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To explain Deep Blue Girls one must first explain Shipgirls. In a very  simple method, Shipgirls are a meme that has developed over the years and thanks to Japanese autism has developed into a powerful force for Gatcha bucks.

Throughout history ships have historically been referred to a feminine method, things such as "steady as she goes" which give ships a uniquely feminine perception. Humanization has been a common phenomenon since humanity has clanged two rocks together, why? Because people want to understand they don't! Combine these two things together and you get Shipgirls. While the first depiction of "Shipgirls" as defined now is from 1937 in a Japanese newspaper explaining the new ships. They were drawn as cute girls, because guess what, no one understand what the fuck the difference was between a Battlecruiser and Battleship.

Flash forward to about 2009 when a Taiwanese artist personified these girls in the way which is traditionally seen as. Anime girls. As of 2021 there are three major franchises: Azur Lane, Kantai Collection, and Warship Girls. Kantai Collection is the oldest of the three, while Azur Lane is the youngest, but only by about three years. It's a fascinating little slice into an industry dominated by those in China and Japan, a fact which has carved the way arguably for the Gatcha Revolution.

I read the OFFICIAL Kantai Collection RPG and found it a bit lacking, so I decided to add it to my list. And guess what people wanted it.

So here we are, creating a game based on a incredibly popular set of "Franchises" because people wanted it to be done. 

God Help Us All.

If things go well this shouldn't be a "massive" project, but rather aa lot of little ideas built on top of one another to create "WaifuCORE" a system dedicated to emulating a particular kind of game that has dominated the gaming market.

The Prole Voting ends in 30 minutes, and Democracy has chosen what we're working with. 



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