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Hey y'all! We're back with another Firefly episode! This one was yet another nail biter and I can't believe we only have 5 episodes of this series left! 😭I don't want it to end yet! 

I hope you enjoy this one and as always, please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Until the next one, ✨stay golden! ✨

Private Link (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS LINK INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to wait a little while and try to download the file again later, thanks!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HxHfKKmU7tqE8Dc1xX-OZZMl-kpNg_QV/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Firefly

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Aaron Taft

I needed this today. Thank you.

Joe Jeffords

This is a great high stress episode. Can hardly wait to watch. Glad we got to see Jayne's "Come to Jesus" moment play out before the series was canceled. Looking forward to your experiences with "War Stories" and "Trash" in the near future.


I think the reason River does not tell Simon what happened to her, is that she does not know what happened to her.

Ron K

Exactly what I needed to get me through the rest of my day/

Calo Grsf

And yes, unfortunately all the good stories have an ending... Only 5 episodes left... that's so sad 😭 haha


Thank you for the great video. As a huge fan of the show and the movie your reactions to the show are very entertaining. The timing for all your comments in this episode was really great. Your intuition for commenting on stuff in the show was spot on.

Kathy Ice

LOL, wrong Jeff. It was Jeff Bridges in Iron Man, not Jeff Goldblum.

Darryl Low

Another great reaction from River's No.1 Fan ! LOL A good old-fashioned heist episode with a bit of double-crossing thrown in for good measure. I loved when Mal zapped the doctor, and Zoe said "Clear" Looking forward to the next episode already. Thank you Nat.


Nat, you asked who those creepy guys were with. All you can tell at this point is they're with the group who Simon rescued her from and they can pretty much kill anyone to achieve their goals. River not talking about what happened to her isn't uncommon for people with traumatic experiences. It's not like she can just decide to talk about it, and that's just from the mental trauma, let alone anything they may or may not have done to her brain physically.

Aaron Taft

By the way River has no bad feelings for Jayne, she just didn't like his shirt.


Yeah but sleeper holds are very very risky. If you're not careful you could accidentally cause permanent brain damage or even death. So while Simon might not have been intentionally trying to kill the fed with that sleeper hold, he knew that death was a possibility and it was a risk he was willing to take.

Todd Spencer

Things do start to pick up. You will get some answers here, but you will get more in Serenity. No spoilers. But yes, for River this was a very significant episode. Also... Something else to ponder... When I first watched this episode I thought the same way you did. Jayne practiced his line and was gonna make sure he said it. However, watch his face when he says the line. I think maybe when things went so smooth getting in he was trying to tip off the staff. He obviously called the police first, and they never questioned the DOA's which I suppose could happen, but it seemed way too convenient and then he just "needed" to say his line? He definitely isn't smart, but I don't think he's quite THAT stupid. Just something to think about. :-)

Ronny Boss

You have the browncoats watching, I would love to see you gain the screaming firehawk community as well 😀


River sure didn't like the Blue Sun labels on the cans she peeled, so I guess the shirt is part of it. I think Jayne is very predictable. If the reward outweighs the risk, well, reward it is. First episode… money wasn't good enough. I guess this time it was and the day turned out "Interesting". Nice foreshadowing. I did pick up on something new and I've seen these many times. Like Jayne's extreme fear of Reavers hinting at some childhood trauma I think River was describing a Christmas gone wrong in the Cobb household. Then again it could just be that Reavers take the place of boogeyman stories they tell kids and Jayne doesn't think you should talk to cops.

Wally Hartshorn

I found it revealing that Jayne said, "Don't tell them what I did." Combined with the events of "Jaynestown", I think we were shown that Jayne has significant self-esteem issues. I like that we're shown some depth beneath his rough exterior.

Wally Hartshorn

I also noticed Jayne nervously peering into the little receptacles where they apparently put the corpses. I think Jayne is afraid of death in general, despite his sometimes violent exterior. Perhaps the latter is BECAUSE of his fear of death.


No, Jayne is that stupid. He was not trying to tip anyone off. At that point, Zoe and Captain-tight-pants would have been nabbed too. Jayne's deal was just to sell off Simon and River. At which point claim those two slipped up and got themselves caught. Nothing could be done to save them so the rest of the crew would leave the planet. If Zoe and Mal got caught, not certain that Walsh and Kaylee would follow him as captain. Inara would not stay either. So smart enough to know going in the door would be a bad time to screw up. He is just stupid enough that having practiced the line so much for the moment, he could not stop it from coming out. As a bonus, it makes a super funny moment.

Matthew Periolat

If Firefly had more time, Jayne would have had a redemption arc, I’m sure. He was written as too unlikable an asshole for so much of the season for that not to have been the plan. They just got axed too soon.

Joel Palenychka

My understanding is that River can't tell Simon what was done to her because she has buried the memories as deeply traumatic events. Also, what they did do to her seems to have heightened her intuition and sensitivity but damaged her ability to view things in a linear fashion. It's all things all at once. I suspect her cutting Jayne was in response to his betrayal... which hadn't happened yet.


Let's see. John covered the quiet River thing. Jeff Bridges. Jayne is that dumb. High tech or not, I wouldn't expect to have cameras everywhere. Just ask a medical union's people how much they want to be watched all day. I think River can't perceive Jayne's actions the way we do and her read might be incomplete. Love the Simon being a doctor scene. Did you notice Wash toss away a catalyzer in the scrap yard? And certainly not least, I do believe that, good guy or not, Mal was about to leave Jayne to die up until Jayne's last words redeemed him just enough to stay. Great reactions! I joined here for Firefly and we just got though my fav three.

Robert Avila

Another great episode and reaction. Also really sad this series was never given a fair chance. Looking forward to your next video. Next Firefly, Marvel movie, or whatever. Enjoying everything you watch and reactions. Will be subscribing for a long time. 💖

Luis Torrefranca

As for River and answering questions straightforward, this episode is revealing about how she understands reality around her and her memories. I'm going to hold off saying more than that. For Mal and Jayne, I'm certain Mal was prepared to kill Jayne. What changed was when Jayne told Mal not to tell the rest of the crew what he did. Possibly for the first time and when there was nothing left that could save him, Jayne cared or revealed he cared about what the crew thought of him and that he valued the idea he was part of them, despite his crude behavior. Mal sees there's something redeeming in that and that Jayne can understand the importance of being part of the crew. Worthy of letting live, but not without punishment. Trust is a big thing for Mal. Not only is it how you survive doing what they do, but the events of the Battle of Serenity Valley and how they were abandoned scarred him about who he depends on. Broken trust means people die.


An interesting idea. I've always presumed it was because he was wearing a Blue Suns shirt.


I agree Mal was ready and willing to kill Jayne. Mal doesn't kill without cause, but given cause he has not hesitation doing so. Betrayal certainly fits the bill. I think he was looking for a reason not to kill Jayne which is why he gave him the walkie-talkie instead of just leaving him there to die. But it was up to Jayne to give him a reason. Hearing the honest regret in Jayne's voice at the end, IMO, was enough... barely.


I am thoroughly enjoying your reactions to the episodes and reliving them with you. A bunch of us from our medieval re-enactment group here in Australia watched the series together when it first came out and started calling ourselves Browncoats lol Like most who've watched Firefly, we were devastated that there was only 1 series made, but were thrilled when they made the movie and graphic novels. Keep up the great work with your reaction videos and stay shiny ☺


Unlikeable? He was my favourite character! He was what drew me into watching "Chuck" (OK, the attractive female lead may have had something to do with it along with the show being entirely the kinda thing I enjoy, but Adam Baldwin was certainly a plus to keep watching.)


Tom Virtue is the name of the actor who plays that doctor in this episode. He's great and has been in basically everything since the early 90s. Great name to know if you ever play the 6 degrees of separation game.


I've not seen it said overtly, but I think Jayne is sweet on Kaylee or thinks of her as a little sister. He probably doesn't care much what most of the crew thinks, but I think it matter to him that Kaylee not think ill of him. Little moments, like when Kaylee got shot, you see him crouching outside the medbay while she's in there. He looks genuinely distraught. I think that also explains some of his dislike of the Tams, because Kaylee likes Simon and the only time I've seen Jayne be mean towards Kaylee it was in regard to Simon.


I'm so happy to have somebody to watch these with while my area is on lockdown, thank you! Y'know... if you wanted a compromise between your current schedule and binge watching, you COULD always release a double feature, two episodes back to back, nice little treat for all concerned ... just sayin' :P also, do you have somewhere specific you prefer people leave suggestions for movies? Thanks again for the great content!


I also attribute it to the fact they appeared to be doing brain surgery in the flashbacks. She was apparently awake for some of it, but you'd think most of it would be done while she was unconscious. So yeah, I wouldn't expect her to know what happened, other than to say they did some cutting around upstairs or something, which wouldn't be terribly illuminating.


Hello you should check out her Discord, I am new to discord but Nat just recently started something on there for people to leave suggestions, plus you can look at her list to see what she is working on watching and stuff she has already seen, She has a very long list so your suggestion may already be something she is planning on sharing or that she has already watched.


Hey Nat! As a dedicated Brown coat who loves sci-fi shows with great character development, I can recommend 2 shows to you that you can easily binge watch, or better yet, share with us! they are both older shows like Firefly, * in my personal opinion, thats what makes them so good! One is a show from the Scy_Fy channel called "FARSCAPE" & the other is a remake of the classic 70s show BATTELSTAR GALACTICA that aired in 2004. BOTH amazing shows with great stories & character development on par with FIREFLY!


Great watch Nat!


I can't believe I didn't see anybody point out to Nat that the part Wash throws in the junkyard is the same part they needed in "Out of Gas".


Nat - did you catch the call back to Out of Gas when Wash threw the engine part in the junkyard?


*cough. Though to be fair I didn't notice until after reading it from a comment in another reaction vid.

Sean Novack

The Bonus Features on the DVD set explain that the cast was really tight. After Kaylee and Inara approach the ambulance when it comes in, Mal comes over and immediately embraces Kaylee from behind like a big brother. That was unscripted and when you see River's face you can tell. Nathan Fillian by this point was really the Captain of this crew and brought a lot of his own character to Mal Reynolds. It's really sweet, especially when you see them together in later shows like "Castle"

Rocky Hinten

You've brought up a few times about how you need to find out what Shepherd Book's backstory is. They kept hinting at it, and intended to go there eventually if the show ran longer, but obviously were robbed of that chance. However, because there was that need, I have the comic that they did called "Shepherd's Tale", which showed what his background was, and as you can generally tell did have to do with Alliance military.