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Hi everyone! It's actually a national holiday right now here in the Netherlands (King's Day) so that's why I'm a bit later than usual.

Over the past three weeks I've drawn 21 panels of Avengers preparing for Infinity War in their own quirky - and often ridiculous - ways. Today, Infinity War releases in America, which marks the ends of the Avengers Preparing for Infinity War-series. They've all been uploaded to www.woodenplankstudios.com and Patreon. On Twitter, Facebook and Instagram there's only two more panels to upload. It's been a wild ride and they were a lot of fun to make, since I'm a huge MCU fanboy myself.

Even more fun is showing you the Hidden Details in these panels! Which is exactly what I'm about to do now. Whether you're still hyping up in preparation of seeing Infinity War or whether you've already seen the movie and need to calm down a bit: sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Here we go.

#1: The flower that Peter Quill is holding is actually one of Ego's seeds from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2:

#2: Cap is wearing a shirt that says "No Super Soldier Serum, No Gain", which is me joking about those super standard "No Pain, No Gain" shirts I often see in the gym. It's also true in Cap's case:

Look at that. He might be a good man and everything, but his gains DEFINITELY came from the Super Soldier Serum.

#3: In the same panel, you'll notice T'Challa piloting the Thanoscopter. He did print and cut out a cool Thanos mask for immersion's sake.

#4: This one isn't very well hidden but I messed up Thanos' hand. He wears the Gauntlet on his left hand, not his right. Which begs the question: is the purple dude in this panel even Thanos? Mysteries, mysteries.

#5: In Visions panel, you'll see a bunch of toothbrushes all belonging to different Avengers. Banner's toothbrush is all mangled because he apparently Hulks out when brushing his teeth.

#6: There's a bucket of bleach behind the Thanos cutout in Black Widow's panel, which is a nod to her blonde hair in Infinity War.

#7: Another one that wasn't particularly well hidden, but I do like to point out that Darryl's outfit (Topaz' armor from Thor: Ragnarok) is accurate!

#8: In the background in Iron Man's panel, there's a box of scraps, referencing Obadiah Stane's/Jeff Bridge's quote from the first Iron Man movie: "Tony Stark built this in a cave! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!"

#9: DUM-E is wearing his "DUNCE" hat from Iron Man 3, only now DUNCE has been crossed out and replaced with AVENGER.

#10: Tony's shirt has a Iron Man pattern. This is one of those things you quickly glance over.

#11: In the same panel, you'll notice the book Tony is holding is about how to deal with alien-induced PTSD, referencing traumatized Tony after the events of the first Avengers.

#12: In Scarlet Witch' panel, Vision is seen cooking with paprika, which is exactly what he does in Captain America: Civil War. He even adds a "pinch" of paprika to the dish.

#13: The cake Nebula pops out of in Gamora & Nebula's panel has some decorations with Infinity Stone-colors.

#14: The book Gamora is reading is called Loki's Guide to Managing Mischief, since Loki is the god of mischief. It's also a little Harry Potter reference ("mischief managed").

#15: Hawkeye is holding a Legolas doll, which is a reference to Iron Man calling him Legolas in the first Avengers, which is, in turn, a reference to them both being archers.

#16: The child's drawing on the wall in Hawkeye's panel is made by Clint Barton's children according to the Marvel lore. Nathaniel (his youngest kid) is too young to draw or write his name, so he just drew some scribbles and Clint's wife put his name on it for him.

#17: There's also a Brave poster on Hawkeye's wall, although it's pretty hard to make out. Another reference to Hawkeye and Merida both being archers.

#18: In Ant-Man's panel, you can see Scott serving a pretzel to a customer in a Baskin-Robbins, which is a reference to the Baskin-Robbins scene in Ant-Man.

#19: There's even a mustard dip being carried by ants on the counter!

#20: In War Machine's panel, you can see Kevin Feige is trying to reach "Hawkman". I also used Jeremy Renner's most charming photo from Age of Ultron.

#21: And lastly, to stay on the subject of Age of Ultron: I tried to show the most ridiculous shitpost on the screen of the Russo Bro's computer. Please note that I don't know (or knew, at least) whether Hawkeye is or isn't in Infinity War: it's just a shitpost.

And that's it. As always, I hope I've been able to reveal some stuff you hadn't noticed yet. I have no idea what I'm going to make after this Marvel-madness, but I'll think of something and I'll be back next week!


- Abel



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