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Original Series: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Paul Gibbons

First comment woo!

Randee Carreno

Happy Marvel Tuesday, Natalie! 😊 This is my top favorite episode of this show. We FINALLY get to see Sam Wilson as the new Captain America. And he's got the comic accurate suit. A huge shout out to Shuri and the Wakandans for giving Sam the vibranium wings, the awesome suit, and bringing Redwing back. I love that moment in the very beginning when one of the police officers called Bucky "Sergeant Barnes". And one of my favorite Bucky moments is him saving those people in the burning truck. Walker did redeem himself a tiny bit by trying to save the people in the other truck, and by helping Bucky set up the remaining Flagsmashers. I was wondering if you had recognized that that was Zemo's butler that blew up the truck. U.S. Agent is a character that John Walker becomes in the comics. I think he was an anti-hero. He also has the comic accurate suit. With Valentina(Val) recruiting Walker it's definitely seeming like a set up for another Disney+ show. I really wanted to see a little bit more of Bucky's conversation with Yori Nakajima. But I think that filming might've been cut short due to COVID. Sharon as the powerbroker was something that I figured out kind of early on. Her end credit scene is a set up for possibly 3 future Disney+ shows that have already been announced. Every single time I watch that scene where Sam shows Isaiah Bradley his memorial that Sam had made, I get misty eyed. Isaiah's grandson Eli becomes a member of the Young Avengers in the comics. And Bucky with Sam's family!!! I always love seeing that! I think we can officially say that Bucky is now a member of the Wilson family. 😊 It ended in a good way. And Fun Fact: the day that this episode originally came out, Marvel officially announced a "Captain America 4" movie starring Anthony Mackie and most likely Sebastian Stan. Maybe we'll see Torres as the new Falcon in and Eli Bradley in that new movie. I'm so excited for you to start on "Loki" next. You're going to love it! Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Joe Blankenship

I knew you'd go ahead and watch the next one. Can't wait to see your reaction to the suit!

Simon Bauer

Sams outfit isn't it, that head piece needs to go xD


I think Natalie has face amnesia where Batroc is concerned. Every time he shows up: "who's that?"


I know not everyone loved this show and you've said multiple times that you weren't as invested which I do understand. Personally however I absolutely love it! Bucky and Sam are perfect together, I enjoyed seeing more of the impact from Thanos' Snap on regular people and I did really emphatize with the villains. Also I thought they handled Sam's journey from the Flacon to a Black Captain America really well which reflected a lot of how our world has been as of late.


Natalie... you saw that they had numerous followers at the end of the last episode. Two of those followers were secret service agents that was in the room with the council. So they infiltrated so easily because of their followers.

Steve J

Your overall reaction to the series pretty closely mirrored mine. Mostly fine but in the end just didn't feel engaged enough to care about what was going on. I was hoping the series would be Marvels version of a buddy-cop adventure/mystery, maybe something like a Lethal Weapon with some fun twists on the standard tropes of the genre. Instead we got two superheroes fixing a fishing boat and worrying about issues around small business loans for minority groups. Bucky's PTSD-like trauma and Sam's feelings and issues about stepping into his role are all valid and compelling stories, but they seem so scrambled up with a meandering plot that it was just meh. Good news is I think you'll really like Loki. It's Tom Hiddleston's Loki character turned up to 11


Finale time interested to find out your final thoughts this should be good 👌 what a tweest what a tweest that's what I'm hoping to hear 😉 on that note lets begin 💛


Peggy Carter is just rolling in her grave watching her family name being tarnished.


Sam cost Batroc money in the first episode when he rescued the american soldier.


Nat, the Flag Smashers were able to infiltrate so many things because ALOT of people sympathize with their cause. Remember, 1/2 of the entire population was blipped. Many of the people left behind would align with the flag smashers since they are being displaced now. It's not hard to believe that some of the people in the police, security, power etc. would be members of the flag smashers too. (They also showed us this at the end of the previous episode with the security guards) As for "the French guy" his name is Batroc the Leaper (just referred to as Batroc usually) and he was in the first episode as the leader of the wingsuit crew that Sam took down. He was also in Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a minor villain and fought against Steve in the movie. He's pretty distinct so I'm surprised you have such a hard time remembering who he is lol. The actor who plays him is retired legendary MMA fighter Georges St.-Pierre! And yes, the wings are Vibranium now.


I think they're going to go the way they went with Steve's suits. In Avengers the suit was really comic accurate (boots, gloves, full head piece), and after that they drifted towards a more "realistic" approach. I love this suit, not gonna lie, but I agree the head piece could use some tweaking.


Finally it's over. I really didn't like the series.

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat for this reaction-conclusion! 😄 I agree with you, the series is good but could totally have been better, a lot of things were either too rushed or not developed enough or too predictable. And yeah Carl Lumbly was really good at bringing that emotional touch. Now a new step is coming with Loki! I can't wait to see your reaction and hear your opinion about it 😄 Finally, I'm curious about your friend work, I hope you will be able to share what he is doing with us soon! 😀 I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛


Please tell me these Marvel spin-offs are going back to once per week soon...? So many good reaction channels just get mobbed by Marvel fans until 80% of their content is Marvel.


Natalie, i don't think anyone is likely to feel you were being negative. At the same time, your channel is not an MCU commercial. Nor should it be. I'm not gonna say as much as usual, because i agree with you, as just-about-always. WandaVision is a different Marvel animal. Intrinsically less political, decidedly lighter. I agree it packed a stronger emotional punch, and that moving line that vision delivered about grief is up there with Aaron Sorkin, William Shakespeare, Jane Espenson........ So I just want to make one point here you didn't address directly. . . WandaVision was too damnable short (at ~6hours, 8 episodes). 'Flight&Fight' was too f@rnicating damned short (~5hours, 6 episodes). I share your desire to refrain from being negative, but American television makers have gotten lazy. Full-on lethargic, and don't try to feed me that it was all to do with the Modern Plague. When Firefly was criminally bµggered to death by the back-births of Faux Network (hellz no, i'm not bitter) (i am aiming to land this metaphorical train somewhere, i promise) --- it was strangled in its crib at FOURTEEN episodes. The fact that it miraculously got another 106 minutes --- more than 36 months later changes nothing. My point is - 14 episodes used to be nowhere NEAR a season. And until very lately, even Netflix~ or Amazon~Original shows could be counted on having 10 episodes per season, if not 13, 14. Fellow patreons, go ahead and accuse me of prioritizing quantity over quality. But listen to how Natalie ended this video. The moving stakes that finally turned up in the last two episodes would have had much greater impact if they had been given more time. Anywhich. I found that i was more emotional this second viewing with Natalie's influence. Flight&Fight remains my least-loved mcu series to date, but i liked it a hell of a lot. I just really want television showrunners to roll up their sleeves, and deliver a season worth of content, especially when we are waiting more than a year sometimes for the season to arrive. This concludes this test of your combined patience. If this had been a real opinion, you would have been instructed where to tune For more information. This was only a test.


I agree with a lot of your criticisms, Natalie, especially with Bucky revealing that he killed the old man’s son. I’m wondering if that entire character could have been written out to focus more on Isaiah’s bitterness or expand on Walker’s subconsciously reluctant steps toward redemption.

Darryl Low

This series certainly had it's moments, but overall it felt like the rough cut of a 2 hour movie before the final edit. Not my favourite show. Not my favourite pairing of characters. I would have loved a Rocket and Groot show. But overall, not the worst thing I've ever seen. I would definitely recommend watching Agent Carter. It wipes the floor with this show in terms of story, character, humour and action. Hayley Atwell is fantastic in it. Looking forward to seeing what Loki is all about, and hopefully getting caught up in your enthusiasm for that show Nat. Thanks for today's video 💛


I think this series was very negatively impacted by the pandemic. I know they had to re-shoot some things and cut out an entire storyline so I think that's why it feels disjointed and rushed. I agree with pretty much everything you said. Loki is my favorite of the 3 shows by far I can't wait for those reactions!

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

There were production issues with this show for sure (there's huge evidence that there was a major virus plotline that got removed due to COVID). I love about 75% of it and the rest is meh for me, mostly the flag-smashers storyline. This show really needed 2-3 more episodes to allow those other parts to be more fleshed out, and there were many moving parts that felt a bit rushed in general.

Andreas Froby

Wasn’t flag smashers people that didn’t blip and was shuttled away when people just come back after 5 years?


I really enjoyed this show. I agree with Nat on basically everything she said. I think the biggest issue with this show is that they are too much story to tell in 6 episodes. If there was a few more episodes the writers could have really fleshed out the secondary plotlines. I feel satisfied with New Cap and Bucky's story. But Nemo, Isaiah, Sharon, Walker and Flag Smashers felt rushed.


I liked the show for the most part. If you do a youtube search for "Pitch Meeting Falcon Winter Soldier" then that video essentially sums up all the issues I had with the show. Like trying to show Karli in a sympathetic light yet having her actions not really be conducive to sympathy. There were also several build-ups with weak (or no) payoffs. It's...... fine. It's not terrible. It just needed to go through a polisher one or two more times. But now, onto LOKI! Great show. Easily the best of the current three. I look forward to those reactions!


I think Walker hasn't been fully redeemed, mainly because he is seen associating with Val, who's been trying to massage his ego. You could look at Walker being the hero with those people as him proving Lemar right "you consistently make the right decisions in the heat of battle".


can't wait for you to start Loki!


If she thought this series was spoon fed and exposition heavy, wait til she gets to Loki.


Def agree with you in that the emotional payoff of things doesn't feel entirely deserved - The most frustrating thing for me about these series is that sometimes it feels like long-term emotional character payoffs can sort of feel sacrificed in favour of needing to have a bunch of action scenes or whatever. I would have been 100% happy if Wandavision was just weird/wacky sitcom stuff for all of the 9 episodes with a slower buildup to the climax - but I guess people start to complain about being bored if an episode has no action in it and marvel knows it lol.


This show was so abrupt and insignificant. If look at all the episodes, what was Bucky's story really? 10 mins of psychiatrist session in the 1st episode and 2 mins in the last. Plus the villain was probably the worst in the Marvel universe. The only positive was John Walker's character, who was the only one with interesting character dynamics.

Frank Rosales

This was a set up and introduction to the next Captain America Movie. That could be a reason you didn't get invested in it the story was more focused on pieces to a bigger puzzle which is the next Captain America Movie.


Something to consider: this show was severely affected due to COVID, more than the other shows because they were filming internationally. The writing had changed a lot due to the delays caused by COVID. They also changed the original storyline because it was too closely related to the events of COVID. It would have been a different show had the pandemic not happened.

Martin Firth

5 minutes in and already at the 900th nonsense complaint. Had to turn off at "Helicopters can't move like that". Natalie the helicopter pilot... What's the point in watching a show where you are just looking for faults?

Ilsuk Yang

Well, I don't think they had to. I think the people behind the scenes just got scared of how the original plot would be received. I would be very interested to see what they had before the changes!


Falcon and the Winter Soldier it was supossed to be the first thing to come out in Phase 4, and it was the one that got most butchered by the pandemic; originally the script had a pandemic storyline (traces of that are in the second episode, remember that the flag smasher were stealing vaccines) and mama donya was more important, but all that had to be changed, and not very well if you ask me.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Nat, I agree with a lot of what you had to say about this show. I think a big part of the disconnect is with the massive changes and re-shoots they did after the pandemic shut everything down. They didn't do a good job editing out the remnants of the old storyline and boy does it show! I also feel like they need to go more in depth with a series like this. As much as I love the action in this show, they should've taken some of those sequences out and actually show the backstory of Karli, the rest of the flag smashers, Isaiah Bradley, and even Sam and Bucky (especially Bucky). I feel that would've been more impactful. I will say this, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier works better if you watch it as a long movie rather than a limited series. Without all the recaps, and credit sequences, it's about four-and-a-half hours long. So, it's a little longer than LOTR The Return of the King. Anyways, I always enjoy your reaction and await your Loki reactions (also, What If... starts soon as well, so hopefully you react to that too)!


This is an instance where its parts are greater than the sum. A lot of interesting stuff for the characters but it doesn't quite come together. If we're thinking in comic book terms, this maybe should have been a twelve-issue limited series rather than a six.


Totally agree. Things aren’t given the appropriate amount of time to flesh out causing for suspension of disbelief in some instances and underdeveloped story lines in others.


I wanted to like it so much, it just didn’t come together

Robert C

I think I enjoyed the show more than you did, but i agree with most of what you're saying. There was just too much going on. I wish they had focused on Walker, the Captain America succession and Isaiah's story. They could have introduced Karli and the power broker and all those other characters, but save the bulk of their stories for another season. There's more than enough story just talking about Sam's journey to accepting the mantle for 6 episodes and it wouldn't have felt so rushed. Like, I'm fine with a Walker redemption arc, but it happened in, like, 2 seconds.


I think they shouldn't changed the title to "Captain America and the White Wolf" to really emphasize the transition of both Sam and Bucky from who they were to who they've become.

Valar Dohaeris

Now that is ended and I've watched completely for a second time, I keep having the same feeling about this show: it wasn't very good for me. I agree with Nat that this show is weirdly put together and carried by weird exposition. That's probably due, if some people on the internet is to be believed, to the fact that the initial script was designed about some pandemic event and had to be repurposed after COVID. But yeah, this is a weird show that I won't probably see ever again... This and Black Widow are the lowest points for me in the MCU, what worries me a bit for what's to come. But let's have hope. If DC was able to get back from the original Suicide Squad and do a great second attempt... What could be possible in the future from the guy that gave us the Infinity Saga? Future is bright... And winter is still coming.

john collins

I think most of this show was really meant to be exposition for Sam and Bucky to show us how Sam becomes the new Captain America as well as one of his new enemies USAgent (John Walker) and how he came to be. This show also provides closure for Bucky's mental health issues, while it was a bit underwhelming it was very important for his character and how he is going to be in the future films/shows. I thought they did a great job with Sharon and the reveal of her being the Power Broker. I wish they had made a few more episodes so they could really give a full exposition of all of the characters involved and dive deeper into the social issues they presented. But no matter what you think of the series you can't argue that Sam's monologue at the end was truly Cap worthy!


Batroc, the kicky french guy that wanted Sam dead, is the guy in the wing suit in the first episode. Sam cost him money because he took the american soldier away from him (he had a job to take that guy hostage and to Libya).

Valar Dohaeris

I don't think that's the reason. Simply they didn't do a great job stitching together this show. Even taking into account your point of this being a stepping stone for the next Captain America, it could have been made better as it's own thing. The same way Wanda Vision might be considered a way into the next Doctor Strange movie, but it was wonderful by itself. At least that's my feeling, Nat's and I think for many others. But if you enjoyed this one, I envy you. I hate when I expend time on something and don't enjoy it myself...


I understand that this was a colder series, but wait until you watch Loki!


I did not watch this as it came out. Good chance that I was not going to watch it. I'm glad I did. Not perfect but I still had fun. Maybe this should have been a 10 episode instead of 6. Things that needed to be said in today's America and parts of the World. One world, one people! Excited for the new season of GoT starting soon and Loki is next? Also out this week we have the What If show starting. August will be a good month. Stay Golden peeps!


look at that super villain making good decisions....

Kathryn Harvey

Couldn't tell if you caught it but "the french guy" was Batroc, the same guy Sam fought in ep1 and the same guy Steve and Natasha fought on the boat at the start of the Winter Soldier movie.


When did you start staring into our souls during the opening Marvel credits?


Steve wasn't chosen for his blonde hair or his blue eyes. That's not what Captain America was about. Captain America is an ideal of character, not appearance. The government didn't even consider him for the serum until he proved himself worthy with his exemplary character and selflessness. This show reduces him down to this Aryan stereotype that really grossly misrepresents him. Nobody called Sam the "Black Falcon" before this series. This is another attempt to interject racism into the MCU. The MCU is not analogous to our world. No one would care that he is black. Space Aliens exists in this world. The senator tells Sam that the situation is very complicated, and Sam's only advice is to "do better". Thanks Sam, very helpful. Sam gave this big condescending speech to them without giving a single solution. I have no clue why they turned Sharon Carter evil. She was a good guy in all the previous movies. It doesn't make sense that everyone in the Avengers would have just forgot about her after Endgame. She helped them win. Realistically she would have gotten the same pardon as everyone else. Bucky's whole journey through this show is to move past the trauma of being The Winter Soldier. Yet at the end, after he succeeds, he is still stuck with The Winter Soldier name while Sam gets his new name as Captain America. Shouldn't Bucky be The White Wolf now, or something?

Connor Ellis

You talked over so much of that.

Kevin Mowery

The actor who played Isaiah is Carl Lumbly. He's mostly a character actor and sometimes voice actor, with a career going back to 1979. (A lot of that voice work was playing the DC Comics character Martian Manhunter.) He's never really been a breakout star, but he's an amazing actor.


The point of the disguise is because Sharron was not allowed to enter the United States. After getting into the area she's past security and is relatively not going to be seen by anyone that might recognize her. They were able to infiltrated the room because as it showed at the end of the last episode security guards within the building were Flag Smasher sympathizers. Just so you know, it's a lot better for us on patreon if you just letting the credits play, instead of cutting straight to the end credit scenes. Doing so means we have to both pause your reaction, and then pause show, then resync which can be tricky with a scene in your reaction which starts out blurred so we can't tell when the cut to the next shot starts. I'm not sure if you give this show enough credit for it's character development of Bucky and Sam(Bucky as a Loner, Sam as a new leader) as opposed to their limited development in the films. Also, not enough credit to the relevance to real world race relations, or history, the valid doubt Sam has for black man to be able to represent ALL of America, and him to take that on despite certain deep seeded views of a small portion of the US and world, or relevance of the US military(WALKER) getting involved in foreign affairs it has no business in. In my opinion he has absolutely not redeemed himself simply by trying to save a car load of people, and the show's not trying to say he's redeemed himself, that's not the scene's intent. Maybe he's redeemed about 25%? It's intent IMO was to show he's not a monster. He's still an arrogant douche possessing power he shouldn't have who can sometimes be helpful. That's a LOT to have given us for a super hero series. There just so much impactful and relevant stuff which unfortunately a lot the real world still needs to hear.

Al Baughman

I think part of your confusion comes from not being able to look stuff up between episodes for fear of getting spoiled. When I watched it as it came out if I was ever confused about new characters or whatever I could look them up or watch a youtube review from someone who knows more than me. Maybe with the future shows you'll get to watch them the same week, or even a watchalong with viewers would be fun. Youtube lets people send you tips, or streamlabs they don't take a chunk off the top. Something to think about if you need some extra vacation money :)


I think one of the best parts of the episode was when Bucky tells Sam, "Good job, Cap" after Sam's speech to the senators...unfortunate coincidence that you were commenting on something else and missed it.

Joe Blankenship

I think we all wanted this show to be better. But it was just okay. It's crazy how many shows Marvel has lined up. After we finish Loki, you should be about ready for the What If show.

Thomas Yanez

I can take or leave the show for the most part; all I really was interested in was The Falcon evolving into the new Captain America and the introduction of U.S. Agent. I would have been find if the show had been entirely focused on that without the whole Flag Smasher rigamarole.

Matthew Periolat

First off, yes, Erin Kellerman’s skin is actually that pale and she does have that many freckles. You can see in the making of special and maybe she’s in some other stuff that may come up, we’ll see. Second, I think the writing on TFAWS got tweaked post pandemic. There was a whole subplot involving the Flag Smashers stealing vaccine that got jettisoned. Now, I can’t say how much that impacted or would have impacted some character connections, but there you have it. Oh, the Bartoc story. It’s buried in lines, but he was involved in the helicopter raid at the start of the series, so that fed into his anti-Falcon fix. All and all, yes, WandaVision is for sure superior apples to apples, but I appreciate your critical eye while still appreciating the show on its merits. It’s fair to like a work, but not LOVE it if it’s flawed. For me, I enjoy the show at its best moments, but for sure feel where it’s spinning it’s wheels. Hopefully Marvel is accepting the criticism and it makes future projects better. As to your comic creator friend (I use creator as an umbrella for a writer/artist), I’d love to see their work. Maybe they could do thumbnails for your videos, if it’s not too much trouble? Still Golden!


The writers forgot that the subtext is supposed to be subtext, not the actual text. Show don't tell. Everyone gets a heavy dose of this stuff on the daily news. Our entertainment is supposed to be fun, not as preachy as a Sunday sermon.


Your comment about gymnastics during chase scenes reminded me of District B-13. That’s a film with acrobatic chase scenes that are motivated and tell a story. It’s not Citizen Kane, but it’s lots of fun.


Casino Royale also started with a parkour chase scene that was very fun.

Erik Stevenson

Ah yes, Steve's Captain America was widely known for actually coming up with solutions to complex international policy decisions, rather than giving speeches outlining peoples responsibilities and empowering them to solve the problems they are capable of solving.


Can you watch 'Galaxy Quest' or 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' for the movie?

Alvin Baca

This show is a lot more fun for comic book fans who know the comic background for main characters. Especially in the case of Isaiah Bradley, because if youre unaware he is one of the Captain Americas in the comics. Similar back story but he also stole an old Captain America suit and shield (not vibranium). Can't wait until you do loki. Awesome stuff! Keep on keepin on!

Daniel Vezina

A huge chunk of the plot lines was cut 'cause it was too close from what was happening IRL A.K.A the global virus(remember the vaccine crate in the 2nd episode), so they had to rewrite a lot of the last episode and then turning into a racial plot line instead of the global pandemic.

Myles Away

I really enjoyed a lot of the themes brought up in this show. Marvel has always been a conduit to explore things like civil rights. Unfortunately, they just never go anywhere substantial. The show was a bit too disorganized. I heard there was covid complications and things got changed mid-production which is too bad but that doesn't change the outcome. Overall, this show was not well written. Thankfully, Loki is.

Garrick Smalley

Yes please showcase your friends work.


I agree this show isn’t as refined as WandaVision and Loki. But it has been my favorite of the series. Seeing Sam get to fully step into a top tier hero, and earning it to himself. was such a satisfying arc to me. WandaVision is absolutely amazing. It’s hard for me to watch in some ways, especially knowing how it plays out with the whole thing centering around her loss and grief. But hey, we all like different things for different reasons! So I can’t wait for whatever comes next and def Loki and Black Widow. You should really really really watch Into the Spider-Verse too!

Misty Crom

I'd agree... I think WandaVision was better that this show; but I also really enjoyed it. Loki's easily on a par with WandaVision, if not better. The French speaking (Algerian I think?) mercenary Sharon/Carli hired was the guy from the show's opening who gave Sam a hard time on the plane; and also he fought Steve on the ship at the start of Winter Soldier. - the guy Steve put the shield away and took his helmet off to fight. Also, the actor who plays Isaia Bradley is Carl Lumbly, who has previous experience with superhero work. He voiced Martian Manhunter in the fantastic Justice League animated series, and played that character's father in the WB Supergirl series.

Ben Gilshenan

its been mentioned a bunch but this show was butered alot due to covid it was originally 8 -10 episodes and there was a huge story re-write that was about a pandemic but was cut and they tried to salvage the show but it didnt really work great but if you look at it its still an okay show. i enjoyed seeing sam and bucky and watching them grow julia louis dreyfus is amazing i hope she appears more in futer shows/movies

It Hurt A Lot

Great synopsis of why this show fell a bit short. I respect your genuine reaction whether good or bad. They can't all be home runs. Loki is gonna be fun

Marty McGee

The only real jewel that came from this in my opinion is Sam and Bucky's relationship. All throughout the series that had the best beats and character moments. I mean you expect that in a show called The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, but I'm glad their chemistry worked so well. The show just tried to do too many things: move Sam into being Captain America, have Bucky work through his PTSD, introduce a new CA who will eventually become a new villain? anti-hero?, tackle tough social issues like race, oppression, border issues, refugees, revolution, etc, give Zemo a redemption story, and turn Sharon into a villain. All in 6 episodes! No wonder it wasn't exactly satisfying.


"Did Wakanda give him wings?" Did anyone else get the "Redbull gives you wings" commercial go in there head at the same moment haha


Here's the full text on Isaiah's plaque: Isaiah Bradley is an American hero whose name went unknown for too long. Isaiah was one of a dozen African-American soldiers who were recruited against their will and without their consent for participation in human testing in pursuit of the super soldier serum. Most did not survive. The few who lived through testing were sent on secret missions during the Korean War. During the conflict, against all odds, Isaiah Bradley rescued his fellow soldiers and 28 other POWs from behind enemy lines. However, fearful of the ramifications of a black super soldier, some individuals within the government tried to erase Isaiah's story from history. His family was issued a falsified death certificate. And for decades, the truth of his unflinching bravery was buried.


Completely agree with all of your critiques on the show as it is exactly what I felt after watching it. Still enjoyed it, and it's solid, but it was rushed considering how many characters and plot lines existed. We needed more of Karli's background to connect the audience to her further, we needed more of Bucky and Sam growing together and bantering, we just overall needed at least two more episodes worth of material to flesh everything out properly. Solid, but not anywhere near as cohesive as WandaVision and Loki (which I can't WAIT for you to watch). And that's with MAJOR stuff missing from WV where Doc Strange was going to be a way bigger part of the story and they had to cut all of it due to COVID travel restrictions that kept Cumberbatch from filming with them.


Watching this show a second time with Natalie, I noticed that the elderly man expressed an enormous desire, maybe even need, to know what happened. In a show with more episodes they could have taken more time with it. I will say I think it was essential that they showed that genuine contrition- it's hard, and painful. Revenge- what 90% of action movies and comics are about- is easy and shallow. Making something right will always be far more difficult- and more rewarding.

Robert Rivers

I won’t roast as comments sections tend to do but you definitely want to look into Carl Lumbly aka Isaiah. He’s an accomplished actors from decades back.

Kate Herzig

While I enjoyed the show, it's not my favorite of the shows. I don't think there was enough Bucky storyline and I agree that his confession needed more time and more space to play out. The Isaiah Bradley scene at the end is my all time favorite Marvel moment. I really loved Sam's whole arc, but man Carl Lumbly stole every second he was on screen. I do think this show needed more episodes.

Troy B.

I agree with a lot of your observations at the end, and I think it could have used at least one more episode to give some plotpoints room to breathe. I also think Marvel/Disney is too keen on trying to inject previews of future shows/movies into their series, so you get that whole bit with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and I think the Power Broker stuff must have been hinting at a future show, because it felt like most of her scenes could have been written out without any major changes, other than a few deus ex machina style rescues. Which could have been done by one of Zimo's men or something. I also wish we'd gotten more of Bucky's penance. The old man was the only real genuine one we saw.

Yani Dodge

I love hearing your thoughts Natalie, I'm excited to watch Loki and Black Widow with you! Stay Golden!


It's such a shame that Carl Lumbly wasn't nominated for guest actor. And strange that Don Cheadle was when he was in the episode for like 30 seconds. Carl is great in Alias. If you've never seen it you should consider reacting to that after Thrones is over. Lots or twists and turns in it.


One thing this show did really well for me was sell me on the idea that Sam Wilson is a worthy successor to Steve Rogers. One of Steve's best qualities is seeing the other side of a conflict. That's how we got Wanda as an Avenger in AoU and even though Sam failed with Karli he showed that he had heroic compassion and better de-escalation skills than any of the other Avengers.


I think seeing Walker as a villain isn't correct. You need to remember that before he got the shield by all accounts he was a great man with a stellar military record and a good husband. He was just flawed by WANTING the shield. He wanted the fame of being Caption America and he thought that he had earned it through his past good deeds. Steve and Sam both would have done what they needed to do without the shield. Yes, both Walker and Steve would jump on a grenade but Steve wouldn't need anything in return. Wyatt Russell did a fantastic job as Walker showing that baggage that solders can carry.


The actress who plays carli is super interesting looking. Her dad is Jamaican and her mum is Irish, so she's almost white with Jamaican hair but it's also red.


Yes btw, the wings are most likely made out of Vibranium given the Wakandans made them for him

The Goateed Geek

The french guy is Batroc, from the first episode and from CA: The Winter Soldier

The Goateed Geek

The most likely show with Agent Carter would be Armor Wars. This was originally to be the first series released. Of the series this was most hit by the pandemic. I've heard that even the original story was based around the threat of a biological weapon, so there was a LOT of re-writes.

Ethan yeoman

I'm sorry but I find it really annoying when you start complaining about not understanding things that you missed, and in turn, miss more stuff.