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Hey guys! I've heard a couple times that V for Vendetta is a great movie to put out on November 5th. Do you agree or would you rather I get back into the MCU asap?



V for Vendetta is a great movie, definitely worth watching!


V For Vendetta is remarkably appropriate and timely considering the 5th of November. The MCU will still be there.

Brandon Scott

Not even a question. MCU all the way. I’m ready for some Thor.... that is what’s next, right?


V is fantastic as a follow up to matrix

Jason Dolan

Definitely V for Vendetta

Adam Sandoval

Keep up the great work.

Jay Beiler

Given the timing and current events, V for Vendetta will be a very relatable, deep watch. MCU isn't going anywhere. The 5th of November only comes once a year.


V ofr Vendetta is a perfect film for these times.


You have some time before the start of the next MCU movie will hit theaters. Plus V is timely both for 5th Nov and the US election.


With its cinematography and atmosphere, V is definitely an autumn-type movie


I've had the pleasure of seeing Hugo Weaving perform live on stage in Sydney, so V 100%.


Anyone telling you to skip v hasnt seen it!

Red Claw

Although MCU is great, now is the time of year to watch V for Vendetta. Current situation in mind it's even more apropriate.


“Remember, remember the 5th of November the gunpowder treason and plot. I see no reason the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”


V is awesome. Same voice actor as Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) in The Matrix. Fun Fact: he did the voice of Rex in Babe!

David of the North

V is the way to go. ✌️MCU I can do without. Burnt out. Plus it's on Netflix so I can watch with you.

Aaron Lovik

I mean I REALLY want to see you delve into the MCU some more, but damn... This the appropriate time to watch that movie.


Hugo Weaving is in the MCU also!


I'd love for you to continue the MCU soon, BUT, there is not a more perfect movie to react to than V For Vendetta given the proximity to the 5th and the climate of current events. It's a fantastic film to ponder.


MCU can be done anytime, but one must Remember the 5th of November; The Gun Powder Treason and Plot.


V for Vendetta is a fantastic movie made by the same directors of the matrix. The themes are so appropriate for today it is obviously over the top but Is so well done, all the characters are so compelling. I would consider this a perfect movie

Arthur Bridges

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November

Arthur Bridges

Also Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman are both in MCU


the mcu is fantastic but it will always be there... to pass up V for Vendetta with the 5th of Nov right around the corner... it just seems like an opportunity

Christian Rennie

The “other” comic book movies! Awesome! Think about watching Hellboy (the first two w/Ron Pearlman) My top picks would be Top Gun and Legend for some OG Tom Cruise. You got plenty of time because to fit them in cuz Top Gun 2 got delayed to next year :(


Remember, remember, The Fifth of November Gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot


I’m excited for you to get back into MCU, but V for Vendetta would be good now.


I vote MCU!

Christian Rennie

Or maybe as a tribute to Sean Connery watch The League of Extraordinary Gentleman (his last movie) or The Rock.


I vehemently & vociferously vie for the very virtuous & vital vote vowed to V for Vendetta. Voila!


Hey Nat, I am curious what would you like to watch next? As someone who has made a lot of requests of you, I am curious what do you want to watch next? I seriously love all your content so whatever you choose I am gonna be happy, THANK YOU for all the amazing content.

Garrick Smalley

V. I so want to see the look on your face when... never mind, I'll shut up now. :)


Watch CHERNOBYL instead.

Eric Haefele

A change of pace is a good thing.


I'd rather see you continue with the MCU movies.

Daniel Restaro

Continue with Firefly & Serenity!


I really want to see you react to Thor.


MCU for sure!

Holly R

Became a patron for the MCU content after seeing how she handled Star Wars (full-bore into multiple trilogies and and entire season of a show). MCU was handled with....less drive. MCU movie, other movies, other series, then another MCU....etc. Totally understandable, since a couple dozen movies is daunting. Then came October, where it was "All horror all the time"...except for other movies, to break up the horror. But not the MCU. It was stated that once Halloween had passed, she'd be back into the MCU full-bore. Only now, well, not. Firefly is still going, which should include Serenity, and now we have V For Vendetta....Of course, she might do Thor next week...perhaps another the week after that, but then we're into the holiday season. As much as I would love to experience the MCU through her eyes (especially all the Phase 2 movies...and Phase 3) I'm getting the sense that Natalie really doesn't want to do the MCU. It's a shame, but it'd be nice if she just came out and said "I'm not interested in the MCU" or "I'm not going to do the MCU until next year."


I thought you said you were going to pick up with Thor right after Halloween, so now there's a poll to see if you watch it?


My vote is for Thor!

BJ Stephens

I'll say I'm all for you reacting to any and all different types of media, whether it be MCU stuff or not, but I have to vote MCU on this one because I'm not really a fan of V for Vendetta.

The Hedge Knight

There's as much reason to watch V for Vendetta on November 5th as there is to watch Mean Girls on October 3rd or Star Wars on May 4th. There's certainly a tie-in, but it won't affect your enjoyment of the movie in any way. I'd rather get back to the MCU and V can be one of the in-between movies.


Do V for Vendetta. It's a good film and the MCU movies will take a while to plow through


I get where the feeling is coming from, but I really can’t agree. MCU is still very much in it’s infancy as far as she’s made it through, If she were deeper in, I’d expect her to be much less willing to interrupt them with other things, but we’re not there yet. She’s stated a number of times, from the very beginning, that she wouldn’t be focussing solely on the MCU, as not everyone is here for it. I get that she’s said she’ll be back to MCU after the spooky season, and I’m sure it’s what she intended, but as many other people have said before, MCU can be viewed at any time. While the same goes for V, it’s no surprise others recommended it as viewing it around this time, in this climate, will probably elevate it (and possibly even see it perform better on YouTube). As for Firefly, I’d argue Serenity isn’t an issue and will just the the ‘last episode’ of that series. Appreciate you’d signed up for MCU and it’s had a month off, but just be patient for one last week and I expect we’ll be back in and rolling, even through the holiday season.


I vote MCU. Plus V for Vendetta isn't that good.

John Burns Burnsey

I voted for V for Vendetta. Why? Two actors, Stephen Fry and John Hurt. Stephen is a very good actor, and John made a career of characters in horrible or dystopian worlds.

Tina Prioleau Baeza

I vote for MCU and agree that V for Vendetta wasn't very good to me either.


I'm happy to see either, but have to agree to disagree with the people saying that V for Vendetta wasn't very good. Its complicated, sure, unpleasant, yep, shines uncomfortable light on certain trends.... but really, the most amazing thing about the movie is the acting, particularly "V" who pulled off an extremely communicative character with only a voice and body movement, no facial movement at all because of the mask. This isn't the slapstick sort of performance like C3PO, its a dramatic performance.


I have watched and enjoyed almost all of the MCU and I still haven't gotten around to watching V for Vendetta. So I'm good either way.


I'd rather see Natalie continue in the MCU with Thor.


I cast my vote for the MCU.


Honestly, not a fan of V For Vendetta, so I'll go with the MCU.

My Toasty Toast

As much as I wanna see Natalie continue MCU, I think V for Vendetta is also appropriate + it doesn’t mean she won’t continue MCU


V for Vendetta 'cause I haven't seen it either.


With how close it's looking, If V wins, I reckon Nat should follow up with an MCU film next, or vice-versa. Too close for her not to. :)

Thomas Malley

MCU isn’t going anywhere. November 5th only comes around once a year.


Never liked V for Vendetta


What about the election? V has that political connection. Plus, 5th of Nov is a literal thing in the movie, while May 4th is just a made up thing. I voted for V, because I really like that movie, and I do like the idea of watching it around Nov 5th, especially in a presidential election year, but also because the next couple of MCU movies aren't that great (I mean, Nat will have to watch them to get to the good stuff if she's being a completist, I know, but still I like the idea of doing V first).


I voted for the MCU. Looked at the comments and changed to V.


V for Vendetta is absolutely appropriate for the times, plus it's a good movie, bordering on great. Now, don't get me wrong I enjoy the MCU, especially Thor, but perhaps do V on the 5th and then follow up with Thor (since you've already did Iron Man). I think Thor is a great restart of the MCU. Plus it's one my favorite, right up there with Iron Man.

Matthew Periolat

Wow, this is a close one! I really expected V to be crushing this. For my part, I’m fine with the pacing on the MCU only because 21 movies is a lot and, especially for a newcomer, it’s better to pace. V is perfect for... current events, shall we say? That and a 4K release is coming this week by coincidence I’m sure. On the other hand, the next three Marvels (Thor, Cap, Avengers) are really strong movies IMHO and I remember as a theatergoer, Thor was the one that sold me on the MCU as a concept - that diverse movies and heroes were going to work, be good, make money and make sense when we got to the end. That and, thanks to pandemic, it’s been taking a LOT longer than expected to get to a new one. In the final analysis, I’m perfectly fine either way. I’m getting a favorite hero and movie or a first time watch with actors I enjoy and THEN a favorite hero and movie. Win-win, right?


I'm in the "nope" camp, mainly because the movie is so lightweight compared to the comic book series. The adaptation was okay at best, and I thought that using the particular actor's voice for V ruined the main point of the character, which is that V is anonymous, faceless, mysterious. The moment you recognize the actor's voice, that important aspect of the story is ruined.

Darryl Low

It's a no-brainer. Natalie is willing to squeeze in another movie for us before getting back to the Marvel movies. Haven't seen the movie either, and am looking forward to watching it along with Natalie if it wins the poll.

Isai Hernandez

There are tons of MCU reactions online, which are great. But it would be nice and refreshing to see your take on V For Vendetta. The only Verdict is Vengeance; A Vendetta held as a Votive not in Vain...

Brad Bunch

You'll remember V long after you have forgotten half of the Marvel movies. I love the MCU, but I can't say any of the entries have been particularly transformative. V has substance. And it's some of the best acting Natalie Portman has done since The Professional.

Troy B.

For some reason I'm just not in the mood for a movie about a disease-ravaged police state.

Brandon Royce

I'm going to echo the, "This is the time of the year", phrase in regards to this. Plus, the MCU is everywhere.


Agreed. This is perfect timing for V for Vendetta. Excellent movie.


V for Vendetta was too real when it was released in 2005. It's stayed too real since then. It was too real when Orwell first published "1984" back in 1949. The ideas stay relevant. That's why it's such a good movie.


If you ever want to watch V for Vendetta, now is the perfect time.


Do both V and a MCU movie on the 5th, that way everyone is happy :)

Taff Lewis

V is a favorite, but heavy; I come here to get away from that.

Randee Carreno

There should've been a third option for 'both. LOL! I've only seen bits and pieces of "V for Vendetta". So, seeing that would be new for me as well. However, the next 3 MCU movies (Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers) is a really good set up for phase 2.


V is Perfect for November 5th!!! Trust me , it’s a great film , great acting and story

The Golgothan

V for Vendetta is a spectacular one of a kind movie. The MCU is 20 or so movies and they range from amazing to dumpster fire but average out to mediocre. The big problem with the MCU is that none of them work as standalone movies so unless you're willing to rewatch at least the previous one before each reaction or just watch them all back to back (like you did with Star Wars) you may as well just put it off indefinitely

Misty Crom

See, I want to vote for V For Vendetta, but I don't have it and, f all countries, it isn't on Netflix in the UK! Argentina apparently... but not the country it's about. Because that might make a little bit of sense (ok, maybe ranting a bit here, sorry. ish)!


V for Vendetta! Great movie. A substantive movie. A teaching movie. MCU can wait a little while longer, IMO. But either one is a good choice. Love both!


As much as the time of year lines up; I just can't handle more dystopian police state on the internet. Had enough of that this year already.


Plenty of time for the massive catalog of the MCU. V for Vendetta changes lives.


I'd rather see Natalie continue with the MCU. I've seen V for Vendetta once, and I did not care for it at all.


MCU! Really excited for the next 3, starting with Thor. As for the 'V' movie, I'm not a fan.


If it's a choice between the 2, I say MCU. I thoroughly dislike "V For Vendetta", so it's a big no from me on that movie.


I'd take almost any movie over the MCU these days.


MCU for sure! The first Thor movie is so much fun!

Rusty Childers

The MCU movies totally work as stand alone movies. And it isn't like she's spending years between each one--at most a few months will pass from when she began to when she finishes Phase 3.


Cmon guys the only answer here is V for Vendetta


Gotta be V for me. Great cast, great film.


V. The script, the words, and the way they embody and play with the sentiments beneath, is both poignant and fun. Although maybe an odd fit for this year and election season. And also, as a carpenter, romanticizing the thought of destroying a building is not optimal. We work hard to make those things. But then, MCU movies really seem to have a vendetta against all buildings. They treat them as if they were just CGI. So yeah, I'm voting for V.

Thomas Malley

Have you rewatched it since the first time? I thought the same way when I saw it the first time but I was very young then. The second viewing as an adult changed my views completely.


How is V losing lol


I'd really like to continue with the MCU but at the same time, V for Vendetta is a great movie to watch for the 5th of November. I want to get through the MCU, but come on, V for Vendetta is one you can't miss out on especially with Nov 5th only 3 days away.


I've never seen V for Vendetta so it would be nice to watch it for the first time as well!

Isai Hernandez

If you’re looking for a more moving story V For Vendetta hands down


v for vendetta please!! it doesn't make sense to miss this film now and put it in the back of the line of film choices! and i'm sure Natalie will like it ;-)


I have to say even though I’m a huge fan of the MCU, Watching V for Vendetta on the fifth is just right


Don't care much for V For Vendetta, so I hope you continue with the MCU.


It's good but MCU is better


Pulling for V. I really don't care about any of the next half dozen or so MCU movies, 'till we get to Guardians of the Galaxy.


Hey Nat, I was just thinking about this and it struck me that you probably have a better understanding of Guy Fawkes day then most people commenting. Were you in London for Guy Fawkes day? Penny for they guy?

Robert Reichle

Wow. MCU taking over. Weird to me because MCU is coming no matter what, but V for Vendetta can be there for one week for the 5th of November. Why not have both?

Red Claw

My suggestion at this point would be do both and delay the reaction to the next Episode of Firefly. It seems the best Option at this point. I'M saying that, although I love the Firefly reactions.


I'm surprised so many people would rather just jump on to MCU again considering Thor isn't really known for being one of the greats and V being such a classic


Damn, this was close! 😂 closest poll till now I think


But the 5th of November is coming up, it's tradition.

Brandon Royce

The 5th of November aside, one could make the case that V for Vendetta is echoing conversations we're currently having. I think it could make for a more compelling post-reaction analysis. Whereas MCU films are flashy, yet mostly feel empty.


V for Vendetta has a special connection to the 5th of November. It's plot also has more... relevance to our unique political climate. It's still a good action movie with a graphic novel feel, but there's an actual plot to unpack more than "Hulk Smash".


That’s a great movie but I’m really jonesing for those marvel reactions

Brandon Scott

I have plenty of outlets screaming at me about our "unique political climate." I come here and to other content creators for an escape from the heaviness that I feel throughout 90% of my day. Nat, if you read this, please take this into consideration. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Darryl Low

This is way more exciting than that other big vote that's going on. A few late postal votes have just come in.

Isai Hernandez

Yo this vote has me on edge almost as much as the presidential election.


Come on people, "REMEMBER, remember the Fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot..." The MCU can be viewed any time, the 5th of November is for V.


Wow, right now when writing this comment, it's 374 to 375, so close!

Justin S.

It really makes sense to just react to V for Vendetta because there will be plenty of time for the MCU in the near future. For those who are not a fan of V For Vendetta, you can simply just skip watching the reaction. Not everyone is going to be satisfied with every single reaction chosen. I'm hoping for some more reactions to classics or overlooked films in the future here that I'm positive will be enjoyed.


As of 2:04 PST, the vote is tied at 375!


As I look at it right now, the vote is 375-375


broke the tie :)

Darryl Low

We'll just have to ask Natalie very, very nicely to watch both :)

It Hurt A Lot

I think if it's tied Natalie should have to break the tie by watching which one she wants

Brandon Royce

I'm guessing at this point (2:35pm on Nov. 5), we probably won't get V before the end of the day.


A tie at 382!


I have a confession. Every time one gets up I switch my vote to either make it closer or back to a tie 😅