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Hello, I'm not dead.

No poll this month as I'm dedicating the entirety of next month to make character sheets. Yes, I'm going to make a Character Sheet for everything if I can (or as many as I can). It'll be a time consuming mess, but it'll be done.

As for other things. Earlier in the month I kind of blitzed through the Blue Archive TTRPG, it's "done" as much as I can muster the strength to deal with it. There's some wonky bits, but I went a bit hard on it with a lot of off-stream time with it. Doesn't help the Shadowdark, Designthunk, and Rapidfire were all right after one another, so it happens. As well as the full FATAL Case, which was . . . enlightening. 

Grind grind grind

Hopefully I'll be finishing up Bastard Bonds this week, maybe next at the latest. Then we'll start on another DUWANG Project. I have a Russian one I've been itching to do, but I've acquired a few JP ones as well that I've been curious about. May put it to a poll here.



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