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Hi guys!

So I'm really eager to watch Deadpool, but I know it's technically apart of the X-Men movies. Do you suggest that I watch these moves in a particular order? Or is it ok to watch Deadpool, as a stand alone, before diving into the rest of the films? I want to make sure I watch these movies in a way where I'll understand what's going on haha.

I've included a link to an article below that shows the list of movies in chronological vs. release order. So that is what I'd be going off of. Would love to know your thoughts! Thanks and until the next one, stay golden!




Also Logan


A million percent watch Deadpool. Even despite the fact that the X-men movies are super varied in quality

ISeeTrees ofGreen

Absolutely without a doubt deadpool first youre gonna love it


There are jokes in Deadpool you won't understand if you don't watch the X-Men movies first


Deadpool can be watched stand alone

Joe Mama

If you want to actually watch x-men watch from release order (skip X-men origins; it’s bad).


There are some cool references that we’ll be better if you watch the X-Men films before Deadpool, I’d suggest watching in release order personally.


I’d probably watch the first two xmen or else a lot of the jokes won’t make a lot of sense. You don’t need to watch all of them though before seeing the D


Who thinks the X-Men movies have a chronological order? They barely have continuity.


Here’s what I would suggest: Watch X-Men 1 first, just to get a context for the characters, and then watch Deadpool. Or if you want, watch X-Men 1 and 2. You don’t really need more context than that.

Xenic Mark

Some of the best jokes in Deadpool require a passing knowledge of the X-Men movies. Especially the bad ones


I don't think there's an issue with watching Deadpool without watching the rest. But if you do watch the rest (which I definitely recommend) I'd watch them in the order they were released.


LOVE that she has "Screw it! Watch Deadpool now and jump into the rest of the films later!" Hysterical! and AMEN!! whoot whoot - DEADPOOL - irreverent good times, here we COME!!!!


Deadpool is good as a stand alone. Although before you watch the second one maybe watch x men first class and days of future past


Deadpool 1 is ok to watch, but Deadpool 2 has a spoiler for Logan



Travis Starnes

First class relies on knowing wolverine, xavier and a few others from the earlier films. Don't watch in chronological order. However, you don't need to know the x-men films to watch deadpool.

Joe Blankenship

Watch X-Men 1 and 2. First Class and Days of Future Past. The rest are skippable. Except maybe Wolverine Origins.


It’s better to watch the films in release order because when you finally get to Deadpool, you’re going to understand and appreciate all the X-Men related meta jokes more and all the references to the world, even if it’s not directly connected.


If you really want to watch deadpool just go for it imo. Nothing you’ll feel confused about really. It’s perfectly fine as a stand alone

Nick of Time

Almost every line in Deadpool is a joke or reference to something else in the X-Men movies, so without that knowledge a lot of it will fly right over your head.

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 I've only seen one of the "X-Men" movies. However, "Deadpool" got my vote. Been looking forward for your reactions to those 2 movies. Have a great day & weekend! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛


You don’t HAVE to watch the Xmen movies at all to enjoy deadpool but if you’re planning on watching them all/most of them anyway, you might as well watch xmen first. It’ll give context for some really good jokes and references in Deadpool 1 & 2. That you’d otherwise miss.

Sarah P

Ended up voting for release order, but also support the Deadpool-first option!

Matthew Jaszyn

Don't skip the other movies. There's some in-jokes you'll miss if you just jump in.


The characters in Deadpool are not in the X-Men films (except a CGI Colossus). Just go for Deadpool, 80% of the X-Men films are not good.


You'll not get a small handful of references/jokes in Deadpool about X-Men films if you just watch it first. Nothing particularly important.


X-Men: Days of Future Past Lol there’s a little surprise when you watch it!


The X-men movies are all over the place in terms of chronological logic so you can easily watch them separately from Deadpool 1 and 2, and the Wolverine/Logan movies. I'd say watch the X-men series first, then Wolverine/Logan and top it all of with Deadpool which does contains easter eggs and winks to the other ones.


There are a few references here and there in Deadpool 1 & 2 that are funnier if you've seen the others first, plus leaving them to the end gives you something to look forward to


There's a couple of joke that would be beneficial to have seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Green Lantern, but why put yourself though all that pain and suffering?


I don't understand the impatience here folks, it is always better to start at the beginning. She'll appreciate everything more and get the little inside jokes that only someone familiar with the property would understand. Please be patient and let the girl catch up!


I think release order is a safe bet, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is pretty bad however, it’s so bad I don’t even care there’s a heavy reference in Deadpool, I would just say go ahead and skip that one 🤣

Aaron Lovik

I voted release order only because Deadpool has jokes specifically about the release order lol.


Agree completely. I would make one adjustment. 3 pairs. XMen 1 & 2, First Class & Days of Future Past, and Wolverine Orgins & Logan. The rest is kind of a hot mess.


Honestly the jokes in Deadpool will hit harder if you’ve seen all the films before. That said… there are some truly atrocious films in this franchise. It’s about 50/50 between nearly unwatchable and greatness. And even the greatness is mostly made by a pedophile director’s crew while he was high and half paying attention.

Patrick Egan

You'll get more of the jokes in Deadpool if you've seen the other movies first, but not so many that it's essential. If you do watch the other X-Men movies, definitely watch them in release order.


Maybe skip Origins Wolverine, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix definitely New Mutants….ohhhhh!

David of the North

If you want to be 'in the know" then stick to release order. Don't forget the Wolverine films. The first is silly but the 2kd and especially the third is probably the best film the studio ever made of the franchise. Better even then many of the MCU films.


That is tough. Deadpool does reference the other Xmen movies a bit (Iike Wolverine Origins which is terrible, First Class, and I can't think of the others), so you might need to see a few to get the jokes, but I don't think you'd like or even really need to see them all. Hm. They are campy fun at times though. And it would give you a ton of content! Ah, screw it. I voted for release order.

Calo Grsf

You shouldn't watch Deadpool before the other films if you want to understand all the jokes in the films

A Vicarious View

Release order. There are so many references and even a major Spoiler for Logan.


That’s a good point but everyone but because everyone loves Deadpool that’s what they’re going to vote for 🤦🏻‍♂️


You guys are just wrong. She will miss on a lot of inside jokes if she skips the movies and go straight to deadpool... As much of a die hard fan of deadpool as i am i still think she should stick to release order.


The X-Men films are great and a big reason behind the success of comic book films these days, got to show that respect and watch them as well, also to get the most out of Deadpool you are better to watch them. Hopefully common sense prevails…


The xmen are a bit of a continuity mess so screw it and jump into deadpool

Kenton Kruger

There's a few jokes you'll miss if you watch Deadpool first, but it's a comedy so it's not like there's a ton of major plot points to be spoiled or anything. If you're completely unfamiliar with The X-Men, it would be handy to have have a movie or two to familiarize yourself with the world of the X-Men first. A good guiding estimate is do you know who Xavier is and what he does? If not, you should maybe watch the first movie before watching Deadpool.

Nick of Time

Agreed, but the eventual payoff at the end of Deadpool 2 totally makes up for the dumpster fire that was Wolverine Origins 😂


I used to collect X-Men comics and hate most of the fox X-men movies. I can forgive making Wolverine a foot taller and Storm having an American accent and Kitty Pryde having a bit part. BUT! Rogue was a villain before joining the X-men, Juggernaught's father married Charles Xavier's mother so they are basically brothers and Juggernaught is not a mutant!

Flashy Wolf

It mostly is important to watch all from release order as many mentions will be told and very meta jokes to the series too. Plus, when getting to movies like The Wolverine & Days of Future Past, I would recommend their extended cuts, they could be available on YouTube perhaps, just tells a more complete story for most characters for both movies.

Steve J

Deadpool the character would be offended you consider him a part of any 'universe'.

Jeff Clark

I know people are keen to see you react to Deadpool, as it is a great movie, but there are a LOT of jokes that will just fall flat if you haven't seen the X-Men movies. Deadpool breaks the 4th wall and references a lot of things both in the other movies and behind the scenes of them. I really hope you ignore the poll if people tell you to just skip all the others.

Nick of Time

The people that voted for chronological order are insane. How can you even do that after time travel is introduced??

Kalle-Tapani Isomaa

There are many jokes in Deadpool about X-Men movies so watch all Of them in Release order.

Christopher French

There's no wrong way to do it. You'll catch more jokes if you do release order, but it's designed to be funny no matter what you do. Only like 4 X-Men movies are good, and Logan is barely an X-Men movie. Deadpool is almost its own thing.


Release order with the x-men is almost useless. There are some reference to previous movies but the continuity is so screwed up you'd be missing only a bit stuff. The only real hit would be if you watched 'Logan' without really getting to know him or Professor X


At least watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the first X-Men movie before Deadpool. You'll get most of the references, but all the ones about the franchise will not mean anything to you without having seen some of them.


Exactly! She'll have a better experience with the other films under her belt.


She's not going to get half the jokes on Deadpool if doesn't watch the x-men movies... Just watch them on release order please!


I also believe that a lot of the fourth wall breaking jokes deadpool is most known for would go over one's head if the previous movies are not seen first..

Kevin Bartelen

Deadpool only references the others in the form of jokes you might not get if you skip them, so it's okay to skip straight to Deadpool if you don't mind that.

Groucho Barx

Ooooh its close :P

Chris H

You can watch Deadpool without the others but Deadpool 2 has spoilers for Logan, which you should really watch all the movies in order before watching Logan.


"Half the jokes" is a bit much. There is a handful of jokes I'm the first film that rely on knowledge of the xmen films.


I'd say watch them in release order, not only are there a lot of references and jokes in Deadpool you'd miss but you also get a good sense of the characters mentioned themselves. Overall the Deadpool experience is elevated when youv'e seen the other movies


That release order feels so wrong tbh. Feel like days of future past should be watched after watching X3 at least

Wilmer Garcia

I don't think there are any real spoilers in Deadpool. Anyone PLEASE correct me if I am miss-remembering.

Aaron Chandler

I have never seen a single X-men movie except the Deadpool movies. I did not require prior knowledge to enjoy them. I didn't find the jokes that they made about the X-men universe to require having seen the films.


Seems to me like you would only need the first X-men movie, or so, to kind of get the context and structure enough to understand what DP is not quite fitting into. The specialness of individual gifts and the wide, almost chaotic variety, as well as the struggle and politics and choices they face in relating to the not-so-special world. But then, if he noticed you making preparations to watch the movie, he would probably tease you about it.


there are a couple jokes in the 2nd deadpool that contain like major spoilers so maybe watch the others before that at least


So much jokes/references you won't understand if you don't watch the movies in chronological order....

It Hurt A Lot

I simply don't want to watch all the XMen movies just so she will get a handful of references better. That's a lot of movies and some of them are really bad. Deadpool will still be awesome

Christian Rennie

The release order is the best because of the direct call backs. Think you will get more enjoyment out of the movies this way. Otherwise the movies will stop you in your tracks while you go, “who is that?” Or “I don’t get that joke”!” That sort of repeated dead stop in a movie will be confusing but will hurt the flow of the movie.


Might as well start watching X-Men since they've already started making reference to them in WandaVision.


Don't start with the Deadpools, Natalie! They directly reference and spoil the other X-Men movies! If you wanted to do a "chronological order" that doesn't spoil the other movies, try this one: X-Men: First Class X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men X2 X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine X-Men: Days of Future Past X-Men: Apocalypse Dark Phoenix The New Mutants Deadpool Logan Deadpool 2


I feel like you can watch Deadpool by it’s self. But there are some jokes and call backs that would be a little confusing if you didn’t watch the X-men movies or read up on some of the characters


I would skip everything but Deadpool


I enjoyed Deadpool for the self-aware jokes about the franchises growth(?) and faults over the years. All of those jokes will be missed if Deadpool is watched first. I don't believe you will be able to enjoy the full scope of the film by watching Deadpool first, which will no don't affect an honest reaction. More often than not I feel you'll be questioning the reasons behind many jokes throughout the film instead of being able to enjoy it.


Also it should be noted that while you can benefit from watching all these movies in order, they really make the MCU seem like a miracle when it comes to continuity and cohesion.

Alan Kobb

That's tough. As DeadNotSleeping said, some of the jokes depend on understanding the X-Men mythos, but in a lot of ways, you don't need to watch anything else to enjoy them. On the other hand, while most people like Wolverine, a few of the movies are not very good, and you have to wade through all of the mediocre ones to get to Deadpool. I'm one of the people who said watch X-Men, and I still stand by that because they will eventually be part of the MCU in some form. We don't know if they will completely ignore everything that came before, and justs keep the gems like Logan and Deadpool, but maybe it's worth watching them anyway. As for the order, if you're going to watch them all, you should go in release order because they tried to do the Star Wars thing where you show a big story in several movies, then go back in tome to see how the characters got to that point. When it comes down to it, I had to sit through Dark Phoenix, so why shouldn't everyone? :->>

Eric Janssen

Are you actually recommending that any solo Wolverine movie besides Logan be watched at ALL?


Watch Deadpool now, and then watch the rest in the release order


Watching Deadpool on its own is fine. There are a few jokes and reference you might not get but those are drops in the ocean as far as Deadpool goes. If/when you do go and watch the other X-Men stuff though it should definitely be done in release order.

Eric Janssen

Well, the same reason everyone else didn't at the time: Logan was ALREADY such a perfect "finale" to the series, who needed the obnoxiously chik-flikk'ed "Captain Marvel version"?


Yeah I would say watch it in release order, like some of the others said you would miss some of the jokes it references from the X-Men films.

Radek Nohejl

Whatch all movies how to released :-)

Eric Janssen

It's hard to remember the "curse-breaking" days before the MCU, when the '00 Bryan Singer X-Men and the '02 Sam Raimi Spiderman hit us like a thunderbolt...But even in its own silly, earnestly hard-working way, the original first release-order X-Men is ten times the film that Fox's First Class-franchise days of Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix will ever be. (And yes, X2 is still "the gay one", but the gravitas still shows.)


I don't think that the Deadpool movies are really within the X-Men chronology as they're sort of their own thing. Yeah, Deadpool sort of appears in one of the X-Men movies but that Ryan Reynolds Deadpool was so different from the Deadpool movie Deadpool that it's confusing to think of them as the same character.


There is no need to watch the X-Men movies before Deadpool. I mean, you can if you want, but you won't miss anything by not watching them. They are fairly tangential to the Deadpool movies.


The Deadpool movies are great fun, though there are references and jokes you may not understand without seeing the other X-Men movies. Deadpool is a unique character in that he is fully aware that he's a fictional character and that he's in a comic book or movie, so he'll constantly break the 4th wall to talk directly to the audience. So he'll crack jokes about things that happened in the X-Men movies. The X-Men franchise has also dabbled in time travel stuff, and Deadpool even makes a joke about the confusing timelines at one point. But if you never saw the other movies, that joke would probably go right over your head.


Many of may have seen my previous comments on Nat’s patreon whenever the X-Men franchise pop’s up, so I’m more passionate about my mutant universe in then I am about the MCU (not to say I don’t love the Avengers movie of marvel) but I’ve watched the X-Men movies a lot and I REALLY MEAN A LOT! I’m I saying that release order sucks! NO IT DOSE! The key here is Just one word here CHOICE, My generation had no CHOICE but watch the movies in rerelease order (it just gives you headaches and so many questions) but now we have a CHOICE to watch the whole story unfold in timeline order, so why wouldn’t you? Honestly Dreadpool is a problem, yes absolutely an XMEN movie, but it really doesn’t matter to much it’s not gonna do damage the mutants story, yes people are correct about to jokes etc. But whatever way Nat watch’s the XMEN, Deadpool are the last two movies in the journey (so a very long waiting time if their the movies she really wants to watch) so I say go for it Nat watch Deadpool now and get it done.


When it comes to Days of Future Past, you should watch the Rogue Cut, and not the theatrical version

Strav 23

Deadpool can be watched separately but it does reference the xmen movies (mostly as jokes) However if your going to watch the xmen movies might as well get those out of the way first. Especially with Deadpool 2.


Timeline Order/Mixed 1) 1st Class 2) X-Men Origins Wolverine 3) X-Men 4) X2 5) X3 6) The Wolverine 7) Deadpool 8) Days of Future Past 9) Logan 10) Deadpool 2 11) New Mutants (last 2 jumps back in the 80s/90s but its better this way) 12) Apocalypse 13 Dark Phoenix


If you chronological order folks join us in release order, we can overtake 'em! =P


If u want simplicity go with Release Order Nat👌🏿

Nicholas Hentges

I dont think you need to watch 10 movies to get Deadpool, and with the few very bad missteps in the xmen franchise, I'm not sure you would even want to watch them all. Can think of 2 that can be 100% skipped

Colby Cordner

You should watch Deadpool because it's reported that Deadpool 3 will be in the MCU in Phase 4


Watching Deadpool b4 the rest is not a good idea imo

Eric Janssen

What is this, Reddit's Robin Hood forum? Chronological order is like SW Prequel order: It doesn't make ANY DANGED SENSE.


Release Order! but Deadpool is a great Movie Francise on it's own :D

Leaf on the Wind

There are a couple references in Deadpool to the previous movies, but nothing that would ruin the movie. If you don’t watch Deadpool first, then definitely go with release order. There’s enough exposition in them for you to understand what’s going on and I feel starting chronologically would be starting on a bad note


When you get to Days of Future Past, I suggest you watch the Rogue Cut, and not the theatrical version

David Blake

Release order. Like Star Wars or every other movie series.


The reason you wouldn't watch them in timeline order is because of days of future past. Not only is it a sequel to first class but also a sequel to X Men 3. There are so many things one wouldn't understand about the film if they hadn't watched X Men 1-3.

Ben Wheeler

IMO the original 3 and First Class. The timeline gets screwed up after that. If you ignore everything between, save maybe X-men Origins Wolverine, does that make a cohesive timeline?

Eric Janssen

In fact, the running fourth-wall joke is that because they came from different producers, the Deadpool movies weren't legally ALLOWED to specifically reference what happened in the X-Men movies. (Except for the carefully negotiated fourth-wall spoof of said legal fact in Deadpool 2.) Fox wanted “Separate franchise universes” for the two, which is why the New Mutants belonged to Deadpool’s franchise, and weren’t allowed to be students at the school, as in the comic.


As much as I’d like to get to Deadpool ASAP, you can only watch a movie for the first time once so I’d say release order.

Jonathan Vickers

*No spoilers* I like the Hector Navarro plan. I also know that in consuming that much story in a matter of months, you will not develop an attachment to actors/characters the way someone might have over a 20 year experience. Of course we can all grow fond of a character within the span of a film, but watching them grow over the years cannot logistically be replicated. I voted Deadpool first after struggling with the decision for almost 4 whole minutes. The main reason being I don't think the X-Men will have an impact on your life the way they would on a younger viewer. The more important poll should be; To watch Deadpool 2, or "Once Upon A Deadpool" first. Also VERY crucial to have grown up with 1987 in your heart.

Brian Leonard

That is a lot of X-Men movies to go through to get to Deadpool. Some are good, most are not. Unfortunately, I would say X-Men Origins: Wolverine is the most important movie to watch before watching Deadpool.

Valar Dohaeris

If you are going to watch X-Men saga anyway, I would wait. If not, you can see Deadpool, but you will miss out on many of the meta jokes (That's kind of his thing).


The first Deadpool movie I thing is safe to watch, but Deadpool 2 some of the joke relate to the xmen movies and will go over your head if you don't know what they're are in reference to

Brian Leonard

Anyone else think she should also watch Green Lantern before watching Deadpool?

Doug Watson

You can just watch Deadpool but you'd miss out on some things


For X-Men you should watch: X-Men // X2 // X-Men First Class // The Wolverine // X-Men Days of Future Past // Logan. In that order. Skip The Last Stand, Origins, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. You can watch Deadpool and Deadpool 2 whenever you want, they don't tie in much.


the X-Men movies are really bad deadpool and logan are the only ones worth watching

Aaron Chandler

And not to mention, Deadpool is not really tied to the X-Men "continuity" in any meaningful way. But, if I lose on yet another poll I guess I'll suffer through the X-Men universe just to get to Deadpool. With that said, I am not above bribery. Name the price.

Valar Dohaeris

A couple? I would say that a lot more. But you are right, the movie is perfectly watchable with a very light general knowledge of what the X men are... Although being meta about everything, specially X-Men and it's adaptations is kind of the core of Deadpool. Wouldn't you agree?

Eric Janssen

Otherwise, you end up with the Skywalker Conundrum: "Luke or Anakin, who the heck's saga is this ABOUT, anyway??"

Eric Janssen

That's like saying she should watch Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, just so she can get TWO throwaway post-credit jokes in Deadpool 2. It ain't worth it.


I don't think you'll ruin anything by watching Deadpool first. While it's in the same universe, it's mostly a stand alone movie with very few characters that cross-over. Deadpool is his own thing and it's a fantastically hilarious movie.


I agree with those saying that the release order is the way to go. The chronology gets extremely messy post X3 and only gets worse as it keeps going. Both of the Deadpool movies make for richer experiences if you've seen all of the preceding X-Men movies but story-wise you wouldn't miss anything. If you want to strike a balance you could start with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, then Deadpool, then release order for the rest.


You can watch Deadpool first, but if you start the X-Men films stick to: First Class, X1 an X2, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past, and Logan. The rest are terrible and not worth watching.


While I do believe that Deadpool stands on its own and there is no need to watch it "inside" the X-Men universe's chronological order other than understanding that it is part of that universe, there are some jokes that won't land if you haven't watched the others, jokes about Wolverine, Beast and Professor Xavier specifically.

Erwin Rogier

As much as Deadpool is deconnected from the rest, some of the best jokes in both films depend on you having already seen the X-Men films... also the second Deadpool has a HUGE spoiler about one of the best X-Men films ! So I think after is best

Eric Janssen

Like "Who the heck is the metal guy?", if she listens to the fanboys and watches Deadpool first.


I like most of the Marvel movies, but I hated the X-Men movies. I collected every comic book Title that focused on the mutant half of Marvel Comics, and they destroyed pretty much every character they touched except Wolverine. They all sucked so I can't recommend them.


Sorry but every frame of Deadpool will have more meaning with the previous films in release order under your belt, even the very mediocre Origins Wolverine movie. Deadpool is a bloody love letter to everything that came before it while forging its own new legendary path.


I liked Deadpool a lot, but I would never advise somebody to watch X Men Origins just so they could understand some of it's in jokes. That is a bad trade off.

Frank Rosales

Most of the jokes in Deadpool about X-Men might not be as funny if you watch Deadpool first it's still pretty hilarious without knowing but to get the best moments you have to at least have some background to the X-Men movies.


Sticking to the order isn't required for Deadpool, but you'll appreciate more of the humor if you do. He's a 4th wall breaking character, he knows about the other movies that have come out before his. Edit: and the X-men "Chronological order" is really fucked up (more so than the Fast & the Furious movies), I'd honestly recommend watching them in theatrical release order.

codenamewitch xx

Plot wise it doesn’t matter if you watch Deadpool first but sooo many of the jokes are references to earlier X-men movies which is part of what makes Deadpool so funny

Matt Gwinn

Honestly, the X-Men movies, as a whole, are not that good. Don't expect any coherent storyline from movie to movie like the MCU films. Deadpool on the other hand is great


It's separate enough from X-Men that you can easily enjoy it without having seen any of the other films.

Troy B.

Apologies if I'm parroting what someone else has said above, but I would just watch a select number of the X-Men movies (though mostly the first two and maybe Logan), that would get your feet wet enough in the X-Men mythos to pick up on most (though not all) of the references. If you were already planning to go through the X-Men movies, fine, but they're not worth watching just for context. It's more like Deadpool rewarded fans who sat through some of the crappier X-Men movies by alluding to them. Edit to add: Worst-case scenario of watching Deadpool first would be Deadpool making a random aside, you thinking, "Huh?" And then three X-Men movies later going, "Oh! I get that now! Haha!"


Deadpool pretty much stands on it's own. Nothing happens in the first Deadpool movie that in any way spoils the other X-Men movies or is of any consequence to them. Off the top of my head I can only think of a couple of minor joke references that may not work without a basic knowledge of all of the other movies but that's about it. Most of the joking references aimed at the X-Men will still be understandable and funny as long as you have the basic knowledge that they are a group of mutant superheros at a school run by Professor Xavier.


As others have said, You could watch Deadpool now but a lot of the jokes will miss you if you do not watch them properly in release order. That is where my vote lands.

Scott Greene

Deadpool features a lot of references to the X-Men movies, so you probably won't understand those jokes if you haven't seen the series. Personally, I think most of the X-Men movies are less than great. All I would recommend is X-Men (2000), X2 (2003) and Logan (2017). They are pretty much the best films in the series and would take a lot less time then the full run. If you felt like it, you could then see X-Men: First Class (2011) and Deadpool as bonus movies. But if you absolutely MUST see ALL of the movies, release order is best.


Argh don’t waste your time with the X-Movies! Watch Deadpool, the second one and maybe New Mutants and call it a wrap.

Daniel Vezina

Xmen, X2, First class, days of future past, then Deadpool, Logan and deadpool 2. All the other movies are garbage a don't bring anything to the overall story


Deadpool has alot references and some spoilers of the X-men movies and wont make any sense to you if you skip them and watch it. Why is the "Screw it" mentality being used on this series?


Oh this is a tough one, but I think the best way to do it is whatever makes sense for the wolverine stuff. Edit: And yall are haters, wolverines arc in these movies makes all of them worth watching. got some hater aid andys up in here.

Brandon Scott

My goodness I wonder if Nat post would spawn this much conversation! Lol

Dave A

Deadpool has a few jokes at the expense of the other X-Men stuff, so those would probably fall flat if you hadn't seen them, but it's not enough that the movies wouldn't be enjoyable. Out of all of the X-Men movies Deadpool is the only ones I'd watch out of order.


watch it in the order we all saw it---thats what makes the intended humor more effective.

Simon Bauer

A few Xmen movies are NOT good and they rewrote their timeline so many times it's not worth investing in. I would watch: Xmen, X2, Days of future past, then Deadpool, Logan and deadpool 2 (first class wasn't good either)

Thomas Yanez

I'm torn on this. There is a lot to enjoy in "Deadpool" without prior knowledge, but you will miss a LOT of references to the X-Menu franchise. The thing with those references, though, is that they are often quick side comments that a lot of people who were familiar with the X-Men universe miss anyway, because they come rapid fire or in the middle of shots were a lot of other stuff is going on. Of course, anything that gets her to eventually see "Logan" is worth it, in my opinion.


I'm in the minority of never having got anything out of Deadpool as a character, but he will be debuting in the MCU so I guess he's part of their canon technically (as is, well, anything Marvel by this point) so have at it.

Thomas Yanez

I take great joy from the fact that "release order" is crushing "chronological order".

Magnus Thor Magnusson

Release order is more fun and also kinda necessary for context.


I’m kind of either/or on release order or watch deadpool. Definitely not the chronological order that’s in that article. Days of future past should not be the second movie you watch.

Stephen Ray

Because so many of the movies are terrible, and because if she misses 3 jokes out of 100 it doesn't matter. She doesn't have to watch "Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants" just because it's referenced once.

Stephen Ray

And the Beast joke already works if you realize from the joke that he's probably hairy

Stephen Ray

Asking her to watch all the X Men movies first is a great way to remove all the joy she's going to get out of watching Deadpool. I'm an X Men fan (comics) and can't bring myself to rewatch the movie series. At worst she'll miss 2% of the jokes and still love Deadpool.


I was with this comment until "if you feel like it you COULD watch" deadpool is mandatory and first class is one of the better xmen films after logan.


I'd suggest a modified version of "release order" by just watching 2 or 3 films before deadpool. I think the poll is gonna steer her wrong like it did having her watch the professional instead of the departed.

Aaron Kirk

So many of the x-men movies are disappointingly bad

Mike LL

It would be so wrong to watch in chronological order by watching First Class first, which is basically a reboot of the X-Men films. It's like following the MCU chronological order and watching Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain Marvel before Iron Man. It makes no sense, the after credit scenes in those movies would spoil ya. Just watch everything in release order. But I see no reason to not go ahead and watch Deadpool right now if that is what you want to watch. People talking about some jokes being spoiled, is just a little part of the movie. I don't consider Deadpool as being part of the X-Men movies. And everyone will say I am wrong.


Only warning with Deadpool is the guy just spits spoilers for the other X-Men movies and just other movies and TV in general. But its all one liners and inside jokes.


While Deadpool 2 DOES spoil the first and last Wolverine movies, you should be fairly okay watching them on their own. It does make reference jokes to both Xmen trilogies but not too far as spoiling them as much as poking fun at them.


Deadpool is not directly connected but do me jokes might land better if you see the films in release order. Of the 13 x men related movies I personally only like 8 of them.

Ben Violette

Maybe watch the first one if you aren't familiar at all with the X-men. I don't think there's any part of the storyline or plot of Deadpool that requires seeing the X-men films. Just a few jokes and references making fun of the franchise in a meta way.

Adam Grunther

I say go in release order. So many of the jokes in Deadpool reference the other movies. There is also a massive spoiler for Logan if you watch the Deadpool movies before the main X-Men series.

B. Lopez

Release order. It wouldn’t make sense to watch chronological order because the movies itself have some weird continuity issues. And watching deadpool first wouldn’t be bad but there is some jokes and references that Nat wouldn’t understand.


Most of these comments echo my thoughts so I’ll just add my recommended list: • X-Men • X-Men 2 • The pitch meeting or honest trailer for X-Men: The last stand • The pitch meeting or honest trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine • X-Men: Days of Future Past • The pitch meeting or honest trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse • The pitch meeting or honest trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix • The Wolverine • Logan I love Ryan George’s pitch meetings, especially on bad movies, and they’re enough of a summary to save you the horror of actually watching the bad ones. And some of them are really bad.


The payoff of watching deadpool after the x-men movies is worth it. Also deadpool 2 has a huge spoiler for Logan.

David Crabtree

Kinda defeats the purpose of a reaction channel. Let's just have her watch movies we thinks she'll like? Let watch the good and the bad("good" and "bad" movies are all subjective anyhow), and let's see her honest reactions to them.

Jason Dolan

You should just watch all of them, even the ones considered bad. Sometimes it is fun to all watch a bad movie together. And even X-Men Origins Wolverine gets paid off later in the Deadpool series.

juan calderon

There are so many bad xmen movies but also some really good ones maybe 1 or 2 great ones but if i think about it mostly bad.


It's a long way to Deadpool if you go release order but I think it pays off

Chris (darkwater)

Deadpool has some references to the rest of the franchise and you may miss out on the joke if you hadn't seen what came before.


I think you have a lot more fun with some of the jokes in Deadpool if you have seen the other X-Men movies first. I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction to the X-Men series. The first movie is still very nostalgic to me.


Release or jump to Deadpool in my book. IMO chronological is only good to get a different view on things when re-watching.

Brian Jones

Honestly, I would just dive in and do the release order with the films. Granted the Fox Xmen films are a bit of a mixed bag, and it's not as cohesive of a universe as the Disney/Marvel universe is, to truly appreciate all the jokes and quips in the Deadpool films, and the history of all of the characters, you're just better off seeing all of it as the rest of film going public did.... In the order it was originally released. And yes, you will still be scratching your head at times because the Xmen films went through multiple directors with different visions. None of them are really bad persay, and some are truly amazing, but there are certainly logical inconsistencies between the films. Don't overthink it and just enjoy the ride. At the end of the day all of the characters are now owned by Disney/Marvel, so it's likely we will be seeing them in the near future in that universe. Deadpool is already in preproduction with Disney/Marvel.


aye, i want to say watch deadpool first. but alot of the jokes in deadpool will fly right over your head if you dont watch the x-men movies first. so i vote release order.

Ken Schneyer

The "first class" sequence contains resonances that don't hit you if you haven't seen the original three already. Release order is better for that reason.

Ken Schneyer

(NB, I don' t know if you're familiar with the work of the Israeli cartoonists Yehuda and Maya Devir ("One of Those Days" comic series -- funny and beautiful and sometimes heartbreaking), but this was their take on watching the film "Logan":


Stick to the release order because then it will definitely make the jokes a lot funnier when you watch Deadpool for the first time. They do make references to his first onscreen appearance and the jokes come because of it. Also it's just better that way.


Yeah but she still has to watch X3 in order to understand The Wolverine and Days of Future Past so...

My Toasty Toast

You don’t need to watch the X-Men franchise to enjoy Deadpool


Yeah but she'll understand some of the jokes more if she watches the first X-Men movies. Also the second Deadpool has a major spoiler for Logan.

Matthew Shaver

Deadpool movies are independent and great. Just jump to them. Otherwise the best movies are the the earlier time sequence starting with First Class but they get worse as they go on.


I thought they rebooted X-men and that list says they're all in the same timeline. Weird. I haven't watched any since X3 and would recommend against them; thought the newer ones are apparently good.

Ulrich Unterbrunner

Release Order. They build their story and references upon each other - especially Deadpool.


Release order. I'm generally 'meh' on a good chunk of the X-Men films, but... it's good to have seen, and release order will give you a better appreciation of some of Deadpool's inside jokes at the X-Men's expense, but moreover... LOGAN... the reason for X-Men movies is Hugh Jackman's Logan/Wolverine if nothing else. ((And... who knows what if any of the movie info might be good to know given possible future inclusion/merger into main MCU canon given Disney's FOX acquisition ?!?))

Robert Reichle

It's a mixed bag but worth going through in release order. A couple of them are better than the internet will claim they are. For someone not already steeped in X-men lore, they can just be fun and entertaining. I'm thinking of one movie in particular that really got fans' panties in a bunch but my wife, who knew nothing but what the movie showed, thought it was better than the other X-men movies. Just entertainment to her, not a bible that has to be followed. Lol


Logan is a masterpiece!!! 😭🙏🏽😭!!!

Michael Patrick

Deadpool has VERY little to do with the X-men films. I see ZERO harm watching the two Deadpools first

Brian Jones

Exactly..... Either you do the entire set of films, or you go into Deadpool accepting you're not going to understand quite a bit of the humor. Should just do them all in release order. Granted there are inconsistencies throughout, but there's a good chance we will be seeing all of these characters again in the Disney/Marvel universe at some point.

Brian Jones

But there are quite a few jokes in the Deadpool films that reference the Xmen films... So you kind of cheat yourself if you're not familiar with the films and characters.

Robert C

If you want to watch Deadpool, you should just watch Deadpool. It has almost no connection to the other movies. If you want to watch the X-movies for their own sakes, release order is fine.

Tony Johnson

I voted for watch Deadpool now, because apart from a few references to the X-Men franchise, there's not a lot you would miss. That said... it would probably make some of the jokes hit better if you had watched the previous movies. My suggested X-Men watchlist would be: X-Men (2000), X2, skip X-Men Last Stand, skip X-Men Origins Wolverine (or watch the first 10 min for Wolverine's origin and skip to 1:25:00 watch the final battle for reasons...), X-Men First Class, The Wolverine is optional, X-Men Days of Future Past, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are optional as they're not that good, but if you watch one, you should watch the other, then finish off with Logan and Deadpool 2. That's just my 2 cents.


I haven't seen the second one but the first one is 100% fine to watch standalone.


Release order. The jokes rely on your knowledge of previous films.


Disagree. All the references in Deadpool rely on you having seen the previous films.


A lot of the jokes in Deadpool are based on the x-men universe, your enjoyment of the movie would be greatly improved from having watched the XMU in order

chicks dig me

Saying you have to watch all the X-men movies before watching Deadpool is like saying you have to watch 10 Star Trek series and 13 movies before watching Galaxy Quest.


While the X-Men are featured in Deadpool, it isn’t really in continuity with them. However there are some gags you won’t get if you haven’t seen them. I’d say stick to release order, but it doesn’t *really* matter too much for Deadpool


You're getting two completely different answers "don't need to watch X-Men" and "but you'll miss so many jokes" because reality is somewhere in between. Deadpool is a joke-dense movie. There are a fair amount of X-Men movie references. So you will miss out on some of them, but it won't ruin your enjoyment of the movie as a whole. Even so, I voted for X-Men release order. Reason being, the X-Men franchise isn't a bad series of films to get into; regardless of Deadpool being an option, so why not get X-Men out of the way first and enjoy that much more of the jokes in Deadpool?


So for all you favour of the release order people let me ask you this, just suppose all the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings was not filmed the incorrect order, would you watch them out of release Sequence too? I don’t think you would unless you were a complete weirdo, I’m sure you’re all extremely nice folk, but you definitely deserve to be locked in a room with all the flat earth and non believer about going the the moon. 👽 X-Men movies in chronological order of release The most logical way to watch the X-Men films is in chronological order, based on the years the fictional stories took place in. X-Men: First Class (set in 1962, released in 2011) X-Men: Days of Future Past (set in 1973, released in 2014) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (set in 1981, released in 2009) X-Men: Apocalypse (set in 1983, released in 2016) X-Men: Dark Phoenix (set in 1992, released in 2019) X-Men (set in 2000, released in 2000) X2: X-Men United (set in 2003, released in 2003) X-Men: The Last Stand (set in 2006, released in 2006) The Wolverine (set in 2013, released in 2013) Deadpool (set in 2016, released in 2016)​ Deadpool 2 (2018, released in 2018) Logan (2029, released in 2017)


Voted for watch Deadpool: there are very subtle and brief (almost easter egg level) references to the Xmen, including a couple you may miss even if you know the franchise well. The xmen that appear in both deadpool 1 and 2 are not in the other movies (with one not really notable exception). Deadpool is an entirely different movie than the rest of the franchise. I think watch Deadpool first because its a hilarious way to enter the universe, if you want to catch the few tiny references, watch it again after. Plus, Deadpool is easily the best movie in the xmen universe


Honestly you don’t need the X-Men movies to watch both Deadpools.


Yes! YES!! Grow Release Order! GROW!!!!

Xenic Mark

Btw I can almost guarantee that if you watch Deadpool first there really isn't much justification to watch the X-Men movies. I will say though. Some if not many of the X-Men movies are tough to get through. Might even quit the series before you finish it.

Mike Adams

Yeah Deadpool is in the X-Men universe, but it's not an X-Men movie. Worst case, you'll just miss a few inside jokes.

f hf

A few of those X Men movies are terrible.

Valentin torres

Watch Deadpool (for fun sake) then watch all the X-men movies in release order. DO NOT WATCH DEADPOOL 2 BEFORE WATCHING LOGAN


The Last Stand, X-Men Origens Wolveribe, Apocalypsis and Dark Phoenix are terrible. Just watch de first two and First Class + Days of the Future Past and you'll be okey


Honestly not looking forward to watching every single X-Men movie. Deadpool is good, but 99% of the rest of the franchise is not. There are just too many of them.


Hey, LotR *was* released in a non-chronological order if you include The Hobbit. Same with Harry Potter if you include Fantastic Beasts! Same with Star Wars! And I *do* recommend watching them in release order. (Well, I don't recommend watching The Hobbit or FB2 at all, but.) If the original Harry Potter or LotR movies had been released in a non-chronological order, they would have been written for that purpose. The early releases would have more explanations of the setting, the later releases would have in-jokes based on previous ones etc. So yes, in that hypothetical I would still recommend watching them in their release order.

Andrew Clifton

I was never much of a fan originally. The original trilogy just wasn't that good to me. I thought the Wolverine movies and prequal trilogy were much better. And of course Deadpool.


Film for a "random movie to watch" poll possible? Lucky Number Sleven. Maybe this will get a few likes and can be added to a list. <3 ya Nat! <3 <3 <3

Max du Coudray

Mainline X-Men movies are really poor. Only comics fans care enough about the characters to enjoy them. I'd skip them and wait for the MCU version of mutants. I think these would be the first movies I wouldn't bother to watch the reactions for.

Adam Grunther

I have to respectfully disagree. The X-Men movies are incredible. Only three of them were bad. The films like Apocalypse, The Wolverine, and New Mutants have plenty of great things in them as well despite the reputation they have. Logan is also one of the best comic book movies ever made and arguably the best Marvel film


Just Dark Phoenix, really. She might like it cuz Sansa Stark is the main focus.

Myles Away

Most of the X-Men movies are below-average to bad. The only one that truly stands out is "Logan". The rest are bad studio decision, after bad studio decision. Directors that had zero understanding of the characters and didn't care to learn about them. Deadpool is a fun movie that really lives in its own pocket universe but its jokes do rely on you knowing the X-men movies (as they get made fun of quite a bit in Deadpool).

Ian Forbes

Just watch Deadpool, Logan, and Deadpool 2 in that order. I could understand watching the first two X-Men films first to get a baseline but all the others are awful. I’d rather watch the Fifty Shades trilogy multiple times sober (only having seen the first one alongside your reaction and with alcohol). The MCU reboot for the X-Men can’t happen soon enough for me.

Eric Janssen

Bryan Singer showed a little care on the first one (he hadn't read the comics, but the 90's TAS cartoon taught him all he knew 👍 ) even if he went gay-Pride self-indulgent on the second movie, and thought he could "tease" Fox into an entire series with chain credit-teases after they brought him back for Days/Apocalypse.


The DP movies are meant to be laughed at. That being said, they will be more ha-ha knowing the context by watching the X-Men flicks. Not important to plot or performances or anything else. And yeah, there's a Logan spoiler in DP2. Pretty big one.


Deadpool 1 can definitely be watched standalone. Deadpool 2 contains spoilers for Logan. Most of the X-Men movies are pretty mediocre even by superhero film standards, imo. Deadpool, First Class, Days of Future Past, and Logan are pretty great, I'd skip the rest. There are returning characters in these films but you only really need to have a basic idea of who Magneto(leads the bad guys), Professor X(leads the good guys), and Wolverine(Hugh Jackman being a badass for 9 movies) are. You might not understand a couple of nods to the older films but this won't take away from the overall stories.


Definitely watch in release order. The Deadpool movies include a bunch of jokes about the X-Men and MCU films.

Jeff E

There is no reason to watch any X-Men films before Deadpool. That's the best of the bunch, so watch that first, then go back and start the X-Men films IF you want.

Alex Vazquez

RECOMMENDED VIEWING ORDER: X-Men X2: X-Men United X3: The Last Stand X-Men Origins: Wolverine First Class The Wolverine: The Extended Cut Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut Apocalypse Dark Phoenix Deadpool New Mutants Logan Deadpool 2

jamie jones

Just watch xmen 1&2, the wolverine extended, first class, deadpool 1&2 and logan

Thomas Yanez

Deadpool's dialogue references (for jokes) the X-Men franchise (all of it) many times, as well as the obvious story elements that refer to it. So, being aware of the X-Men would enrich the experience. That said, even if you miss every X-Men reference, the movie has so much else going for it that people that don't know squat about the X-Men still enjoy it. It's box office success made that pretty clear.


not sure if u r aware, but hugh jackmen(wolwerine) and ryan(DP) have a sort of online "friendly" riverlry. kepp that in mind when u watch DP :)


Have to watch DOFP. Some visually stunning stuff in it.


Logans Is such a Gritty and amazing film


You could watch DP out of sequence, but I think some of the jokes land better with an appreciation of the X-Men franchise. Also the franchise has a few real clangers in there, but it's worth sticking with.


Oh hell yeah I would love to fully watch X-Men: First Class again! One of the best mutant movies!


I recommend release order, if you skip straight to Deadpool, there will be jokes and context that won't make much sense. However, if missing some of that doesn't bother you, then there is no reason to wait to watch it. The Fox X-Men films get some undue hate because of the quality of half of them not being up to today's standards. However the other half are very enjoyable. Either way there will probably be references to other movies you haven't seen that aren't X-Men or marvel related at all.


So much UNNECESARY CRAP to wade through to get to DP....y'all are Fucked...smh


I'm very much of the view that if anyone is starting a new series to always view them in release order. So of course that gets my vote here as well XD


Release order is much better at least to get most of the jokes that Dp makes.


Watch what you want; don't let completionists boss you around.


Wow, I'm shocked so many people want Natalie to waid through so many movies, most of which are not very good just so she will perhaps be a tad more certain to get about two brief X-men inside jokes in Deadpool. Talk about 3 months of labor for a 10 cent payoff. None of the events in any of those movies cross over in any way to Deadpool and vice versa. And there are only two other X-Men in Deadpool. One is a bit player in a couple of the films and one is not a part of them at all. So she is now going to watch 9 mostly horrible movies just so she will recognize Colossus when he shows up and get the one joke about which Professor Xavier he's being taken to. Seems like an awful lot to wade through for very little reason.

Anthony Campbell

pay attention to a certain character you may recognize when you get to Days of Future Past. I won't say anymore.


Half the movies are good. The ones that are not we might just have to treat as b-movie night


Just watch the first 2 X-men movies, First Class, Days of Future Past, both DP’s and finish it off with Logan which is the best Marvel movie. The first X-Men isn’t great but it has value as the first comic book movie to actually work, X-2 is a good flick, FC is just ok but DoFP is good and you need to watch FC to get that one, then you can move into the gold standards of DP and Logan. Maybe watch Orgins as a B Movie joke night. But don’t bother with Last Stand, Apocalypse, the Wolverine, Dark Phoenix or New Mutants. Their bad movies and do not need to be watched to fully enjoy DP or Logan.

Tony Sanson

Since it looks like "release order" has won the poll, there are only four X movies you need to watch: the original since, as was said previously, it showed that superhero movies didn't have to be cheezy or dumbed down; X2 was actually pretty decent; First Class was kind of a soft re-boot but also tied into the previous continuity but not...it's complicated...; Days of Future Past is an excellent movie that builds on everything that came before it. Other than those four, skip it unless you enjoy really bad superhero movies. After those, then hit up Deadpool, Logan, Deadpool 2.

Eric Janssen

Agreed—Then, if you want more X-Men, just look up the original 90’s Saturday-morning cartoon on Disney+ (if it’s still there?) on your own time, still the most faithful translation of the comic to film.

Thomas Yanez

I would normally agree. The problem is that the Deadpool movies are joke-heavy and many of those jokes directly reference the X-Men franchise. There will be a lot of dialogue and story elements that could be a distraction from the rest of the movie. We've all seen how she reacts when she runs into something she doesn't understand - there is talking and yelling right through other (often important/relevant) dialogue. That's my only concern regarding the watch order.

Thomas Yanez

Agreed. Release order is good. But, a subset of the movies in that order would be better.

Thomas Yanez

Deleted a couple of my messages, realizing they were technically spoilers. Just going to comment on the hate for "X-Men Origins : Wolverine". I agree it is justified, but a later movie does have a significant reference to it.

Eric Janssen

It's Deadpool 2, and SPOILER: As in “First Class”, Fox was so busy trying to out-MCU Disney by putting obscure "new" current print-comic characters into XMOW, they rushed in Ryan Reynolds as A version of Deadpool at the last second with no clue of who the character was (and no suit?), and in Deadpool 2, the "real' Reynolds-Poolie goes back in time and shoots him... THERE! Now she doesn't have to freakin' see Origins!!


There's Easter eggs and jokes in the Deadpool movie referencing the other X-Men Movies, but it's not connected in a way that will confuse you if you watch Deadpool first. The worst that will happen is there will be a couple of jokes that won't make sense to you.


Its odd because the conversation of release order vs chronological isnt the same as the mcu, which is meant to have connective tissue, where the FOX Xmen are actually like 3 or 4 different series, whos only real connective tissue is Hugh Jackman, not his character Wolverine, but Hugh himself, he was the money maker for FOX, hence the 3 solo movies. So really you had the the xmen-X3 and then you gave Hugh an origin movie, and then the went to do a reboot “the new class” change up some origin stories bring in younger faces (except Hugh has an easter egg cameo), then they give Hugh another solo movie that they loosely tie in to original series, then they need more money so in comes Hugh to the new series and they tie it in with the original series by f”ing with space time continuum (which granted is very loosely based on a comic storyline), then they do another movie retconing characters from original series since they already took care of that by messing with timeline in last movie, and then they give Hugh another solo which is arguable the best and much grittier than others, then another new series movie which retcons at least one character they already retconed. And then theres deadpool which exists on its own, except that since he breaks the 4th wall he makes references to the other xmen movies, other Ryan Reynolds movies, Reynolds himself and of course Hugh Jackman. Havent watched new mutants yet but my understanding was its kind of on its own too, suspense/horror style that has mutants in it but cant speak to that yet.


watch just Deadpool 1&2 or by release date has their points to it - If she doesn't know the players then she won't get the inside jokes -- I like her to know the back story to the inside jokes myself which gives Deadpool more because of the inside jokes


It’s funny on its own but you’ll miss jokes if you haven’t seen the others.


Just be aware, X-3 is terrible


The main problem I have with release order is that we have to slog through bombers like X3, Origins, Apocalypse, etc. But you will miss some jokes in Deadpool if you skip them, and I think it's important to be emotionally invested in Wolverine and Prof X before you get to Logan, which is easily the best X-Men movie and one of the best superhero movies of all time.


This. I initially voted for "Screw it" because of the reason in your first sentence. Half the X-men movies are trash and not good trash. But the reason I watched them in the first place to know they were terrible is because of how great of a job the others do of getting us invested in Prof X and Logan. I'd definitely recommend forgetting that the main X-men series even exists after watching Days of Future Past, but the character building up to that point, even just to fully appreciate Logan is crucial as its a masterpiece of cinema and deserves that investment.


Marvel's past poverty and the fire sale that caused Spiderman to go one way, X-Men & flunktasticFour to go to other studios is a mess, and the x-movies are to say the very least- inconsistent. It's really your call, but if you think you're going to be choosy about X-Men movies anyway, I'd recommend going ahead and jumping into Deadpool one and two.


Yeah, but 1,2, first class, Days of Future and Logan are a lot of fun

Anthony Campbell

honestly....there are about 5 or 6 movies in that lineup I would avoid...they are just simply bad movies and would not take away from the other viewing experiences.

Ellis Hugh

Please GOD, stay away from the FOX X-Men movies (and Fantastic Four movies for that matter)... you absolutely do NOT need to see them to watch Deadpool, most of them range between abysmal and absurd (with Logan as the notable, grand exception) and Marvel is about to remake and reintroduce ALL of those characters over the next few years anyway... ONLY Deadpool is going to transfer over to the MCU, everything else is going to be discarded and rebooted and with good reason. Please, PLEASE don't waste time watching movies that are neither worth your time on their own nor applicable to the current Marvel universe!!! There are so many films and shows on which you could better spend your (and our) valuable time...

Kevin Mowery

There's a ton of responses and I don't know if you'll see this, Nat, but here's my rundown of the X-movies: X-Men - One of the movies that kicked off the current superhero movie boom, but kind of creaky these days. X2: X-Men United - Absolutely one of the best of the series. X3 : The Last Stand - Due to studio interference, just a mess. But the end of it leads into The Wolverine. Mostly skippable. X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Horrible. But the hatchet job they do on Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool gets referenced in the Deadpool movies. X-Men: First Class - A soft reboot and actually pretty good. The Wolverine - A decent but non-essential one. X-Men: Days of Future Past - The first sequel to First Class, and really good. There is a character in here played by someone you'll recognize and think, "What, why are they in this in this role?" They were in the role in X3 as well, but horribly underused there, too. Deadpool - Obviously the point of this enterprise. References the first Wolverine movie, plus generally referencing the other X-Men movies. X-Men: Apocalypse - meh Logan - Amazingly good. Have tons of tissues handy. Deadpool 2 - Contains a spoiler for Logan. Dark Phoenix - meh New Mutants - Was delayed for literal years after production, then sat on for a while after Disney acquired Fox, then released to mediocre reviews. So if you're not going to jump straight to Deadpool but want to do a speed run, I'd say X-Men, X2, First Class, Days of Future Past, look up what Origins: Wolverine did that pissed off the fans re: Deadpool but don't bother with the movie, then Deadpool, Logan, and Deadpool 2.


I'm not sure why people want to go in order for the terrible Sony/Fox movies, but not for Marvel TV. We just started Falcon & The Winter Soldier, but that means we jumped ahead of a dozen other shows...


We haven't jumped ahead of any MCU shows though? She did WandaVision and now Falcon & The Winter Soldier and after she will do Loki

Frank Rosales

Some forget Natalie doesn't have the comic book background or involvement with this franchise to be disappointed at least not yet. It will be fun seeing a reaction to some of the most hated X-Men movies that I found rather enjoyable given the entertainment value.

Inhuman Paradox

"Chronological order" LAUGHS MANIACALLY


Many, many of DP's jokes will land better for you if you don't watch DP first. He pokes fun at the X-Universe a lot.


iv long wondered what watching the chronological order would feel like but alas i have seen them all, tempting to vote chronological order just as an experiment, nat being the mouse. =D


I think watching in release order might be the best way to go

William Connery

I love the X-Men but honestly don’t even bother with those god-awful movies, especially the first three, X2 was pretty good but other than that garbage so it makes no sense to watch the second in a trilogy and not the other two. Honestly I would start with X-Men first class and watch that series of X-Men movies and of course the two Deadpool movies. X-Men Apocalypse and the most recent are pretty bad but first class and days of future past are great

Adam Grunther

Going by these comments, I have to be honest. It’s really depressing just how many people are dismissing the X-Men movies. Only three of them were actually bad. Most of them are honestly amazing. Even the other films like Apocalypse and New Mutants are not actually that bad. They still have a ton of amazing moments in them. I don’t know why people are just dismissing all of the X-Men movies because the franchise as a whole didn’t have as solid of a track record as the MCU. A lot of people seem to be failing to realize that the MCU wouldn’t even exist without the X-Men movies. X-Men, X2: X-Men United, X-Men First Class, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past and especially Logan are all amazing films. Logan in particular is easily one of the best comic book movies ever made and arguably the greatest Marvel film to date.


Sure, the earlier X-Men movies weren't nearly as good as the newer ones, but I still love them for what they are. I recommend watching in release order, if only so you can familiarise yourself with the mutants, with the history we've all been through, and also because if you watch them, then the jokes in both Deadpool movies will make more sense for you.

Thomas Malley

honestly as a series, it's kind of rival MCU in the fact that they've been going on for close to 20 years. The first one came out in like 2001? and the last one came out in 2019?

Steve J

yeah, not even sure how that works. Does that mean we start with Apocalypse because ancient Egypt?


Honestly, if you know who played Professor X or Wolverine in those movies, you'll get most of the references. Not sure that's worth watching multiple movies, but based on the poll I'm clearly in the minority here...

Steve J

I'd say problem with that is First Class lands emotionally because of the attachment we already have to the Prof X and Magneto character's history together. If it's just 2 random Mutants not sure it has the same punch. Same with Logan. it's really good because so many hours spent with the characters up to that point, good and bad.


Remember that The Wolverine also leads right into Days of Future Past with the first reveal of a returning character.


There is no need to watch any X-Men movies before seeing Deadpool. In fact, I think it will be confusing if you do. The Deadpool character in the X-Men movies, even though played be the same actor, is completely different than the Deadpool movie.

Edward Of DOOM

The Deadpool jokes are SUPER meta. If you don't watch the other films first, many jokes will fly over your head (and we both know you aren't Drax to catch them). Almost tempted to mention Green Lantern before watching Deadpool, but there is seriously no way I am watching that movie again in my lifetime. Even if it's for a good cause.


Please Watch The Suicide Squad. You don’t need to see the 2016 version.