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Septtober Notocracy (CONNOISSEUR)

  • Crisis Heroine: Yogurt and Subway Edition (God Help Me) 0
  • Urchin Queen's Carnival: Requiem (REDUX) 0
  • Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation (REDUX) 0
  • Zombies & Ziggurats 0
  • KILLBALL (RPG/Wargameything) 0
  • Top of the Food Chain (Wargame) 0
  • Songs of the White Carnations 0
  • 2022-08-27
  • 0 votes
{'title': 'Septtober Notocracy (CONNOISSEUR)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Crisis Heroine: Yogurt and Subway Edition (God Help Me)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Urchin Queen's Carnival: Requiem (REDUX)", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation (REDUX)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Zombies & Ziggurats ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'KILLBALL (RPG/Wargameything) ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Top of the Food Chain (Wargame) ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Songs of the White Carnations', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 27, 17, 36, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 0}


It begins again. I managed to compile quite a few different options together, each one with their own unique problems and needs. People have been threatening me with more Commissions though, so these ones may take a bit longer to sort through.

But they will get done. Oh, and remember, no sharing with the plebs!

End Date is 9/10 at 11:59 PM EST

Crisis Heroine: Yogurt and Subway Edition (God Help Me)
I said I would fix a weird Japanese Porn game if I hit a certain amount of money. Though at this point, it'd be more of a Archival Project than anything. God why. . .

Urchin Queen's Carnival: Requiem (REDUX)
Going back to an oldie in an effort to patch up some oddities with it. Namely fixing up the back half while maintaining some consistency with being one of my first Commissions.

Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation (REDUX)
Geneforge by way of Pokemon, built it off the back of a half-finished idea of a mutual, and suddenly it spawned into its own thing. Needs more stuff to make it work.

Zombies & Ziggurats
Honest to god I kind of want to expand out my "Basic Fantasy" repertoire with another game in there. I was thinking something decidedly OSR, but not, because it's me we're talking about here.

KILLBALL (RPG/Wargameything)
The future sucks. It's a goddamn disaster area. The climate is destroying itself, the cities are packed, and a new war is looming on the horizon, one that's probably going to be the -last- war. The people want entertainment, they want KILLBALL, and you want out of the dirt and the only way up is knee deep in blood and three up on the board. Primarily based on AFL.

Top of the Food Chain (Wargame)
Solo Caveman Wargame, pitting the player and their tribe against the ruthless onslaught of hunting for food against the most dangerous animals. I became obsessed with understanding and reading about Solo Wargames.

Songs of the White Carnations
Corto Maltese is an Italian Pulp comic character, being a swarthy and mysterious soul, going on adventures across the globe in search of adventure and romance. A member of the consortium described the adventures as always heading toward a Romantic War, coming and going with the mystery and romance. So why not go 100% on it, using a massive Armored Riverboat as not only home, but a way to escape your problems.


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