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Hey everyone!

We posted some updates on social media before but I think it's time for some new ones. 

You might have noticed us not uploading any comic last week. Every December is very chaotic. I always want to do some looney December special. If you were around last year, you'll remember the massive Smash Bros house of which I revealed one panel a day. This year was no different, I was already working on three Last Supper parodies of the franchises that meant the most to me this year: JoJo, the MCU and Smash Bros. I might have done another 'one panel a day' approach.

But then, all of a sudden, one of my bunnies got sick.

I really, really care for these little animals. This year, I suddenly became single again (that's a whole 'nother story) so as a single ' dad'  of a whole bunch of pets, I feel very responsible for them. Which is why, when Balthazar got sick, I dropped everything I was doing and made sure to nurse him back to health. More than one week has passed since I became ill and I finally feel comfortable saying he's getting better. But the past week was one of the worst weeks of the year.

Naturally, you can't draw a comic when you're constantly monitoring a sick bunny, giving him medicine and taking trips to the vet. So I had to cancel the December special and any comics I wanted to still draw and publish in 2019. I hate it, especially since I've been so consistent for so many years, but Balthazar just needed the attention I normally put in the comics.

So I'd like to apologize. I wanted to end this decade with something cool, but instead it ended with a stressed out me, a sick bunny and no comics. I'm very sorry. I will safe the Last Supper thing for Easter though (that's more fitting anyway) because let me tell you: they were going to be GLORIOUS.

We'll be back with fresh comics January 8th.

Another thing that we weren't able to launch because of me not being around is a merchandise store! The idea was to launch it before Christmas, count all the Hidden Details you guys were so eagerly searching for, and give the winner a free product from our fresh, fancy store as a sort of Christmas present. Again, apologies for not being able to do this, but there's no reason why we won't do this in January. We'll have to figure out what to do with the as-of-yet undiscovered Hidden Details but for now, know that we're not forgetting about this!

There will be Tuesday Chooseday's, today and next week. And tomorrow, I'll post a little year-in-review and a shoutout to new and existing Patrons because you guys are awesome and we love you.

Once again, sorry for the stupid way to end the year, but I hope you all have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and a wonderful new year! See you all in the 20s!!






Take all the time you need!!!

George Marionerd

Did you name the rabbit after the Despicable me 3 villain?

Alex Nelson

Hey, these things happen. You take time to recoup...

Prince Unsmoothtoes

No worries! I hope things will be better for you! And d'aww that poor rabbit!

George Marionerd

May I inquire as to when the year in review and shoutout will occur?


No need to apologize. You did the right thing. I hope everything will be fine for Balthazar