyduck is wearing a #BringBackNationalDex shirt and he removes it once he's allowed inside. Found by JakiStow
Dedenne is referencing Mad Max (WITNESS ME!) in the fifth panel. Found by Jonathan Moran
There's an Agumon (Digimon) among the Pokémon in the fifth panel. Found by Toon Draw (that's not a Gomamon)
Balthazar is among the Pokémon running across the border in the fifth panel. Found by Rich Hilborn
Grookey is still muscular from the previous comic. Found by CrazySeanDX
The text on one of the screens in the window reads 'Still no word on a standard Nintendo Direct - Animal Corossing fans riot as...'. Found by Hunter Poirier
12: The shop window in the final panel is the same one as Galar Border Patrol 5

Oh by the way, the 2019 hidden details have all been counted and we have a winner!... Or even multiple winners 😏 We really want to reveal the results and bestow prizes, but we need to launch our merchandise store first. Christiaan is working hard on it, so stay tuned just a little while longer!






Gomamon shows up in the panel 5, nice a Digimon in galr


In the panel with all the pokemon running through the border there is a Digimon next to Zorua


I see Balthazar the bun running with the Pokémon in Panel 5!

Alex Nelson

Balthazar is in the rush of Pokemon in the 5th panel.


There's a Nopon in the 4th panel, behind Nidoking


Animal Crossing fan outrage in the headline of panel 6 :P


Psyduck has a #BringBackNationalDex T-shirt, which he tosses away as he's able to enter Galar.


Bossu the Ushirfu is also eating a Pangoro leaf which it makes sense if the Pokémon fighting/dark have a bad habit in sticks


The top TV in panel 6 mentions Animal Crossing Riots and Lack of news on a nintendo Direct(Sorry, I'm not sure if those were 2 seperate ones :0)


Urshifu yelling Useless multiple times is a JoJo reference


Oh, sorry, somewhere along the way I deleted the 'one detail' rule. Adding it now!


I recall WPS saying that you can only list one hidden detail, not multiple.


Grookey is still big muscle boi


Defense is wearing war paint and holding spears in the 5th panel


I see Agumon in the 5th panel