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Hey folks!

It's time for another Arcane episode! This show is getting DARK!

Thanks for the support! Take care and stay golden :)

LINK: https://youtu.be/gHcmERWr-Bg 

Original Series: Arcane

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John Piazza

Lol Natalie they weren’t reposting the explosion. It was a wind up monkey with cymbals. It clapped them together multiple times.

Stella Keil

what do you mean? They were showing the different perspectives of one single explosion. Or what are you talking about?

John Piazza

No they weren’t. The monkey was repeatedly clapping his cymbals together. There were multiple explosions.

Richard Higgs

A bit late to the party but I noticed in this episode you realized that Hailee Steinfeld did the voice for Vi, but did you know that Katie Leung did the voice for adult Caitlyn, she played Cho in Harry Potter but grew up in Scotland so she has a Scottish accent.

Darryl Low

Happy Tuesday Nat. Been looking forward to this all day 🤗 Thanks for an awesome reaction today Nat. This show just keeps throwing curveballs. It's amazing 💛

Joshua Kon

I think this is the episode a lot of fans of the show were waiting for with natalie and other newcomers. I wont be able to watch til after work but I hope everyone can either enjoy or let those who are enjoying the show their space without fighting with one another. Also wish everyone a great tuesday and GO USA!!!!

Jess E

yesss been waiting for this one


Well, the time is upon us...

Kyle Turning Robe

Can't wait to see this episode with you after work

Rabbid Dawg

Preemptively bracing myself for this reaction! Thanks for the upload!


Into each life episode 3 must come.

john takacs

Yessssss been excited for this all morning! \o/


I got my drink! I got my snack!

Daniel Molina

Natalie last 2 episodes “im already getting emotional” Me: *Laughs in Episode 3* 😃


This is the point when the Rollercoaster reaches the apex. Let's go!


"That girl" is the one that confronted Vander in The Last Drop, told him he "looks weak", and walked away. She switched over to Silco's crew.

Yani Dodge

☝️☝️☝️ Yes, I hope we'll all be able to be kind 😊

Yani Dodge

Gotta wait till after work but I am stoked to watch this with you! Ahhhh! 😃

Rabbid Dawg

Oh damn she mightve saw slight spoilers on Viktor whilst looking up the Arcane champions..lmao


"I want to look up League of Legends characters, real quick." I didn't expect such suspense in the outro! Stop looking things up, Natalie!


I've waited so long to see this episode cause you emotional damage lol You should do a reaction to Enemy Imagine dragons music video after you watch episode 6! it adds a little more to episode 7!


Nat giving us heart attacks in the outro.


While true, I think it's a little spoilery at that point. She'll be wondering why it was requested that she watch it before 7. Best to wait until afterward.


Is it just me, or does anyone else think Nat cut out on the end credits too quick and didn't get the full impact of the outro song? I feel she missed out. The lyrics and tone of the song add something to the final product.


You also see that Sevika lost her arm in Powder's monkey bomb explosion saving Silco.

Joshua Kon

No she did perfectly fine here. She held onto it much longer than even netflix intends it too. Like most people would have been automatically taken to the next episode before she stopped it.


/Yani I am pretty sure I went to the page she looked up. She scrolled down to find Vi's name. So... I'm sure she saw Vi's picture there. Slight spoiler, even though she doesn't realize it. I'm guessing Nat. will put it together next opening credit scene.


I wonder if she saw something and thought, "oops! I'll stop looking and pretend I didn't see that." Probably something we'll never know.

Rich House

I mean you can't go wrong listening to more of the song but the creators held the shot long enough to get much of the song in knowing Netflix would add an auto play once credits roll.


Me: "Okay, I've seen this episode multiple times. I won't cry. Won't cry at all." Vander: "Take care of Powder." Me: "God damnit...."

Rich House

There is so much visual story telling throughout this series, with so many parallels drawn in this episode. I especially like Powders fall in the explosion mirroring Silcos drowning, but at the same time contrasted against Jayce and Viktor floating in their successful Hextech experiment.


"enough of my rambling, that's not why you're here" - Yeah actually it kinda is, few things beats listening to you rambling away xD

Colby Cordner

my heart dropped when she said "theres a viktor"

Ben Wheeler

I just lol'd because Powder had a monkey, and a "powder monkey" was someone who carried ammunition from magazine to cannon during battle.


Ah, nice. I hadn't thought of the Powder falling and Silco drowning thing. It does seem intentional, with similar blue backgrounds.


Me: "I've seen this dozens of times, and I always cry. I'll cry again." Vander: "Take care of Powder." Me: "Wow, I'm more of a mess than Natalie. I'm such a softie."


Natalie, are you aware the last two episodes of Stranger Things are 90 minutes and 2 and a half hours? Just so you can plan that out…

Christopher Larsson

I only wait until episode 4 so i can ask her to do a reaction of the "Get Powdered" song. I loved that even before Arcane and really envy the people who haven't heard it before seeing E04

Philippe Dessaints

Maybe you've already been informed, but just as a tip for youtube, season 1 of arcane seems to be divided into 3 story arcs of 3 episodes each :)


Oh man this episode were brutal.. I really didn't expect it to go in this direction and now I'm in need of tissues as well :(

Philippe Dessaints

Also this episode shook me to my core first time I watched it. I did NOT expect how it would turn out

Rich House

You know thinking about it if you watched on first week of release there would be no next episode so maybe the entire song would just play...

Joshua Kon

Nope. On opening release it went to a preview of next week's episodes.

David Bourgeois

It was a very dark episode, but as Silco feels betray by his brother Vander, and he see in Powder feeling betray by her sister Vi something that bring them together.

Baggie Mark

I got to say I love watching Nat conduct and sing along to the intros of these shows...

Meg B

Nat screaming: "Whyy d'you need that many?!" at LOL champions is my new favorite thing xD

Dillon Evans

The song is really good but eventually it does just become repeats of the word goodbye. At that point there isnt much more to read in to


I was happy Arcane was added to the last poll and then Nat started talking about Toxic gamers and I thought maybe I made a mistake. Of course, now I'm sure this show has Nat. I can't wait to watch the next 6 episodes with everyone. The Character reveals alone are going to be epic.

Jacob Klemann

This was the episode that really hooked me into the show. I remember the chills I had with that outro music and the scene slowly fading out like a flickering flame. Soo damn good


Looking up characters? I was rofl!!

Yani Dodge

100%! I've heard people compare it to what Vi saw when she got taken away, everything fading out...

Yani Dodge

I'm really glad you weren't spoiled! And yeah, tissues are a good idea

Yani Dodge

This is such a sucker punch of an episode. The writers really said, you think you know where this is going? Think again. The flow and the masterfully done tension building throughout this episode is incredible. And I feel so bad for Vi and Powder :'(

Michael G. Munz

This is my first time watching, and I'm loving this show. The only bad thing about it is the fact that I have to listen to Imagine Dragons each episode :D

Pascal Bouchard

i think Nat did well on that episode, i was expecting her to be more of an emotional wreck by the end of this :D


I agree. I thought she would start ugly crying with what happened to Milo and Claggor, and then turn things up with the pitiful cries of Powder at the end.

George Roybal

Well that took a huge turn.


this episode destroyed me when it aired, they did them in groups of 3, so this was the end of the first and we had to wait a week to see the next, and i was NOT ok haha and yes im glad you stopped looking into the characters because its a little spoilery though im pretty sure you wouldnt have know the spoilers from the none spoilers haha. and i totally agree, the art and music of this show are just as solid as the writing, even now im noticing moments i missed the last few times i watched that mean so much more now


This show does more in these three episodes than many do in entire seasons. It does an amazing job of weaving all these characters together. The scenes cut back and forth without losing any energy. The twists and turns as characters make their own decisions make it feel real and organic, not a plot point to check off. And it’s only getting started.

Yani Dodge

Haha, I'm neutral on Imagine Dragons, but I'm glad the show's making it worth it to suffer through lol! 😂


when does stranger things continue?


There's one tomorrow. See the Arcane S1E2 description for the schedule for this week.

Robert Bonfante

I'm not familiar with League of Legends outside of this show, but every Arcane reactor I've seen comments on how toxic the fandom to the game is supposedly.

Robert Bonfante

It impossible not to feel something in that last interaction between Vi and Powder. The facial expressions in this animation is very convincing.


I keep hearing that buzzword. What does that mean, exactly? How are they "toxic"? And what does it have to so with this show? The show is amazing. I have only seen positive reactions to it.


The writing in this series is a masterclass. 1st arc introduces the characters, the world, plot devices and upcoming conflicts. Gives enough of the backstory to see the situation everyone is in. Now the real story begins next episode.

Amanda Ray

That awkward moment when Enemy is in my Spotify wrapped top 5 songs 😂😅

Michael G. Munz

Naah, you're allowed to have a different opinion! (Now I must go before they kick me off the internet for saying that) 😉

Daniel Vezina

Your kind of exaggerating a bit now, I've watched most of this show reviews, only Mary Cherry complain.

Javier Vara

thought exaclty the same XDDD I was like "Interesting choice of words ..."

Javier Vara

To save you up some time looking over the 150+ champions: Vi, Ekko, Powder, Caitlyn(the rich girl), Jayce, Heimerdinger, Viktor and Singed(the guy that makes shimmer) are the ones that are based in actual champions.

Rich House

Kind of weird after she stops herself looking up champions to avoid any potential spoilers to just list them all in a comment.

Javier Vara

No spoilers in that, I mean, it's literally just a list of characters in the show xD


Man Chemtech is everywhere in the lanes but then never name it. The green glowing stuff powered by what looks like toxic waste is called Chemtech.


I've never played, but League has a reputation for being extremely, like extremely extremely hostile to new players, and when matches are lost, presumably due to the high competitiveness. Can't say whether it's deserved or not, just that's the reputation.

Peppy Paladin

Episode 3 always destroys me...So glad you are watching Arcane now...easily my favorite animated show. Bar none...

Nico Piel

The voice acting in this show is nuts.


@Mastervodo The fans of the game gain the "Toxic" label because of their gameplay. It's really nothing more than a type of poor sportsmanship. Gamers learn how to play their favorite games over time. Some gamers might take longer to learn how to play a role than others. We all have bad games, but when you're just playing 'BAD' it shows. Some people play BAD on purpose just to trigger other players. Some just suck a bag of dick. If this is ruining the fun of the game, you can understand if there is some backslash by some gamers right? If All I need is a win and 1 or 2 people on my team are playing poorly or throwing the game, you could understand if I get mad? The rub is what I do with that feeling. If I get over it and move on to the next game like most gamers there isn't a problem. If I decide to verbally thrash you in the comments now we have a thing. I might be blowing off steam, it might be meaningless and something I need to do at that moment. For a tiny tiny few... they might take it further. They might track me down online and leave mean comments on my account, they might contact my employer or a family member. It might even go further which is criminally insane and this tiniest of things gets the biggest coverage. It's something that should never happen, but it does, and people have been hurt or killed. I want to stress this isn't a gamer thing, It's a people on the Internet thing... But gamers have done stupid things and this behavior has stuck with us. That's why every time there is an event on the NEWS we get the same talking points.

Tim B

"what a 140?!" -> don't worry they all basically got as deep lore as those currently in Arcane ;)

samuel Jakob

Well you dont really have to name it, people usually dont pay attention to what powers stuff but when you do you can clearly tell that this green stuff is some sort of energy.