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Title says it all :) 


Cody Steele

Doubling the Mel Gibson works, huh? Imma go Braveheart! I love the score and setting.

David Collins

I totally agree. Last of the Mohicans is one of my all time favorite movies, it does justice to the book, a rare feat, and the book was iconic.


Im glad to see Hawksaw Ridge winning. That movie won 7 Oscars: for Best picture, Best film editing, Best Actor, Best Picture, Best Director and Best Sound Design. I hope it wins this poll. Though if it gets close with Braveheart that would be cool for a double feature.

Jacob King

I feel like Legends of the Fall should be on this list, maybe? I’m voting for Last of the Mohicans mostly because I’ve never seen it.


One day, The Last of the Mohicans will win.


Hacksaw Ridge is my top 5 movie, only saw it once and it effected me so much before I realize it. Looking forward to your reaction!


It hasn’t gotten much press, but Nimona on Netflix is pretty incredible. Story, music, animation, all top tier.

phillip giroux

Out of left field series suggestion, Due South from the 90s. It's available on YouTube for free and just a sweet buddy cop show that grows on you.


Dood this is a hard one...

Jeff Mills

I’m still stunned that “Goodfellas” lost Best Picture to “Dances With Wolves”.

Ben Curran

All of those are good. Braveheart's top for me then Dances with Wolves.


Have you ever considered watching ‘Das Boot’?