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Which Halloween?

Darryl Low

Has to be the original and best Halloween movie 🎃

Calo Grsf

Halloween, no debate here

Ben Wheeler

Could you please specify which Halloween? There’s the original, the Rob Zombie remake, and the direct sequel to the original from 2018 but has the exact same name


Cabin in the Woods is great because it likes to play around with the traditional horror formula. Classics are classic but it’s nice to mix things up every once in a while and not know how things will go.

Brandon Scott

A joss Whedon horror comedy…and it’s amazing!


can't go wrong either way. Though it's been a few years since I've watched Cabin in the Woods, I assume it still holds up. Halloween is a top tier classic.

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 Really tough choice for this one. "Cabin in the Woods" ended up getting my vote for this one. Mainly because I've only seen bits and pieces of it. Have a great day & weekend! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛

Navjot Singh

I don't think there's a debate anymore. Start with 1978, then the 2018 one and then the remaining 2.

Sam White

Why’d u not put the conjuring back on the poll


Coco is a good Halloween movie lol


what happened to the Conjuring?

Calo Grsf

A halloween without Halloween again, it's sad... It's still sad to see every time (often) the most recent/mediatized film chosen, instead of the classics/older or less known ones.

Joe Blankenship

I love Cabin in the Woods, but if we're talking someone who hasn't seen a lot of horror movies, it's gotta be Halloween.

Brian Jones

In this case I would say Halloween has WAY more hype and status than Cabin in the Woods does. For a nice change of pace the more rare of the two is currently winning (thankfully), as every reactor on the planet is doing or has done Halloween.


Why is there even a poll? If you never watched Halloween it’s a must…not even for horror purposes just film history in general….and definitely the original…Zombie did ok with the remake I guess.


Hard to know the traditional horror formula when the classics hasn't been watched first though :)


Halloween by a mile. Cabin is cute and I think you'll like it, but it's even better with more genre films under your belt.


So there are two more Fridays left in October. If this is the last movie, are you doing It Chapter 2 or A Quiet Place 2 next week?

David of the North

Halloween 🎃 should be a no-brainer. It's a genre Founding Father like Night of the Living Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If a poll should be done then square the classic off with each other so at least one is chosen.


????? Now we have EVEN less on the polls??? Sorry not enough film content anymore.


I really would have rather gotten more Natmare film choices instead of it filled with Ted Lasso and Hill House


Do Both!

James Hadden

I would have to agree regarding lack of films vs tv shows. I’d rather see more films here but I honestly don’t know how many Natalie hasn’t seen so maybe she’s stretching out the content


Not a fan of Cabin in the Woods. (though I love Joss Whedon's work) but it looked like it would win so "went with it." Halloween was where it all began (to me) but I guess I'm dating myself (it was the first horror film I ever saw). My sister and I went into our local theater in San Francisco (which had just been converted to two theaters) and thought we were going to see Popeye! I was like "What's happening?!"


I quite enjoyed Rob Zombie's take on it, but for sure the original is a must see film.


I just really enjoyed the cabin in the woods

Navjot Singh

Voting for something coz it looks like it would win kind of defeats the purpose of the poll.

Andy Jordan

Cabin in the Woods makes so much more sense if you've seen the classics like Halloween, Evil Dead, Hellraiser, The Shining, etc. It's got to be Halloween. Reminds me of a friend of a friend who saw Spaceballs first, didn't see Star Wars 'til much later, and then, upon finally seeing Star Wars, said: "Why did they make an unfunny Spaceballs?"

Bruce Bromley

Wouldn't Cabin in the Woods be for someone that has seen their fair share of horror films? That really doesn't apply to Nat. You have to start with the classics like Halloween.


Please watch Halloween either way. It's a classic and should be seen.


Nah. I think it is a unique enough movie that you don't really need to know or have seen a bunch of Halloween/scary movies to enjoy it.

Jason Dolan

Fran Kranz's directorial debut MASS is a masterpiece and will get nominated for some Oscars

Darryl Low

It's so that Cameron has time to edit the remaining Hill Houses, Zombieland, IT and the winner of this poll and get them up on Youtube before the end of October 👍

John Rando

Which Halloween? The original? Then of coooouurse!



Chris (darkwater)

Cabin is now a Halloween tradition for me.


I wasn't very fond of either, but of the two Cabin in the Woods would be my pick


Nat would obviously like Cabin more, because the other option is just a straight slasher while Cabin is half a comedy.

Calo Grsf

How can she fully appreciate and understand a tibute comedy film with a lot of references to the older/classic horror films if she didn't watch them? 🤔 And again "recent" doesn't mean quality...


This is the last? But it's middle of month?

BJ Stephens

People don't always have unlimited time for stuff, for all we know she has a lot of other work/personal stuff coming up.


Because riffs on Star Wars is about all Spaceballs has got going for it. It can’t hold its own the way that Blazing Saddles or even other genre-themed films like High Anxiety can. Cabin isn’t exactly a classic but it’s a lot of fun regardless of whether you’re in it for the Easter eggs.


Can’t believe Halloween isn’t winning

Eric Janssen

Halloween. Of course. Because it should have been first. (And I'm not just saying that because Cabin comes off as snotty, Millennial-ageist and fanboy-privileged.)


I saw a phrase on a church's sign, seems relevant to the "Do the more traditional classic!": Tradition is Peer Pressure From the Dead. Halloween hasn't aged as well as some might be remembering it, and _Cabin~_ is a masterpiece. I've never been into horror enough to put it in my top six favorite genres. But Cabin hits on all levels. Damned funny, and legitimately scary at times. I love it when the polls get it right and it seems like this time is one of those. I am looking forward to seeing it with Natalie.

Eric Janssen

Tradition is Peer Pressure From the Dead...And Millennial Cultural-Amnesia is Thinking You Can Fix a Ferrari Engine Without a Manual. There's a reason they teach you the classic books in high school, but it's up to the rest of us to teach the classic movies. And let's just say your comment just single-handedly PROVED my above comment about Cabin in the Woods' writers and fans...The prosecution rests.




*Sees Cabin in the Woods* on a poll - YAAASSSS finally!


Love Cabin in the Woods :)

Max du Coudray

The ONLY possible downside to Cabin in the Woods is that it's based on understanding horror tropes and maybe Nat won't appreciate that part of it so much? Love the movie though.


To the people complaining that older movies are never chosen, have you considered that people have seen said older movies like Halloween ad nauseam and might just like something fresher. Not to mention, react channels tend to do the same things so seeing different poll results is refreshing to see.

Sam Kimpton

It was an easy vote for me for Cabin in the Woods. There's so much to enjoy with that movie, and there's a lot to say about the costume design (I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling anything, but suffice it to say that the costume design in the film is next-level and very clever).

Joe Blankenship

I only subscribe to 2 reaction Patreons. I don't care who else is watching Halloween. I'm not watching them watch it. Luckily, the other reactor I watch likes horror movies. Well, and I watch Mr. Video on Youtube. Y'all need to watch him. He's cool. YEEE!


I think it's not that big on an issue, the idea of what horror movie tropes are are widespread through out pop culture you don't actually have to watch horror movies to know them.


Is this the 1978 version?

Ian Cano

Also Nat has mentioned that she likes good suspense and horror but she's not a fan of gore and some scenes in Cabin in the Woods is wall to wall gore whereas Halloween has very little gore. This is something for her to prepare for as it looks like CITW is winning by a large margin.

Connor Alexander

Halloween -both the original and the recent remake, are fantastic. But Cabin in the Woods is next level.


I respectfully disagree with you on that. The original was much better due to the lack of gore. The original film relied more on what you couldn't see in the shadows as opposed to flat-out jump scares. This is all just my opinion of course.


Shall we all make a promise to eachother that the first film next year is Tucker and Dale vs Evil? Also, if we can somehow convince Natalie to watch a zombie film, Train to Busan is the scary one to watch after that? :)


I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I doubt a foreign film will win a poll again anytime soon, if ever.

James Bartley

Knives Out need to be a poll again


Yeah this was disappointing. I don’t mind Hill House since it’s actually horror related but couldn’t Ted Lasso have come next month instead?


where is the conjuring ?


While I do enjoy Cabin In The Woods, I have to go with Halloween. It's my personal favorite horror movie of all-time & I think you would appreciate it for the mark it has made on the genre. I hope that even if it doesn't win that you do get to it eventually. Would love to see your reaction to it.

Myles Away

You would have appreciated Halloween (1978) way more. It's a well made movie that inspired a decade of filmmaking. Cabin in the Woods is fun but as many have stated might be better enjoyed a bit further into the future with a few more films under your belt.


Appreciation of the movie won't make a good reaction video. I saw Halloween as an adult recently and It's a well made, but boring slasher by today standards. Cabin in the Woods will be a better video.

Snacky Munchies

Halloween movie franchise is a personal favorite watch all of them every October . The way they filmed it was amazing a bit dated now if you compare them to Horror movies of now, the abilities and artwork has advanced.


Halloween is a classic, but Cabin in the Woods has one of the smartest scripts I've seen, and, besides being a great film, it's a meta analysis of horror films. It also has a lot of humor.


a quiet place 2 should be watched also

Richard Maurer

Cabin in the Woods is a great film. A great film for people who watch a lot of horror films, so I voted Halloween.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

All I'm saying is next Halloween season if she's still doing Natmares we should ask her to watch some horror comedies. I would've loved to see her react to What We Do In The Shadows. I mean the movie, but the show is arguably even better. Also Poltergeist, not gonna miss an opportunity to plug my default choice in any poll for a newbie to horror, it's one of the most well rounded (I guess that's the term) of horror classics out there, it's kinda got it all, including some humor and heart.


All in all: She SHOULD have reacted to Hellraiser, A few Friday The Thirteenths, Halloween, A few Nightmare on Elmstreets, the Evil Dead Trilogy, BEFORE sticking Cabin in The Woods (a movie I Freaking ADORE by the by, despite myself) ANYWHERE NEAR a poll, but here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ OH........AND a good base knowledge, at least, of Lovecraftian lore would not hurt either..................................................................................


CITW such a wild ride. damn this movie is hella enjoyable


cabin in the woods is meta, like Scream. Halloween is straight up an environmental phsycopath. Much more terrifying. nurture outways nature every time.


Everyone that voted Cabin in the Woods, its a good movie, but not better than Halloween. I will question everyone's judgment from now on.


Don't think it qualifies as horror, but I'd love a reaction to "Dracula - Dead and Loving It!". :D


Cabin in the Woods (and Scream and Galaxy Quest) can be enjoyed on its own, but you get much more out of it if you know what it's tipping its hat to.

Jeff Slocum

I guess it really depends on which Halloween we are talking about. Is it the original, the Rob Zombie remake, the reboot. LOL to many to choose from, but could not have gone wrong with any of them really.

Nicholas Hentges

Yeah, I enjoy most of the Halloween movies. Only really dislike 6 and resurrections but would even watch those if doing a run through. I'd sooner skip nightmare on elm st. sequels or Friday the 13th sequels (not the first 2 in either case) than Halloween and the remakes/reboots are good in their own right. That being said, Cabin in the Woods is going to be a lot of fun!

Steve J

Nah, Cabin in the Woods is my go to movie to watch when somebody is visiting and I find out they haven't seen it yet. And very rarely have they seen anything from the horror genre (often actively avoiding it). Never had anybody leave disappointed yet. And I get a live react viewing 😁. I usually follow up CitW with Edge of Tomorrow, another great one to watch people watch for the first time.

Camaro English

Watch the resident evil series! Those would be a fun ride lol


Pleeeeeease watch Arachnophobia. Its an underrated masterpeice!


Please watch Evil Dead 2013


I think Scream is a waaaay better gateway than CitW...


If it were the original Evil Dead series, sure. Why you suggest the remake is beyond me.


To be honest it's not that cerebral of a movie. Not saying it's not good but it hits a lot of horror tropes that you can find outside of the horror genre. If you are only vaguely aware of them you can watch, understand, and get the general meta commentary of the film. There's deeper stuff to dive into too which is why it's a great movie in the first place. It's as deep as it needs to be for just about anyone who watches it.

Michael G. Munz

I've seen so many people react to Halloween. Hardly any react to Cabin in the Woods. Plus I'm burned out on the Halloween series myself after watching all of them recently, so that's where my CitW vote came from. :)


I'm a fan of The Evil Dead franchise. The remake was solid. Nothing wrong with suggesting that one.

Seymor Butz

Your laughs during cabin in the woods will be more reaction worthy than the scares. Can't wait.

Camaro English

React to Resident Evil since we have a new rebooted movie coming out next month!

Obie Brown

Glad Nat handled the scares well and enjoyed herself. The gore did not seem to bother much at all, is Nat evolving? haha She even got excited when all the monsters showed up