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Welcome to the twelfth episode of the revamped Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

The Patron who has found the most Hidden Details at the end of the year might win something nice...

I'm counting all the separate banners individually! If you can't read them, try our website or Instagram for individual panels!

1: The full cast of Loss.jpg is visible in the crowd in the third panel. Found by Jacob Cervantes
2: Little Town Hero (Game Freak's other game, which can pretty much be considered a flop) is being advertised in the third panel. Found by Zoe Kunz
3: The Ball Guy is seen dabbing on the big screen in the fourth panel. Found by Rich Hilborn
4: There's an Ajax-banner being held up in the crowd, as a reference to the Dutch soccer team my great-grandfather apparently played in. Found by KTH
5: One of the banners in the crowd says '#BringBackNationalDex'. Found by AquaticMadman
6: There's a 'Press A to pound' banner in the crowd. Found by Alex Nelson
7: One of the banners says 'Use Huefell!', which is a JoJo reference.
8: One of the banners in the crowd says ' Praise Helix', as a reference to Twitch Plays Pokémon. Found by James Patrick Victoriano
9: The Wooper's trainer is Lucas, the male protagonist of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Found by Marwan Abunara
The reporter on the screen is an actual reporter from Pokémon Sword/Shield.
One of the screens shows a channel called the Galar Broadcasting Corporation, The GBC, as a parody of the BBC.
Another channel isn't called Al-Jazeera, but Al-Zeroara.




The player character is dabbing on a video screen.


There is a sign held up by the crowd saying "Ajax" a dutch soccer team

Alex Nelson

Upper right banner: “press a to pound!” From sun and moon.


Town is being advertised in the background ^^


Little Town Hero, another game developed by Game Freak, is referenced in the background of the 3rd panel.

Alex Nelson

...I don’t THINK that’s the player character, but I’m not done with the story yet, so I might be wrong.


One of the banners says "#bringbacknationalpokedex"


The guy from Loss is in the crowd


The Male protagonist from the Sinnoh games is on the semi-final panel with a blank smile on his face.


someone already said the guy from loss, but it’s actually everyone from the loss comic in the crowd


One of the banners says "Praise Helix"