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Welcome to May everyone and I hope everyone is doing well. A few things to go over this month, but I'm promise I'm not dead. 

As you see by the various images here, we're doing a bit of stuff here.

SO, off to the races I guess.



  • • Sword Bastards (60% Complete)
  • • There's a Guild For That (Commission)
  • • Schola Maleficarium
  • • SRD Nightmare


  • Table Derby 2 (Japanese // 60% Compiled)
  • Muv-Luv TRPG Expansions (Japanese // NA)
  • Livera Doll (Japanese // NA)
  • World's End Journey (Japanese // NA)
  • Zaklyatye Chernogo Maga Cifrovyava (Spell  of the Black Wizard) (RU // NA)
  • Enchanted Land (RU // NA)


  • Project Sidewinder by Isiah Rhodes (95% Complete // Post-Editing)


SWORD BASTARDS is coming along nicely, dealing how it's a card game first and foremost with the arbitrary handicap of using a single deck of cards (with Jokers). Surprisingly, I've had a solid, almost maddening, beat to everything with it. The goal is to end things this week no less. Won't be the largest game ever, but welcome to esoteric design with Notepad.

PROJECT SIDEWINDER is . . . mostly complete. Which is to say I need my friend to get  back to me about any minute changes that need to be made. The PDF will be available in the BRAND NEW Private Library for Patrons and on Itch.io. This does go with my resolve that I want to get a PDF out every month for everyone. Most likely I will put out a poll on the 15th of every month for the next month's PDF Project. I want to do more for you guys, but I'm kind of dancing in the dark here. I'm debating between Zombie Dark Thirty and 

TABLE DERBY 2 Duwang has proceeded nicely and will most likley be ending this week as well, compilation has been a bit slow due to the number of tables the game has. After Table Derby 2 I have a few ideas of what to "translate" next. Most likely it will be a combination of Enchanted Land and Spell of the Black Wizard , both Russian titles from right before, and right after, the fall of the USSR. 


Currently doing a run through of Dark Messiah of Might & Magic on stream on Hardcore Difficulty with a Magic Build. Why? Because people have been asking for more Vidya. In a more design-focused way, it's good to go beyond just TTRPGs to farm for ideas. Some of my best ideas came from vidya and Dark Messiah is always good fun.

Current Case files for this month are looking to be The Children's Safety Cap of RPGs and The Ancient Case of Ancient Era RPGs. Both seem interesting in their own right and I finally get to look into the venerable money printer of Hero Kids.


My mother will be getting knee replacement surgery this month, this means I will probably pause everything in June due to not being able to really promise consistency there. PDF will still be made, but I can do that in my off time. 

Apologies for that, but it's the nature of things. Knee replacement surgery sucks!

Oh, and I remade the entire website.



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