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Yes...this is a weird poll

Do any of these movies go together? No

But let's have fun with it anyway :)


Nathaniel Wolf

Last of the Mohicans has such a great soundtrack.

Gilbert Gonzalez

I highly recommend 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016), underrated Micheal Bay movie and a true story. One of my favorites.


I'm not sure how much I could under-rate a Michael Bay movie. Mystery Science Theater exists for this reason.

Gilbert Gonzalez

This is true lol just mean it’s a bit more grounded then his usual.


Braveheart and karate kid losing to MInority report? You can tell this audience doesn't watch movies lol literally one of Tom Cruise weakest of his movies despite it being a Spielberg film.


Don’t be pretentious. Clearly everyone here watches movies. I agree that both Braveheart and Karate Kid are objectively MUCH better movies than Minority Report, however the poll was asking which movie we’d like to see Nat react to, not which ones we think are the best. There’s a difference.

Daniel Vezina

Your finally gonna get your Minority report!!!

Daniel Vezina

Thank you Nat For "The Last Mohican", it just sucks that's it not gonna win. My favorite Daniel-Day Lewis performance, . We know he had great ones. In the Name Of The Father is my second favorite.

Tiger Chu

What We Do in the Shadows

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

My choice got absolutely bodied, damn, it wasn't even a contender lol That's some tough competition, honestly I hope Nat watches them all. I just picked the underdog to try to give it some dignity, and I genuinely really like that movie, and hope this isn't a spoiler but that last ten minutes is so awesome, just cinematically gorgeous, powerful. Michael Mann has some massive films, Mohicans, Heat, and Collateral are top shelf action dramas. I just re-watched Collateral yesterday and I'm still tripping on Tom Cruise, Minority Report is a really cool movie, I love pretty much every Philip K. Dick adaptation, but if you ever questioned Tom Cruise's range as an actor: Collateral, and Born On The Fourth Of July. To me, those two movies, plus A Few Good Men and Rain Man, it's cool he does his own stunts but it's still his acting that makes him a Legend, by Ridley Scott 🤘


Last of the Mohicans is the the best on this list. MR is good too. But LoTHM is classic. If not now , you need to add this to the library


Please watch all of these movies


Braveheart never claimed to be based on a true story despite the narration of main character, if there is no title card in the film then I never thought it was a true story 🤷‍♂️

Jeff Mills

They’re all good movies. You really can’t go wrong with any of them.


The Last of the Mohicans is a phenomenal film. Every part of it is excellence in its craft.

Thomas Richter

Wake alone in the hills With the wind in your face It feels good to be proud and be free And a race that is part of a clan And to live on highlands And the air that you breathe So pure and so clean When alone on the hills With the wind in your hair With a longing to feel Just to be free Is it right to believe In the need to be free It's a time when you die And without asking why Can't you see what they do They are grinding us down They are taking our land That belongs to the clans Not alone with a dream Just a want to be free With a need to belong I am a clansman


If you watch all of the Karate kid movies then one day you can binge watch Cobrai Kai which is amazing!

Garrick Smalley

Hey just putting in a good word for Good Omens and Sandman here. I am hoping people see this and up vote this post.

Ben Curran

If Nat has never seen Braveheart I can't believe it's not wining these polls.... One of the best movies I have ever seen. My mother took me to see it when it came out in cinemas. Got to learn a bitta history also. One day she will see it I guess.


Would love to see In Bruges or Banshees of Inisherin. Both very funny and tragic and a very good commentary on morality.


Braveheart is very, very far from historically accurate though, so don't use it as a source to "learn" the history of William Wallace. While I also enjoy it quite a bit as a movie, it's mostly just a Mel Gibson bullshit fantasy. Still worth a watch!