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Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice...

1: Apparently, you get a Shiny Charm as a reward for finding Zoroark. In the games, the Shiny Charm is a reward for completing your Pokédex. Found by Alex Nelson
2: The Pangoro's hats indicate that they're working for the GDP, the Galar Police Department.
3: Detective Pikachu joins the Pangoros in the search for Zoroark, as indicated by the bonus panel of last week.
4: There's a subplot going on in the background involving a bunch of Wooloo and Zoroark puking after hiding in one of the Wooloo's fur.
5: The brand name of the twigs the Pangoro officer is 'smoking' is Pangboro, a parody of Malboro. Found by AquaticMadman
6: One of the Pangoro's 'smokes' his twig, spits it out (on Detective Pikachu's hat) and takes a new one out of a pack. Found by Zoe Kunz
7: The Pangoro's watch is a Rotom Watch, similar to a Rotom Phone or a Rotom Dex. Found by James Patrick Victoriano




There’s a reference to the phrase “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”.


One of the officers has a box saying Pang Boro, a nod to the cigarette brand, Malboro

Alex Nelson

...A Shiny Charm for catching the Zoroark? (seen on the wanted poster) I dunno, that doesn't seem like the best reward for a pokemon to get. Still, A for effort, Pangoro officers.


Pangoro spits out his old leaf like a cigarette and takes another (out of a box like a cigarette)


Not really a hidden detail, but Zoroark is red and black, not red and brown.


Pangoro's watch has a Rotom in it (or at least a Rotom design)

Alex Nelson

We're even in watchezzzz! When do we become like Eevee and Pikachu, you know, mazzzcot material?


I really wish that was intentional but unfortunately the connection to 'wolf in sheep's clothing' was 100% accidental so I can't count it :(

Elijah Wong

How would the shiny charm even work lol, will it increase the chances of meeting shiny pokemon? Lol its not like pokemon catch each other lol