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Hey guys!

Hope you're having a great weekend so far. In preparation for next week, please help me pick a sci-fi style movie! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and until the next one, stay golden! 


Christopher French

Blade Runner is an all time classic in the Sci-fi genre. Inception is overrated. Yeah, I said it.

Tay Schumaker

Arrival is the best of them, but you’ve seen it. So Inception

John Rando

Blade Runner slow, Inception fast :-)

Game Wizard001

I would choose Blade Runner not just because Harrison Ford, but because it is a very well made and shot film. Has to be Final Cut version though.

David Blake

Blade Runner is quite slow, but it's a poem. A must see. ❤️

Matthew Periolat

I’ve only seen ET and Arrival. I want to be out of excuses to see Blade Runner, please.


Ex Machina!


Inception, for all its unique concepts, is also just a great and rewatchable movie.


Fast and trippy as balls. Wanna say something about the cuts they take. But don't want to let anything out.

Keith Jones

For future consideration, try "Ex Machina".

Darryl Low

If Inception wins, we are going to hear "I'm so confused right now" from you Nat, A LOT 😂 Blade Runner for the win 💛

It Hurt A Lot

ET seems like a movie Nat would absolutely love


If you’ve seen Arrival, then I’m going Inception. You should 100% watch Blade Runner eventually though. Go with the Final Cut version if you do. Maybe watch Blade Runner when you can roll right into Blade Runner 2049 after.

Sebastian Syrinx

The Final Cut of Blade Runner is absolutely phenomenal. As is its sequel. Inception is good but not even Nolan's best sci-fi film


Blade Runner would have gotten my vote if not for that ONE scene. You know what one I'm talking about. Kinda ruined the movie for me last rewatch.

Patrick Armbruster

I sure hope Blade Runner takes the highly overrated Inception down in the poll. I'm not against Nolan per se, but Memento would be so much more fun to watch along than Inception, which is just too bloated.

It Hurt A Lot

Haha she definitely should have an "I'm so confused" counter with Inception


Blade Runner is a classic for Harrison Ford, the music, the setting and the story. Absolutely beautiful movie. Inception is a recent to be sure, but regardless of the vote you should watch Bladerunner at some point. Vangelis soundtrack is absolutely amazing. I watch this movie at least once a quarter and always have the soundtrack ready to go on all devices.


Contact is a great Sci-Fi movie!


Blade Runner, 'Final Cut' please: only version where Ridley Scott had complete artistic control. One of the top sci-fi movies ever made, possibly his magnum opus.

D Walraven

Blade Runner for sure! Course then the poll would be which cut. lol


I agree not a fan of inception at all which means it will probably win 😂 😂 😂

Troy B.

I don't love Inception more than the other movies, but I think we'd all enjoy your reaction to it more than the others. And I'd rather not watch you sob through E.T. o_o

David of the North

Inception will make your head hurt. But I want to see that. Good entertainment right there.


Blade runner 100% film is a classic and a must watch

Randee Carreno

All 4 great movies! As much as I love "E.T.", "Bladerunner" got my vote. 😊 Have a great weekend! Stay Golden! 💛

Jon B

Interstellar or Oblivion would be my pick for good sci fi movies. Inception is technically great, but not a movie you can watch casually.


Damn I wish it would be Bladerunnr because it's such a classic and I didn't even like Inception that much.


Whenever you do watch Blade Runner, you also need to watch the sequel, it is fantastic.


Shame, i love the blade runner univers, maybe next time :D Inception is decent i guess hehe

Paul C

If you end up watching Inception, you should follow it up with South Park episode Insheeption.


Inception let’s goooooo


Blade Runner (The Final Cut version)

Kevin Bartelen

Unless you've seen them already it would be fun to see you go through some Star Trek movies eventually, although start with Stat Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn if you want to start at the beginning but also with a good one.

Ellis Hugh

Blade Runner and ET are seminal works, but Inception is such a masterfully crafted film, anyone with an appreciation of cinema (like our dear Nat) NEEDS to have seen it.


I still hope you watch the Hobbit trilogy (extended editions!) sometime though?


No Interstellar??? 😃😄😁

Ian Forbes

For Sci-Fi, I’d recommend Moon starring Sam Rockwell. Awesome film.

Andy Jordan

Arrival is actually my favorite, but Blade Runner is the best of the ones you haven’t seen, so my vote goes for that, though these are all great films.

Michael Bergeron

Inception is great. Blade Runner is better. Interstellar would be a great option in the future too.


Three amazing classics, and Inception. Inception's...fine. But it's not walk-away-with-the-poll great.

Ulrich Unterbrunner

Inception cool, but Interstellar would be nicer. But maybe she has already seen it.


I think she should start with the motion picture to be introduced to the characters.


Gattaca is my favorite scifi movie that doesn't make most lists. Also, if you haven't seen the Terminator series, would love for you to react to them, at least the first two.

Kris J

If at some point you do watch Bladerunner, I would recommend you try and find the theatrical version. It has a voice over narration that helps understand the world/story. For some reason it's not in the other versions, so for my first viewing I had almost zero clue of what was happening.

Alan Kobb

Arrival is probably the best of them. ET is good, but a bit dated,, but you should watch something new, so Blade Runner is a good choice. I don't get why so many people want Inception. To each their own. It is interesting how many people wrote to say that they are against Inception. Too bad words don't count more than votes


OMG INCEPTION, loving the reactions you produce week after week


Please guys, Blade Runner. We can do this.

Aaron Kirk

Final Cut of Blade Runner is the best version of the movie for sure. It’s the most coherent version.

Daniel Restaro

BLADE RUNNER! Inception is visually pleasing but kinda pretentious drivel..


I would love to see Galaxy Quest as a sci-fi comedy


Looks like special effects is winning over feel good, gritty drama, and first contact.

Lee Ventura

You need to watch the worse big budget sci-fi movie ever made "Independence Day" with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum. It's the most ridiculous, not meant to be funny movie ever! haha The Martian and Stargate are good sci-fi movies also.

Vincent Valentin

ugh inception. blade runner is where its at.

Thomas Yanez

It isn't in the other versions because they were forced to put it in and it is less than ideal. Awkward and jarring, even. Even Harrison Ford's voice sounds like he was hating that he was doing it. The Final Cut is the ideal version (as many have already commented), as that is how the director intended it to be seen.

Thomas Yanez

Asked to choose sci-fi then being given "Blade Runner" and "Inception" as the leading choices feels like being asked to choose "art" and being given the choice of the Mona Lisa and a movie poster for "Inception".


Blade Runner is hands down one of the best sci fi movies ever made.

Mike LL

Independence Day, ET, Stargate, Blade Runner, Star Wars are all fantasy movies. The Martian is the real deal science fiction, also a great movie.


Inception just didn't work for me. Blade Runner all the way!

David Crabtree

E.T. is really the only movie on this list I care for. For Sci Fi, I would have recommended The Martian, Real Steel, Star Trek ll: The Wrath of Khan, Robocop.


Not to slight the clear winner here (Chris Nolan is a genius) but Ridley Scott's Blade Runner is an genuine classic. Hope you get back to it later on.


Voted for Inception as you have already seen Arrival but I will suggest The Martian for a future sci-fi poll :)

Dan Careaga

This is a tough call! I feel like Inception will be the most fun but could also be incredibly confusing. It is so dialog dependent to understand the logistics of and unravel that it is very easy to miss things. I saw it twice on opening day (I was really blown away by it) and still missed stuff. :)


It's not a sci-fi but the next time you are looking at action/suspense films to react to please consider The Fugitive with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones.

Bruce Bromley

Come on , Nat, you love Ridley Scott. Pick Blade Runner. With Inception, you'll be saying, "I'm confused" so much during it's nearly three hour running time, you'll need to put a counter on screen just for fun. :-)


Blade Runner "The Final Cut" is contemplative and visually arresting. Definitely worth watching then reflecting on it with a glass of wine.

Thomas Yanez

Hey, at least if she does watch "Inception", then one of the other movies she has already viewed that had some similar special effects will lesson the 'wow' impact of it the "Inception" visuals. Then you're just left with the WTF-IS-GOING-ON-ness....

Robert Carroll

I need to rewatch Inception. Why not do it with Nat! Still voted Blade Runner though:-p

Joe Blankenship

I've never seen Blade Runner before so I voted that. But I guess I could watch Inception again.

Joe Blankenship

Whatever happened to Karate Kid?

Louis Augeri

There's nothing out there like Blade Runner. Also a fantastic sequel in Blade Runner 2049 which stands on its own, a rare case where the sequel lives up to the original. It seems like Inception might win this poll but definitely put Blade Runner on the list for the future.


Wow - am surprised that Inception is winning the poll. While it's a paradigm shift in modern sci-fi, BLADERUNNER is literally studied in schools and is one of the most historic films out there. Amazing performances, amazing look at what our future could be - just a classic from one of the masters - Ridley Scott! But if the majority of Nat's Patreon skew younger, I "get it" and it would be great to revisit this film.

David Crabtree

It shouldn't be surprising. Just look at each film's box office. While Bladerunner has achieved cult film status, it was a box office failure, while Inception was a huge mainstream hit.

Brent Fugett

Definitely Inception. Not a fan of the others.


I like to pair Galaxy Quest with Evolution to have fun afternoon. David Duchovny is comedic gold.


Blade Runner is iconic and key for understanding how SF movies look and work. Hard to argue that Inception is a lot of fun though!

Steve J

I'd take Edge of Tomorrow over Oblivion if we're doing Tom Cruise Sci-fi edition

Steve J

unfortunately in order to react to T2, arguably the best sci-fi action movie of all time, you have to watch The Terminator first, and it's... fine-ish?


Blade Runner. Inception is overrated.


Blade Runner. Still my favourite film of the last 30+ years

Peter Hudson

Clifford's wrong, Inception is dope


Arrival doesn't have any hope of winning, but it's one of the best Sci-fi movies ever made. Inception and Blade Runner are great too, but Arrival is very unique.


Inception is a great choice I thank you Might like it. Hey Natalie have you considered doing a watch along For a future movie. Just a thought for a fun idea.

Myles Away

Blade Runner and the sequel Blade Runner: 2049 should both be watched. They are incredible films.

Justin S.

All good films here although ET was not quite as good as I remembered from my childhood. I guess it just has not held up as well. Blade Runner is a visually impressive film with strong performances but definitely on the slow side and far from the most exciting sci-fi film. The sequel 2049, is similar in its impressive visuals, effects, and cinematography. Also, what's interesting is that besides Arrival, there was another science fiction movie called The Arrival (1996), with Charlie Sheen that was pretty good. Here are some other Sci-fi films I suggest in the future: The Terminator (1984)- It's crazy that Nat has not seen this yet! Robocop (1987) The Abyss (1989) Total Recall (1990) Stargate (1994) 12 Monkeys (1995)


Oof. All of these choices are kind of snoozefests. Not sure if they'd make for great reaction videos. Like Bladerunner is a whole lot of just staring at establishing shots and boring dialogue that lacks any emotional connection. These are all movies you just kind of quietly watch and then think about later.


All of those are better choices. I'd love to see Nat's reaction to Total Recall. That movie is full of WTF moments.

Misty Crom

Galaxy Quest!

Matt Gwinn

A few great Sci-Fi movies that don't get talked about as much are Moon, Gattaca and Sunshine. A fun one is Galaxy Quest, which will probably get you the most views. A Classic is Terminator, though it probably doesn't hold up as well as the other 4.

Justin S.

The Terminator is still a highly entertaining film and the practical effects were good. The visual effects in Terminator 2 still look impressive and it's been almost 30 years.

Thomas Yanez

"Moon" is wonderful.

Prof Moff

I think you should watch Blue Harvest the Family guy parody of Star Wars


I've only seen ET out of all of these, so that's the one I voted for. It's one of my favorite movies, and I'm honestly kind of baffled as to why so many people don't like it.

Edward Olson

I think people would prefer reactions to movies that she absolutely hadn't seen before.


I feel like I've seen a lot of reactors do Bladerunner in the past few months so I would be happy to see something different. I do hope Nat gets to Bladerunner at some point but it can be a little exhausting as a viewer to see the some content repeatedly. It's nice to get some variety :) I think Nat would really get a kick out of Inception so it would be a fun reaction.

Koala Banana

How about the Star Trek franchise? Also, don't sleep on Stargate. Another very good franchise.


You've got to get the original Blade Runner out of the way so you can watch BR:2049, which is amazing.

Edward Olson

Star Trek movies require a familiarity with the characters from the original series to appreciate. There is ZERO back story for any of the characters and relationships in the movies. They assume you've seen the series already.

Scott Greene

In regards to E.T., have you seen the ending?


well if you want to stick with Simon Peg movies - there is "Paul" - My pick 1- Evolution (2001) Sci-fi and Funny 2- Transformer movies 3 - Avatar 4- Star Trek movies (newer ones) 5- Men in Black

Eric Janssen

Not sure which would be worse--Watching Inception, or watching the ORIGINAL Japanese-anime "Paprika" that Nolan had been hired to remake at one point. (One anime reactor tried getting through the latter, and found it tough going.)

Justin S.

Dark City is another underrated science fiction film that would be a good reaction. Some people had said it was the best overall film of 1998.


How in the Hell is Bladerunner losing to Freaking trash like Inception....smh


I think i'd rather watch Blade Runner, but i feel like Nat would enjoy Inception more so voted for it.

Nicholas Hentges

Just some possibles for your next sci fi poll, a lot of others already pointed out some good ones but just a couple that might interest you. Annihilation (sci fi light horror) Event Horizon (scifi hard horror) Donnie Darko (scifi mystery) And if bladerunner doesnt win this time, definitely keep it in the polls. Could do that one if you are feeling in a noir mood too, a noir poll could be a good idea some time, if you like those kinds of movies.

Jai Nelson

Noir poll would be sweet. It’s amazing how Bladerunner pulled off noir in color and sci-fi...damn I love that movie, both of em actually, 2049 totally lives up.


Blade Runner is one of my favourite movies of all time, but I did not choose it. Why? Because my choice is always predicated on it being a good "reaction experience". Plus certain corners of the internet would be more forgiving if you happened not to like any of the other movies on this list lol.

Eric Janssen

Yes, if the vote is inevitable, I'm just WAITING for some reactor to pull the emperor's underwear off of Inception, claim it doesn't make any danged sense, and make a lot of "You should watch The Prestige and Interstellar next!" Dark Knight/Chris Nolan fanboys cry. :)


For future sci-fi polls: 2001, Terminator, Metropolis, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Planet of the Apes (original), Minority Report, 12 Monkeys, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), and Children of Men.


Waiting for WILLOW

David Blake

The Terminator series is "a must see", like Blade Runner.

Justin S.

Anyone remember The Lawnmower Man? Strange but interesting sci-fi movie that would make a good reaction, even if the effects are dated. The sequel is not worth the time though. Also, Virtuosity is another fun sci-fi action picture from the 90s with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.


Next time you feel like doing another epic movie, I recomend adding The Kingdom of Heaven to the vote. But make sure its the Director's Cut HUGE difference from the theatrical. Also its a Ridley Scott movie

Matt D

I remember watching the Lawnmower Man in the theater when I was a kid. But, that was so long ago, I don't remember the plot. A young Kaley Cuoco was also in Virtuosity.


Terminator 1&2 definitely need to go on the list


With Inception, prepare to do a lot of Pausing to manage the mind-bending... Trust us, it does make sense...


Inception is good, but Bladerunner is a classic. Bladerunner will be watched consistently 50 years from now. Inception, not so much. Watch the final director (Ridley Scott) edit.

Erik Larson

Went with Inception, but would make a case for Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Good mix of genres.

Clear Light

Went with Inception because I haven't seen any reactions to it. Bladerunner would be good as well. People have mentioned Close Encounters and I agree. That's also really good. And for a really off base choice I suggest Galaxy Quest. It even manages to make Tim Allen look good. It has a wonderful cast - Alan Rickman, Sigourney Weaver, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell and Justin Long. It's a comedy and should have you smiling all the way through.


I reckon you'd really dig The Abyss - Special Edition. Must be the Special Edition, not the original cinematic release, which was cut down and lost an entire sub plot. Great performances, well written and great direction. Also, the making of is worth the watch to see how most of the film was actually shot under water.


Greetings from Russia:) Have you ever watched American Graffiti? It is about car dates in '62 (!!) but it has some kind of magic - it is so familiar to everyone and so lighthearted! One of my favourite comedies ever. Fun fact: its final cut contains at least 3 bloopers, which turned out to be better than the screenplay! P.S. From sci-fi I highly recommend Equilibrium. P.P.S. Voted for E.T.


A horrible experience for the actors but a great experience for the audience.

Cailey Jones

I know you're not into zombies, but I still REALLY wanna see you watch Cabin in the Woods. And for what it's worth, the zombies aren't that visible that often, they really could be any monster, lol. Oh but also, I second the Equilibrium recommendation. That movie is fantastic.

Daniel Vezina

You should Watch Akira, anime fom the 80s


Blade Runner was undeniably influential to so much of what I've loved, but I had to vote for Inception as a recommend.


Looks like Inception will win this poll but if you have never seen Bladerunner I highly recommend watching it somewhere down the line. People react differently to it but it is my favorite sci-fi film. Not just your standard good guy vs bad guy or good guys vs monster kind of movie. It makes you think. It makes you question things.