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Hello, hello, kallu-kalay how are we doing today. Glad to hear it.

So, what's the deal for July.

Good news, we're starting a new Commission Project (as you can see) and, outside some delays, shouldn't be a massive undertaking. Better news, more content this month as I work on some smaller videos. I am thinking of starting a "Sorta New" Series which is just Vidya Nightmare where I try to adapt certain vidya I've played to the tabletop. The likes of Dark Messiah and Bastard Bonds are the current ones on the list, though playing Superhot is also there but . . .

With the three way tie, I'll opt to adapt High Speed, Death Machine: Chimera Dreamers to a PDF. Should be simple enough to do, it's not a "Massive" game, and it'll also let me poke and prod it a bit more. Though if you want something similar, my Pocket Quest 2023 Submission, EAT THE PATH, is uploaded on DTRPG.

Speaking of uploading, the Eagles & Rifles PDF will be uploaded to the Patron Library. Just need to get some assets set up. I did plan on uploading these to Itch.io, but today kind of got sidewindered due to getting (I think) food poisoning. So that's been fun.

Expect a NOTOCRATIC ELECTION at or around the week of the 10th. God help us all. 




Oof, food poisoning? I hope you're doing better now, mate. If you're looking to poke at Chimera's rules a bit, a friend of mine and I did actually try a playtest for it, but we found that Surge was a pretty useless attribute. There was one trait that used it, and it could theoretically be used for disarming and unarmed, but aggression was also used for those (and melee, thrown, terrain, and an Adrenaline shot).