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Hi everyone! 

I was taking the time to write out my monthly thank you message for my Gold Standard patrons, but I quickly realized that this needed to be shared with all of you. I may share this later with the YouTube folks as well. Just wanted you all to know how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for everything :)

P.S. Apologies to The Gold Standard tier for no individual thank you this month. We'll resume that next month. I just couldn't help but share this one :) 


Hello folks!

I hope this past month has treated you well. I know, I am feeling pretty grateful and lucky right now. This weekend, I celebrated my 7 year anniversary with Tyler and that reminded me of another special date coming up.

This May 18th, will be the two year marker since I posted my first reaction video ever! I truly can’t believe how fast the time has flown. It feels like only yesterday that I was figuring out how all this reaction stuff works and discovering huge films like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and embarking on a huge journey through the MCU!

It feels like yesterday that I started this Patreon page and started to connect with all of you awesome folks through your kind messages and suggestions. I cannot express how grateful I am to have your support throughout these years. Your feedback, kind words, and movie suggestions have all been immensely helpful to me.

Throughout this time, I’ve been able to experience so many different stories and worlds with you all. We’ve been able to connect through this wonderful art form and I get to pinch myself everyday while this beautiful dream continues.

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for stories and connection with other people. I remember performing The Lion King musical over and over again in my basement as a kid until my rendition of The Circle of Life was flawless.

I remember giving 110% in my first role on stage as a cartwheeling starfish in the background of my hometown’s production of The Little Mermaid. Because if my cartwheels weren’t perfect, then I wasn’t telling my part of the story to the best of my ability.

And I remember discovering YouTube as a 12 year old, awkward girl who hadn’t really connected deeply with a lot of kids my age. I saw a platform where people of all different backgrounds could connect with others online who understood them. So many different stories and types of videos were welcome and a new outlet of creativity was unlocked for me.

I spent years making videos with friends or by myself, but I never posted them. Thank goodness honestly because I’m so glad there are no awkward videos of teenage Natalie floating around the inter webs.

It wasn’t until 2020 hit, that I decided to really put myself out there and try something new and it worked! I found all of you! Folks who care about stories and characters and art just as much as I do. And folks who didn’t tell me to “calm down” or “shh” or to stifle my emotions (things I heard often in my youth). I found people who appreciated the way I feel and express myself and I truly cannot explain to you how special that is to me.

You have all given me the greatest gift and no words I say will ever properly express how thankful I am for all of you. But I will keep trying. Because you deserve to know how much you are appreciated.

Thank you so much for all of your support and generosity. Looking forward to another year of creating with you.

All the best,



Ive loved your insight and thoughts on the stories you experience. I cant wait to see what we watch next!


Hi Nat. Beautifull Speece.. as always.. And all i can say.. is Thank you.. for being you.. ❤❤❤ Ray. P.S. im sorry i reply so late, just got back on patreon a few hours ago.. so scrolled through your older content.. and came across this..