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This poll may be filled with wildly different movies/genres, but they're all from one fabulous decade!



As I clicked my vote for Predator I had a momentary montage of Nat screaming "oh god no"s "what the f**k"s and "bleghhghgh"s through my head

Jordan Love

How come nobody ever reacts to Little Nicky (2000)? I never even see it in a poll.

Tim D.

All are movies I could watch again. Scarface is probably the most dated in terms of how it would play today.

Michael G. Munz

The Karate Kid and Predator are essentially the same movie anyway. ;)

Jeff K

@Mastervodo: "Come on! Do it! Kill me, I'm here!" - Daniel, to the Cobra Kai crew, at the Halloween dance


It was a tossup between Predator and Karate Kid, but for me Prey is the sequel that you have to watch.

Gabriel Lozano, WLC

I chose "Predator", but it was actually a tie between that movie and "Robocop".

Robert Miller

Karate Kid, one of the best trilogies (the others don't matter) made. Then can get into Cobra Kai Netflix series!


Does anyone know if Natalie has seen The Truman Show? Good movie.

Logan Kerlee

lol, yup! I figured that the poll would go this route. I said earlier that all of the picks were winners in my book. so I'm not upset. One day - I hope that she'll wind up watching Scarface! That's a movie that I'd love to see a reaction for.


Karate Kid, Robocop, and Predator ALL have to be watched. Essential movies. Recent stuff can be pushed back. There’s so many classics that you should watch. Definitely watch all of the movies on that poll (sooner rather than later) and the suggestions in these comments. Someone mentioned the Truman show. Brilliant movie. Seriously, watch the classics.

Checo Lara

For next suggest True Romance from Tony Scott a very interesting 90's movie, the scrip was written by Quentin Tarantino