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Hey folks!

Excited to dive into this fun flick with y'all today! We're laughing A LOT this week with this one and Poor Things tomorrow :) 

For those who are watching along with me, I watched this on Disney+

Lmk if you want a reaction to the third one! That cliffhanger got me good.

As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one, take care and stay golden. 

LINK: https://youtu.be/CXmCOZQi_TU 

Original Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest



Yes please react to the 3rd one 🙏

Darryl Low

Happy Thursday Nat. Haven't seen this since it's original release. I do remember sitting through the end credits though to see the post credit scene ha ha. Going to save this one and watch it at the weekend when I have more time. Looking forward to the livestream tonight 😊


The Intro makes your last name very proud cause it was pure gold Nat. Wish you all the best as always. Stay Golden

Juan Colorado

Yes react to the next one

Walter Lopez

Frick Yes! This one is Epic! But remember... There are ONLY 3 Pirates movies


Eh third ones not that great, this is truly the best of the pirate movies


yes please

Ben Wheeler

For my part, the third one is my favorite after the first.

jamie jones

I understand wanting to do the third with the cliffhanger in this one. But the third, fourth and fifth are unbearably bad.


Absolutely to watching the third one. Wraps up the trilogy nicely. After 3 it’s a steep drop on quality with pirates


Yes the third movie is the conclusion to the current story arch, please do watch it! Worth your time! There is an end credits scene In it too, so note that down! 👌

Calo Grsf

Hi Nat and thanks for this nice new reaction! I'm glad you enjoyed and got fun with this one and I hope you'll react to the 3rd movie, it's still an entertaining one and a nice a conclusion (My personnal ranking 2, 1, 3), however 4th and 5th are bad and not necessary at all to watch Stay Golden!


sir/madam, please stop what you are smoking. 3rd one is goat.

Daniel McGuinness

Oh, GOATed movie I forgot was dropping today 😭 night sorted, drink up me hearties yoho x

Jacob King

I’m voting for the third one!!!


Orlando Bloom had a pretty good start to the 2000's


Yes, the third one is my favorite and has, for me, one of the best scenes in cinema.


Watch at worlds end PLEASE PLEASE 🙏 DONT EDGE US, you can stop after 3 because its a trilogy with two additional unnecessary films that dont add on from the last movies, but the first 3 are a contained story

Christopher Henderson

Took us 2 years but finally we got her reaction to the sequel.

Juan Colorado

Jack worked for the East India Trading Company after being recruited by Beckett. Jack eventually defied Beckett on principle by refusing to reveal the location of the lost island of Kerma and freeing a shipful of slaves and by doing so Beckett's reputation was tarnished. That was the mark Jack left on Beckett. The slaves he freed where the one who mourn him at the end of the movie


You should definitely watch the 3rd film. 2 and 3 were shot back to back and meant to complete the trilogy. Also the first three films are from the same director and writers. You can skip 4 and 5, they're more like stand-alone stories and they're way worse than the main trilogy IMO.

Ullrich Pfeiffer

The third one is like Star Wars episode 6. It doesn't do much new, except looking better. But it's the culmination and gives you a whole bunch of well-known and well-liked characters to enjoy. It's not exactly a masterpiece, but it's a lot of fun and gives you a cool enbding for the characters.

Ben Wheeler

SOMEBODY didn’t watch the end credits scene in the first movie

Logan Kerlee

I definitely enjoyed the watchalong. :) I wasn't too hyped for this movie and the sequels as a whole aren't amazing but as some before me have said - the next one wraps up this storyline and does so in a satisfying way. This was fun though! :) It's always a good time getting to watch full movies with ya! :)


I hope you watch At World's End (the third movie). That one is my favorite out of all of them.

Daniel McGuinness

Bill Nighy delivers SUCH a commanding performance, even through VFX, he’s 100% a massive reason the character of Davy Jones works so well to this day I agree that the first movie is a more concise story, 2 and 3 build upon the lore of the first movie and act as a neat trilogy of movies. And speaking of the lore, part of the reason I think these movies are so enjoyable is because this universe is so immersive, there’s so much lore they can’t even fit it all in these long ass movies 😂 For one - seeing the burned mast and sails of the Black Pearl from when it was sunk by the EITC and two - how Jack was employed by Beckett and was branded a pirate by him after Jack found out he was trafficking slaves and defected from the company At Worlds End gets a bit of flack for really going all out, but I feel it works really well as, and was intended to be, a closer to this trilogy of movies! 😁 At the end of the day, these movies are fun as hell and I’d love to see you dive into the third asap 🫡🥹

Mister Lou

I love this movie and the franchise. I think you're expecting too much from these popcorn blockbusters... just drink some Rum and have some fun, savvy?


You should watch kingsmen

Juliana Montenegro

Yessss I really hope you finish the trilogy!! There’s no other Pirates movies after that in Ba Sing Se 🤗


You gotta finish this trilogy. It's GREAT


Finish the Trilogy. No need to bother with any of the ones after that.

Nicholas Sulikowski

My thoughts: The Curse of the Black Pearl: an absolute gem. Dead Man's Chest: pretty silly, but still fun, and with a great cliffhanger. At World's End: Incredibly convoluted with too much plot, but it more or less sticks the landing. Return of the Jedi Ewoks "good." It's a fairly satisfying if flawed end to a trilogy. On Stranger Tides: Not bad, but not all that interesting. It's....another one....after we thought it was a trilogy.... Dead Men Tell No Tales: All I will say is I started watching this one on an airplane, and my other option was to stare at the seat. After 30 minutes, I was staring at the seat. Not offensively bad, but filled with a sense of, "Did we need a fifth?" Other thoughts: -I only just realize this now. But the one guy that Will is asking about Jack's whereabouts....he tells Will about an island in which he trades with the villagers for "Mmm....long pork." Yeah, that's a euphemism for human meat. Which is absolutely the case of said cannibal island. But when I was younger, it went over my head that this guy pretty much subtly told Will that that it was a cannibal island....and he was DOWN with eating human meat! -Bill Nighy plays Davy Jones BTW. The same actor that plays Rufus Scrimgeour in the Harry Potter films, Shaun's stepdad in Shaun of the Dead, and the voice of The Network in The World's End. The best part about his performance in this is that it was almost entirely CGI. Like, it was a little bit of prosthetic here, or animatronic with voice work later. Oh no! This was Bill Nighy on set in every scene, in a grey jumpsuit with dots on his face, doing every scene. And in post, every bit of human was covered up by CGI....except for his eyes. And that component went a long way towards making the character feel real. The real eyes that were still in the frame. -Regarding the monkey. There's a post-credits scenes in the first Pirates film which shows that the monkey went back to the island and took a coin from the cursed chest, thus became undead. It's a scene that few watched, because Marvel hadn't made sitting through the credits a regular thing yet. -Regarding the dice game. Deleted scenes show a longer version where it's made clearer that Will is just trying to play long enough, with smaller stakes, to understand the rules and find out where the key is. -Also, Spoiler, but not a spoiler as it's visible in this movie.... Davy Jones and Tia Dalma have matching music boxes....

Taff Lewis

Up River! Living in LA I expect you know. Think about how and where the Ride Starts/Ends. That, is this Set. they wager years of service, because winning extends time to their judgement day where their sins are measured. yes 1 was much more contained, 2 and 3 are 2 parts of 1 story. Watch 3. The opening is the best. "Yo ho, all together" also Black Sails WAY before Stranger Tides or Dead Men...


So while it's a common myth that all of Davy Jones was cg except for the eyes, this is not true. The eyes are also cg, he's fully cg. They did put makeup around the eyes as an extra safety net in case they wouldn't be able to make good enough cg eyes. But in the end the cg version worked and they didn't have to try to comp in the eyes.

James Bartley

Definitely watch at wirlds end as it is essentially part 2 for dead mans chest. 1 story over 2 films

Shen V

I've not actually watched the reaction yet, I'm just in the intro, and I was gonna be all loving and forgiving for maybe having seen this movie before (as if I care lmao), hugs and rainbows all around and then you ASSAULT me with the "almost 20 years ago". HOW DARE. This movie came out YESTERDAY. I may or may not report back after the reaction, if I haven't crumbled to dust from being so fucking ancient. xoxo, an old old man


Please watch the 3rd one! Finish the trilogy! It gives a satisfying end to everyone's story. Any Pirates movies beyond it are doodoo

ZJ Johnson

You are the first reactor I’ve ever seen to spot Barbossa’s boots/legs that the monkey climbs on at Tia Dalma’s. Well done!


The worlds end is the best one in the whole series... Cant wait

Jay Perry

It's ok. You haven't seen it with me yet.

Jay Perry

the song in the Disneyland ride says "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest" so it could be talking about a dead man's body.