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Hey guys! Hope you're all having a great start to your weekend.

Ok...so I know this poll is kinda all over the place, but these are all movies I'd be happy to watch. So let me know what you guys wanna see next week! 


Vincent Valentin

this was a real Sophie's Choice as all 4 of these would be on my like top 25 favorite movies. I ended up on Leon but i would recommend the theatrical cut over the directors for someone whos just watching it for the first time btw. Bladerunner should be the final cut tho.


I hope Leon or Blade runner wins.


Damn, love all these choices...


Nice. Only seen two

Tay Schumaker

What an odd collection of movies. Picked Whiplash because I think it's the one you would like the most. And it's great and sparks a lot of discussion.


Bring me everyone. What do you mean, everyone? EVERYONE!

Jay Beiler

Lately I've seen a trend of ppl watching John Wick for the first time...but since it's not listed, yeah it's gotta be Bladerunner


Whiplash is so tense and good


Whiplash is amazing.


This will be the week Bladerunner has a chance. Voting for it for you guys who’ve wanted it consistently.

Cole Jennett

Seen them all, only Leon is rewatchable for me.


I’ve been voting for bladerunner in the past few polls, hopefully it wins this one


Additionally, I’d like to request Perks of Being a Wallflower.


If Blade Runner wins, which version should she watch? I'd go with Final Cut but that's just me.

Darryl Low

Four great movies Nat. All very different, but you'll enjoy them all. Third time's a charm for Blade Runner. Thanks Nat. Enjoy your weekend 💛 SPOILERS FOR BLADE RUNNER BELOW NAT. PLEASE AVOID.

Ben Gilshenan

I just want to see what we do in the shadows once in these polls


Gotta be Blade Runner: The Final Cut, or Leon, the international version of The Professional.

Wilmer Garcia

Bladerunner is the only one I've heard of here saw the trailers so I'm liking Leon =)

Kevin Anand

It's probably not going to win this poll, but whiplash is a fantastic movie. You should definitely watch it sometime! :)

Vincent Valentin

it would have to be the final cut. but anything but the theatrical tho that reaction would be hilarious.

Christopher French

Blade Runner is a must-see. Final Cut is preferable.


I’m choosing Bladerunner because I made a stink about it in the last poll (lol), but Whiplash would also make an amazing reaction


I second the need to add What We Do In The Shadows film to any upcoming polls it would work in. One of the best comedies in recent years.


I do want Blade Runner to win, but Leon has Gary Oldman being another amazing villain. He plays good guy or anti hero very well but he just goes all in when he is a villain and it's marvelous, 😁

Justin S.

All 4 are good choices and Whiplash might be my favorite film of the last ten years, next to The Revenant and Spotlight. Drive is a unique film with a soundtrack that is fun to listen to. Gary Oldman plays a great villain in Leon: The Professional and the first big film for Natalie Portman. I predict that Bladerunner wins this time.

Randee Carreno

Happy Weekend, Natalie! 😊 With this poll it was a tough decision between "Blade Runner" and "Whiplash"(love both Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons' performances in that movie). But "Blade Runner" got my vote this time. If you can, keep "Whiplash" in poll rotations. It's an excellent movie. I hope that you have a great day! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛

Erik Stevenson

If Bladerunner wins (looks like it might) be sure to state clearly which version you're watching for the full watch along Patreon reaction as there are kind of a lot. I vote for The Final Cut version.


Natalie is torturing me with these polls... I was backing Bladerunner on the last poll, but I simply can't pass up on Leon.


Bladerunner Final Cut is a masterpiece, a must watch imo.


Come on Leon 🤞🏻


Definitely Blade Runner The Final Cut!


Final cut is definitely the way to go and probably the easiest to find at this point


Gotta be Leon. Nat is going to love it. Blade runner less so I think.


Nice selection. Happy to watch any of them with you, Nat.


Blade runner is not better than Leon. Why is that movie getting so much love??


Bladerunner is the classic but Leon is much better for a reaction. Gary Oldman is incredible.


Drive is really good. Hope it’ll make the playlist sometime in the future.

ISeeTrees ofGreen

Unpopular opinion: after recently watching bladerunner, i thought it was trash, i was bored, the plot was meh, music was okay, cinematography meh. It has nothing that explains why its so beloved


I didn’t like Blade Runner, but Blade Runner 2049 is a masterpiece, so if eventually we get 2049 reaction, the original is essential.


That's how I feel. Bladerunner is overrated and Leon is underrated IMO.

Valar Dohaeris

I guess is time for Bladerunner already. If it gets chosed I'll like to chat a bit with all of you about this movie. Because it is a very interesting case of versions and preferred ones depending on your age...

Jorge Lopez

GREAT options! Would be excited for any of these!

Celeste Collins

The Professional is one of my personal favorites..Right on Leon.."American Graffiti" 1973 this is George Lucas before Star Wars,this movie launched a number of acting careers..Ron Howard,Richard Dreyfus,Cindy Williams and Harrison Ford..


A lot of people like Leon. When I watched it for the first (and only) time I had a very uncomfortable feeling. I felt these creepy pedo-vibes and I couldn't quite understand why. Then I read the cut scene in the original draft of the script. And then my feelings made much more sense. It's a movie I never got on-board with, and don't generally recommend it to others because of it. But, I'm in the minority.


I know Drive may never get picked, but damn that is one of my all time favorite movies.


I agree with you to some extent, but the final cut is slightly better. Ford and Scott himself did not like the theatrical. Although even the final cut did not do it for me, I preferred it over the Theatrical. The final cut makes it clear whether or not the Ford character, is an android. Plus there is no narration in the final cut.


Drive being the lowest really hurts.

David of the North

I hope you put Baby Driver on your list soon. Another Edgar Wright gem.


Looks like its gonna be Blade Runner. I wonder what version? I never know which one to watch because there's like a billion cuts. Hope you get around to Whiplash sooner or later, that movie is incredible.

Kris J

I agree with this, for instance I would suggest the theatrical version, with voice-over, as I watched one version without it first and had almost no idea what was going on.

Aaron Taft

If ya watch blade runner get the original, where he narrates, not the directors cut, where he doesn't. Totally different experience. And the original is better


I went with Whiplash since I’ve never seen it. Looking forward to my first unseen movie with Natalie (though I might hate that- she talks a lot during movies 😏.)


If Bladerunner wins, you might want to put up another poll to choose which version to watch. There are strong reasons in favor of all of them.


"I don't eat... I don't sleep... I do nothing but think of youuu...." 🎵 God damn it I love it too. It should really be first.

Future Boy

I have no problem with Bladerunner winning, but I hope you get around to Drive at some point!


Bladerunner Final Cut if it wins😊


Don't know what whiplash is, but if Drive becomes another option, should watch blade runner, drive, then blade runner 2049

Thomas Yanez

It's weird how this particular movie always has its title mooshed together when I see it come up. I don't mean just with reactors who are new to the movie, it seems to happen wherever I see it discussed where it is often referred to as "Bladerunner" instead of "Blade Runner", even by people who are obviously fans of the franchise. Are there any other movies that people do that to? I guess I do see it with hyphenated titles sometimes, like "Spiderman" instead of "Spider-Man", but maybe that's easier to understand.


Bladerunner is so sloooooow

Armchair Wizard

Drive is very underrated. Its cinematography is beautiful.


Drive is my favorite film of the last ten years. Truly a masterpiece, exceptional in several regards. I hope you get to it sooner or later. Everything else on this list is also really good, except Whiplash.


Definitely put up a poll about which version of Bladerunner to watch!

Brad Bunch

The Professional is Gary Oldman at his Gary Oldman-liest. Which is a lot.

Brad Bunch

Please don't watch the theatrical cut of Blade Runner. Even Harrison Ford sounds insulted narrating it.

David Crabtree

Whiplash is the only movie on this list I care for. I'm sure any will make for a fun reaction though.

Matt Gwinn

The international version might be harder for people to find.

Nerd Going Outside

Bladerunner is way overrated without the nostalgia to lean on IMO.


Bladerunner: The Director's Cut!!


Leon, because it is one of my all time favorite movies, and because of the four I think it will have Natalie laughing and crying the most. Whiplash will probably have her yelling the most. Don't play the "I'm confused" drinking game if she watches Blade Runner ;)


If you do watch Bladerunner, watch the final cut on HBOmax. I had never seen any version of the film before, watched that one a few weeks ago. It was good, but from what I read the earlier versions of the film were kind of a mess.


Blade Runner is my favorite movie and I'm excited it's winning, but seeing Whiplash and Drive with so few votes is also frustrating. They're excellent too.


None of those movies are that good - so many much better movies that you could do - 1- Watchmen 2-Reds 3- any of the Jason Bourne movie 4- Mr. & Mrs. Smith 5- 12 Strong or 13 hours - both true stories

Alan Kobb

Once again I'll go back to my normal practice of voting for a loser. Big fan of JK Simmons, so my choice is obvious. Of course the winner is Bladrunner. Who would have predicted that?


Natalie is exceptionally good at figuring out unfamiliar movies, so any version of Bladerunner should be fine.


Oh my god, Whiplash is so good

Ben Wheeler

I always find Blade Runner unsettling (partly because of the music), and I vacillate between liking it and not because of that


I voted Whiplash, I'm with you. I love sci-fi and would love to see Nat watch Bladerunner, but I agree, Whiplash is the better movie. Maybe one day.


I'm assuming Bladerunner's going to win but I'm still voting for Léon. Such a classic and the villian (played amazingly by Gary Oldman) is just insane in...well...EVERYWAY!


If you're watching Blade Runner, which looks likely, make sure it's the Final Cut.

Eric Janssen

I still giggle at Leon: the Professional being “French action”, as if that’s an actual genre. 😂. I wouldn’t begrudge one more showing of Blade Runner, though, since it’s always more important to know 80’s movies than 00’s ones.

Matt D

Which Blade Runner is up for the vote, Natalie 1) Blade Runner: Theatrical Cut (1982; Ridley Scott didn't like this version) 2) Blade Runner: Director's Cut (1992; Edited by Michael Arick) 3) Blade Runner: Final Cut (2007; Supervised & fully controlled by Ridley Scott) 4) Blade Runner: 2049 (2017; the sequel)?

Kevin Townsend

All good movies. 2 more movies I’d like to see added to your list in the future are Fargo and Sling Blade.


If we see Blade Runner, hopefully we watch 2049 soon after. I actually think it's a better film.


"The Whole Nine Yards" with Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3cEKSODO1M



Eric Janssen

I had the bad luck to library rent both 2049 and the live-action Ghost in the Shell for the same weekend, and was left with the impression they were the SAME MOVIE: Apparently, the future will have a lot of 100-ft. holographic billboards in it, and sentient androids will ponder their identity...


I'm echoing a recommendation someone else here put forward: ONLY watch the Final Cut of Blade Runner. The so-called "Director's Cut" wasn't actually okayed by Ridley Scott. The one you want is "The Final Cut"; that one is regarded as the truest form of the story Ridley Scott wanted to make.

Christopher Boscarino

I saw Blade Runner in the theaters when it came out and liked it, but the 2007 Final cut made it as one of my top movies ever made. PLEASE do the final cut if you can. Haven't seen 2049.


Among these, very happy to vote for Blade Runner.


I must agree. There is only one version to watch, and it's the Final Cut version.

Mike LL

Just double up on Marvel. (Just kidding, but, well, not too bad of an idea. Basically I'm only here for GOT and Marvel, just saying, none of those movies on the list really thrill me.)


At last, Finally get to watch Blade Runner with Natalie, hope she watch’s the Directors Cut.


I pick "other - The Crow". Please consider this masterpiece for a future review. I can't find one person online that had reviewed this movie. It is my favorite movie of all time.


I would like to see you react to whiplash, but since Blade Runner is my most favourite movie of all time, i had to pick that :D


My other pick is Michael Mann's Heat or Manhunter


These are all good choices. Always down to watch Blade Runner or Leon. Whiplash and Drive are both great but they are the type of movie that you really only want to watch once.


YES!!! All the way YES! Finally, someone else who thinks this way.

David Crabtree

At least now, we can get Blade Runner over with so it stops showing up on polls.

Myles Away

I love Blade Runner and Drive both very much. But I voted for Blade Runner. It's a classic and the sequel is an absolute masterpiece that has to be experienced as well.


I have never seen "Blade Runner" but I am familiar with and have greatly enjoyed a lot of Philip Dick novels.. so let's give this one a whirl? I would have voted for Leon but the relationship can be a little disturbing.

Warren Van Wyck

Honestly, I seem to be in the minority here... I wanted so badly to give Bladerunner a chance, but I only made it 53 minutes into the movie before I had to turn it off out of extreme boredom. I realize the pacing of movies made circa 1982 was different, but I just couldn’t do it.

Sebastian Syrinx

The Final Cut is by far the best version of Blade Runner if that's the movie that wins


Put Bladerunner into the category of something thats a classic and a must watch for anyone who likes sci-fi movies... and a movie I just. can't watch. I don't get too far into the movie before giving up.

Eric Janssen

You're not in the minority: We 80's geezers have to explain to the new kids why Blade Runner flopped in theaters in 1982, because Ridley Scott wouldn't know a coherent film if it bit him. (And yet, I'm still voting for it over Drive.)


and is the only version over which Ridley Scott had entire creative control.


La Femme Nikita then Léon.


Short list - looks like you have room for Ex Machina and GATTACA :)

Steve J

maybe. sounds like the Bladeruner camps won't rest until she watches every version because each version is the best version...


I highly recommend Galaxy Quest for a Sci-fi / comedy

Nicholas Hentges

I voted for bladerunner because it has been outvoted a couple other times and I would like you to get to it, but Drive is so good too, so keep that one in there for a bit or watch it on your own, great movie and soundtrack.

Eric Janssen

That’s a good way of putting it: 2001, for example is a classic, but it was years after college before I could literally stay awake till the end. There’ve been enough abbreviated Reactor versions of Blade Runner on YouTube, I think I’m FINALLY starting to figure out what’s actually happening in the plot, after forty years, to go with those cool cityscapes.


I voted Blade Runner in hopes to see the reaction to its sequel, Blade Runner 2049 :)

Thomas Malley

Bring the tissue box for Leon.

Thomas Malley

she would absolutely love Leon. I mean, I can't imagine she would hate it, but who knows.


I voted for Bladerunner but would also enjoy seeing your reaction to Leon: The professional.

Lorenzo Turner

Leon is a fantastic film, please add it to future polls.


Yeesss!!! Finally bladerunner will win! haha


I am very excited to see Blade Runner taking the lead, but am equally excited to see The Professional coming so close. I would be super pleased to see it win as well. I've never even heard of Whiplash, which is a first for me on this channel. I started Drive, but there is a very specific, sudden, emotionally devastating incident in the film that caught me off guard and affected me so deeply and negatively that I couldn't keep watching. It's probably a me thing, and others may be able to get past it just fine, but it took me weeks to get the image out of my head. I've heard that it's an excellent film.

Steve J

Wait, I thought we were voting for Blade...


Leon- the profeshhh is an epic symphony! Seeing pre-teen Natalie Portman brilliantly perform in it is a trip.


As long as you eventually watch each of these movies, I will be more than happy.


The elevator scene is one of my favorites of the last ten years.


Moulin Rouge!


As this is my favourite sci-fi movie ever, I’m gonna watch along with you but, what we need to know is what version are you gonna be watching, Theatrical, Director cut or The final cut. I haven’t seen it recently, so I’m so ready for this.

Reid Ellis

"The Time Traveler's Wife" (2009). I would pay your Patreon like $20 to watch it (if you haven't seen it before). Is there any way to do that on Patreon? Sell one-off reactions? Maybe have bidding wars? :-) That would be cool.

Rain andMoonlight

I don't know if this is helpful or just more confusing, but the Final Cut is the version I would recommend if you're going to see Blade Runner. Love your channel!


It makes so much more sense to just have a poll. That way she always picks things that hundreds or even thousands of people want to watch.

Logan Kerlee

Since I know it likely won't be winning, I went ahead and watched Drive again. Man, I love that movie. Don't get me wrong, I love each of them. I just haven't seen Drive for a good bit so it was worth the rewatch (plus I've already watched Leon: The Professional really recently). Those two movies I'd vote for long before I'd cast a vote for Bladerunner.. but hey, Democracy rules so I'll need to be patient and wait however long to watch one of the films that I dig. It's okay, I'm patient. xD Whiplash is great as well!! I'll probably be watching that here in a little bit because I've watched plenty enough bloodshed and need something else for a change.