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Ugh. I hope I'm ready to dive into this comic again, since I made this when I was VERY depressed because of the death of our little bunny and pets dying in general. But there are just too many hidden details in this comic and I wanna reveal them all, so here goes!

First things first: the bunny who made me draw this comic. Our beautiful, silly little girl Moortje. She was only 4 years old and there was no indication she was suffering from anything. We found her on a Saturday morning, still alive, but extremely weak and obviously very ill. We rushed her to the animal hospital. She got some medicine and an IV and we had to leave her so she could heal. A few hours later, we got a call from the hospital, informing us she passed away very suddenly. Because it happened so fast, the doctors believed she was suffering from some major illness that she never showed to us. Which is a normal thing to do for rabbits, since they're prey-animals (can't show weakness, or the predators will get you). Still, it felt extremely unfair. We barely got to say goodbye. So logically, I was still kinda depressed on Monday. I started to work on a Black Panther comic but I just couldn't think about entertainment-stuff and the comic was suffering from it. So I decided to take a break from the pop culture stuff and make a comic that I could use to channel my grief.

This is a picture of her, messing around in the sand as she liked to do:

In the comic, she has climbed on top of a dog's head:

This dog is no ordinary dog, but the sweetest, coolest and most beautiful Belgian Shepherd that ever lived: Brando de Sincfal. He was my best friend growing up and he passed away in 2013 at the age of 10 (way too young!). He was with me while I was going through high school and puberty and as we all now, those are some WEIRD times, so I really appreciated his support back then. Losing him really felt like losing a friend and I still miss him daily. Here's a picture of him:

The bunny to the left of him, by the way, is the bunny of one of our loyal followers who I was chatting with while making this comic!

Next up! You can see three weird looking birds and a weird looking cat in the center of the panel. The three birds are actually our silkie chickens! We got a few chicks from friends of ours last summer and we immediately fell in love with them:

However, because of an extremely stupid accident, two of them passed away: the white one, Aagje, and one of the black ones:, Jip. In this panel I depicted them a bit older, because silkies should always be portrayed in their full flamboyant glory. Now if you've been paying attention, you'll notice there are THREE chicks in this panel, not two. That's because we got six(!) new chicks immediately after the accident and one of those, Jet, a black one, passed away as well. She was ill and even sleeping in our bedroom couldn't help her. So we've lost three chickens in less than a year and that's why their are three chickens chilling in heaven in this comic.

The cat is a very accurate portrayal of the cat of one of our loyal fans (and Patron!), DJ. She was called Echo Echo and her pose is based on this picture:

Pretty accurate, right?

If we look a bit to the left, you'll notice another black-and-white cat.

This is Jojo. A cat I used to have when I was VERY young. I hardly remember her and I don't have any pictures of her, but I still thought it'd be nice to include her.

The boxer on the right of the panel is called Falkor. Falkor was a super sweet (but tough!) boxer who belonged to my Swedish cousin, Teun. Falkor liked to pin me down to the ground and lick my face which was hilarious and horrifying at the same time. He passed away just as suddenly as Moortje. Fun fact: my cousin has a HUGE tattoo of Falkor dressed as maffia on his arm.

The rest of the animals (the golden retriever, the birds and the fish) are randomly chosen. I didn't want to create a heaven full of pets ONLY I could identify.

Phew! Moving on to the third panel, which is a lot funnier and less full of dead animals!

First up: the World Cup Winners screen on the control panel. I know absolutely nothing about soccer, nor do I like to watch it, but I predict Brazil will win the World Cup this year, the Netherlands will finally win one in 2022 and in 2026, Elon Musk will have created an artificial country filled with artificial people and extremely talented artificial soccer players, so Muskland will win gloriously.

On the control panel is a list of people who are sure to be accepted into heaven. Note that is NOT a death list of people who will die in 2018, but a list of people who can skip the line and enter immediately if they were to die. Kevin Spacey and Bill Cosby are crossed out because... well, because they're done some not-so-heavenly things. A few weeks later this list proved eerily accurate thought, with the passing of Stephen Hawking. I REALLY hope I haven't predicted all the celebrity deaths of 2018 with this list because I'm not ready to live in a world without Paul McCartney. Or Steve, for that matter.

God has a few representatives on earth. Pope Francis (I know P. Francis is wrong but I thought it was funny) is an obvious one, but Kevin Feige (creator of the Marvel Cinematic Universe) is one of God's representatives as well! I mean... how can he not be? He creates universes! The third one is barely visible, you can only read "M. F...", which stands for Morgan Freeman.

This one is pretty obvious. I liked the idea of a switch that can turn the earth flat or round based on God's preferences/mood. Hope I don't get any angry Flat Earthers knock knock knockin on my door any time soon.

There's also a little pedestal for the Holy Grail. Not many people have noticed, but God in this comic looks the same as God in Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

The Holy Grail is one of my favorite movies of all time, so I was thrilled to finally be able to reference it in a comic! The fact that the movie ends with policemen arresting Arthur and shutting down the film's production is referenced in this panel: the Grail was never found and the pedestal is left collecting dust.

Right next to Jesus is a screen with Satanic creations that God has allowed to exist on earth. Geese, Charles Manson and nazis are pretty obvious. And since you can't read the full name, I'll just leave it up to the reader to decide who or what "Logan" is.

Right beneath God's speech bubble there's a life feed of earth, with Elon Musk's Tesla floating by. It's quite alarming how often I reference Elon Musk when drawing a comic about allmighty gods...

Lastly, there's the world population graph next to God. This graph is actually somewhat accurate. The drop you see around 1300-1400 is caused by the Black Death!

Moving on to the final panel. Just two more little details I like to point out, and they're pretty obvious. Number one is the little angel singing her heart out. People on Reddit called this angel Jack Black and I agree.

And the second one is one of the other angels trying to keep her cool while getting a bit of Godly spit on her face.

And that's it! Quite some highs and lows in this blog post. If you weren't waiting for emotional stories about dead pets, I apologize. In that case I hope the second panel makes up for it.

See you next week!

- Abel




Thought I found them all but you still revealed some surprises