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Yo! Smash has officially been out for a week now and the Everyone is Celebrating house is filling up quite nicely. Here are some details and references you might have missed in the panels released in the past week:

There aren't many secrets going on in Ryu and Ken's panel, other than a few mysterious scribbles on their arms. The mysterious artist will be revealed later this month! (spoiler: it's Jigglypuff) Ken gets American shoes because Ken is basically American Ryu, in case you didn't know.

If you thought Marth gets a fancy dagger: you're not wrong, but it's meant as a joke as Marth's "tipper" mechanic. The tip of his sword does more damage than the rest in Smash. So he gets a new sword that's ONLY tip. As for the Mii's, some insider information: they were originally Adolf Hitler, Squidward and Sans. I scrapped Adolf Hitler because I thought it might be offensive to some viewers (and I hope Jesus isn't, lol) because when my lovely girlfriend Suzy saw me drawing Hitler in this panel she was quite shocked. I figured that wasn't a good sign so I yeeted the führer out of there. Squidward wasn't a good fit for the Mii Swordfighter, I thought, so I swapped him with Lonk from Pennsylvania.

This panel caused such an uproar, lol. Lots of people were a bit angry I "massacred" their precious Young Link like this. Just to clear the air: I LOVE Young Link, especially now that he's basically a quicker regular Link on steroids. I just thought it was super funny to focus on the "Young" part and make behave like every young kid is doing these days: doing Fortnite dances and referencing memes (OOF, Yeet, eating ass). He got a bunch of V-Bucks as a present by the way. Wolf once again dons his casual outfit as seen in Evil Memes and Super Smash Bias. I also keep forgetting to draw Wolf's eyepatch, so I decided long ago he just wears it for show. He even got a new one from Santa Sakurai, as you can see here! What Wolf is so scared of will remain a mystery for a little while longer though.

You might not know what the hell King K. Rool is holding here. It's the Crystal Coconut from the hilariously weird Donkey Kong Country cartoon, in which he constantly tries to steal the Crystal Coconut. Here's an absolute banger of a song by the King himself. "This truly is my finest hour" is a reference to that song. Also, he's still wearing glasses, just like his previous appearances in our comics!

Phazon is a mysterious type of organic matter from the Metroid universe that can corrupt life and take over whole planets. Dark Samus is a Phazon parasite/clone. She only cares about one thing: Phazon. So she got a nice bottle of Phazon wine, from the planet where Phazon originally comes from: Phaaze! Isn't that nice of Santa? The "*happy yet sophisticated alien parasite noises" is a reference to this panel from Super Smash Bias:

The Inklings die if the touch water, that's why they're so happy with their new umbrella's: they can finally play in the rain! Bowser has received a very hip #1 Dad sweater. If you've seen the unreleased panels, you'll notice it's the same panel Chrom receives! Only Chrom's panel says "#1ε Dad". ALSO! The Inklings are wearing their Loss shirts from the first Everyone is Home comic! I just made sure it wasn't as obvious since I didn't feel like answering hundreds of "IS THIS LOSS?" comments again.

There aren't many hidden details in the Belmonts' panel neither, but if you look closely you'll notice the name tag on Richters present says "Pichu". I think it's pretty obvious Richter got a whip and Pichu/Blackrose has tried to swap the presents. Pichu's original present was a new pair of goggles like he wears in Smash:

Simon gets a Bible because I like to think the Belmont's are SUPER religious, what with their crosses and holy water and everything.

This panel spoils who the culprit is who scribbled stuff on everyone, like on Dedede's beak. You can see Jigglypuff's hand and present on the left side. Dedede gets wheights and whey so he can get in shape again after he was SUPER buff in Kirby Star Allies and is once again fat in Smash Bros. Fox throws his present away because he doesn't need items. The only things that matter are No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination.

And that's everything I have to say/reveal about these panels! I'll be back next week with even more. By then, the house is almost completely full!

See you next week, have a wonderful weekend!!

- Abel



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