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Hey folks!

It's time for the next episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender. 

As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon! Looking forward to diving into WONKA with y'all tomorrow. Until the next one, take care and stay golden. :) 

LINK: https://youtu.be/4BJatKzfyyM 

Original Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)


Thomas sartor

Awe omg I hope your procedure was okay!

Logan Kerlee

Oi.. colonoscopy.. not fun at all! I've been there, I've done that. No thank you on that mess! I'm sorry that you're having to deal with that. :/ Yikes, man! I hope that you're doing alright! <3 ABSOLUTELY you need to take the day off! The next day I'd understand.. but yeah, schedules and all. Not eating foods is kinda boring but definitely doable. The NASTY stuff they have you drink though.. YUCK! xD HARD PASS ON THAT! xD I'm sorry if it bothers you to read that - but damn - that nastiness plagued me for a good while. :P lol, wise move to wait on Wonka. I don't remember what happened in the animated series. It's very likely that they changed that and many other things in this to fit the short episode span (not length). That's just a guess, though. :) I'm pretty sure that it's the delivery and directing. Everything in this series feels way off in that aspect. It's entertaining just not in a childish fun sort of way. This show feels like it's geared more toward teens than children. It obviously has some of the elements from the original series' content but none of the fun that the cartoon series had. hahahaha, many small aspects have been changed in this - yes. Their hope was that all of the small aspects wouldn't add up to people being upset.. but we'll see! I know that M. Knight Shyamalan's version was miiiiiiiiiighty weak (I really enjoyed this far more than that) but I wouldn't compare the two so quick. :) Right now? HA! He doesn't become a warrior this season at all. lmao - you can call him Big Fish Daddy if you want! :P YUP I'm with you on this show being mid. I watched the entire season already and it doesn't really improve much. It's a new series with new actors so it falls flat. I understand that I'm watching this late. I just wasn't excited at all for this one. MANY other things to watch that are a lot more entertaining than this. :) If we do happen to finish this season then okie doke - if not, I won't be upset about it.