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Junely Notocracy (Connoisseur)

  • Action Squad Combat Evolved 0
  • Soul Survivor: A Post-Modern TTRPG 0
  • Void Haunters 0
  • Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation and Annihilation of this Perpetual Reality 0
  • Sanguine Nights and Terrible Curses 0
  • 2022-06-24
  • 0 votes
{'title': 'Junely Notocracy (Connoisseur) ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Action Squad Combat Evolved ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Soul Survivor: A Post-Modern TTRPG', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Void Haunters', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation and Annihilation of this Perpetual Reality', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Sanguine Nights and Terrible Curses', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 24, 2, 40, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 0}


We're back, after spending a few days staring at the document thinking of a sixth option, I opted to just go with these five. Each are weird in their own right, with a lot of them serving as springboards of ideas for future projects. Except Soul Survivors, that's just Masochism.

End Date is 7/3 at 11:59 PM EST

Action Squad Combat Evolved
A modern tactical shooter using the TICK System, forcing the players to play the second-by-second combat of tense gunfights and CQC Situations. Currently debating between making it about a SWAT Team (effectively Doorkickers: The RPG) or Modern Warfare (effectively Doorkickers 2: The RPG).

Soul Survivor: A Post-Modern TTRPG
My complete insanity compels me to write the YIIK TTRPG because I am a complete masochist and need help. Core idea is currently a basic resolution system with far more "exterior" factors to influence the nature of how characters operate. The unholy combination of Persona and Twin Peaks, held together by a bizarre 90's Nostalgia. God Help Me.

Void Haunters
"Pirates" is a lovely term for "people who do fun things that are very illegal and may not be very fun," so I decided to finally get off my ass and make a pirate game. Notably a Space Pirate game, mostly as a justification to both do some devwork on spaceships for my inevitable Homeworld game as well as boats because they haunt my nightmares. Small crews, tight corridors, deadly fights. IN SPACE. I also watched the Expanse, so yeah.

Notamons: Delusions of the God Hand of Creation and Annihilation of this Perpetual Reality (REDUX)
I'm going to finally get around to fixing the goddamn Geneforge, Pokemon, and a bit of SMT in there game. Generally I think most of things work, it'll just be me "unfugging" the little bits and applying a new coat of paint to the game. Fully embracing the fact the setting is "Wizards almost caused the collapse of reality, but are putting it off due to Pokémon battles" and rolling with it.

Sanguine Nights and Terrible Curses
You are Vampires, and after the veil has been dropped, you're not "Vampires," but instead "Hemodependent Persons" who have been quickly regulated and registered as such. Given the chance many Vamps find themselves working the midnight shift at the mini-mart or using their wealth of knowledge and .. . wealth, to live comfortably as the gothic emperors they always were. Some cling to the old, some embrace the new, regardless of their stance there's a problem to solve. First of a set of "Oops! No Masquerade!" Games


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