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Hey guys!

Help me decide what movie to watch in between Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk! I haven't seen any of these so they would all be a first time watching reaction.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 



Matrix 2 and 3 are something to watch after you get better movies under your belt; they just don’t come that close to the first.


I swear on all that is good and holy in this god forsaken universe. If the fucking Matrix sequels beats GLADIATOR on this poll I am personally writting a strongly worded letter to each and every one of you. Be prepared.


Gladiator is pretty awesome


Saving Private Ryan is one of my top 5, I have to admit.


Bring tissues if saving private Ryan wins...

Patrick Egan

Gladiator is awesome but if you haven't seen Fifth Element yet you really need to :)


Saving private ryan will be intense like really emotional I hope you can handle it.


The Fifth Element

Nicholas Sulikowski

If you watch Reloaded and Revolutions next, be sure to watch The Animatrix right before them. It gives you a good deal of backstory, plus explores themes of the Matrix universe.


Easiest vote I ever cast.


If Private Ryan wins, make sure you wear your earphones, rather than just the speakers attached to your TV/monitor. Sound design is exceptional in that movie. Edit: And for that matter, the same goes for The Fifth Element. Eric Serra's awesome Europop score for that is a standout.

Erik Lundmark

Def. vote for The Fifth Element - but I had a time not choosing Saving Private Ryan instead, better movie but 5th Element is so much fun :-)

Arthur Bridges

Echo that private Ryan and gladiator are WAY intense. Not something to watch in between marvel. Fifth Element mix of sci-fi, comedy and adventure.

Allan Rumberger

Saving Private Ryan would be the most interesting reaction. Fifth Element is entertaining, if bizarre, but it's treatment of the female lead (sexy baby) is pretty gross, and knowing now that the director is a creep doesn't help. The Matrix sequels are just bad. Gladiator is overrated (definitely on the least-deserving best picture winner list), but also somewhat entertaining. If it wins, I'll watch with you, but please be aware going in that the movie is historical fiction, by which I mean it's completely ahistorical in just about every way it can be.


WastedPro brought this up so I figure I'll add to it. Since you are taking this seriously I highly recommend you get yourself a nice set of over the ear headphones. It will be a VERY worthwhile investment with a lot of these movies.


Defitnatly Fifth Element then Saving Private Ryan.


The Fifth Element! Yay!


This is a tough list. The fifth Element is Goofy & fun with lots of opportunity for reactions. Saving Private Ryan is amazing & intense and great for reactions. The Matrix sequels are dumb & kinda bad, but could still be really good for reactions. And Gladiator, weirdly, is just a really good movie, but I don't remember a lot of scenes that would be as good for reactions.


I second what some others are saying saying about new headphones. Get a nice pair of Sennheiser open back headphones, around 200-300 dollars. I have a pair of these. I love them. https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-sennheiser-hd6xx

Armchair Wizard

Gladiator is good for that emotional reacting. Its not as in your face as Saving Private Ryan, but the beautiful music, and the emotional story are good.

Armchair Wizard

The Fifth Element is weird in a GOOD way and so would be great for a first time reaction. Saving Private Ryan is just a fantastic movie. So i can't lose no matter what lol.


Oh man, she's really doing the entire MCU. Don't get me wrong, I love Marvel...but this is gonna take a while.

Gary Poussard

Multipass all the way! ;)


That might be a bit out of her price range. I was thinking something more in the $60-$100 range. Something like a pair of hyper X clouds.

Andy Jordan

Saving Private Ryan is a tremendous film, probably Spielberg's best, other than Jaws and maybe E.T. One of the best war films ever, alongside Letters from Iwo Jima and 1917. Also, for its scope, it's not really a blockbuster, so it would be the most interesting contrast to the MCU.

Alexa Chipman

Gladiator is my second fave film of all time!

Emily Smith

They are ALL soooooo good!


The Fifth Element is in my top5 all time favs!! but I feel like Gladiator with its slower pace--would be better suited after an action packed superhero movie, you don't seem like the type who'd want in your face action movie after movie right?


private Ryan is awesome film but ultra realistic like Schindlers ---be prepared


I found that to be a tough choice, three really good movies and the sub-standard matrix sequels


Regardless of what wins here: Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan are absolute must-sees. Gladiator won best picture (2000) and SPR was upset but should have (1998).


I get wanting to watch thr Matrix, but the first film was the best of the series. Im really more in the mood for a horror choice in there at this point. I qant her to watch The Thing


1917 is also amazing. Most movies show us the story from the outside looking in. 1917 put you into the film with the characters.


Are you a fan of psychological thrillers with twists? I have a few to add to your list if so.

Richard Maurer

I voted Fifth Element, but almost voted Saving Private Ryan. Hard choice.


Matrix 2 and 3 is nowhere near as good as the first one, but if you’re gonna watch them I’d say watch them pretty soon when you have the first one fresh in memory. Don’t split up series so much, the other ones can wait


We Where Soliders..

Thomas Malley

I mean Saving Private Ryan is basically mandatory film history viewing. But of course The Fifth Element is like a sci-fi schlock/comedy-classic that one should watch at least once.

Matthew Periolat

Gladiator got my vote. I personally am not a fan of Fifth Element and Saving Private Ryan, while excellent, is a hard hard watch. Do not know enough one way or the other for the Matrix movies. So... Gladiator it is




Any of these are going to be good.

Jason Dolan

I'm jumping on The Fifth Element bandwagon now

Darryl Low

The Fifth Element is certainly the most entertaining of the 4. The other 3 are hard going, and you'd probably need to cover them in 2 sessions.

Max du Coudray

I pick Fifth Element because I think Natalie will like it best.


Matrix 2 was pretty decent tbf, was watchable and enjoyable. 3 however is only good for some quotes lol.

Clint Sanders

5th Element will be your jam.


I haven't seen any of these either so I'm no help.


lol, it seems we have a winner Brucie and Mila.

Erik Stevenson

People really seem to be driving in just the Sci-Fi lane in your polls, haha.



Thomas Malley

I was just thinking that she has a lot of good in store if she’s never seen a Nolan movie. Inception comes to mind.


the count of monte cristo 2002 version!!


Been great fun watching you react to sci-fi/adventure, especially since you are so invested in personal fates. You are the first "reactor" that seems honest to me. I wonder how you'd feel about a war drama, seeing both Saving PR and Gladiator high in the polls.


Depends entirely on what you consider "entertaining." I generally prefer darker, more serious stories, so I consider Gladiator and SPR more entertaining.


Trust me on this. The Fifth Element seems like a weirdo sci-fi never heard of film from the 90s but it is so solid and holds up and the acting is fantastic and the writing is spot on and you will truly have fun watching this film. I absolutely guarantee it.

Nicholas Sulikowski

Reloaded and Revolutions aren't quite as good as the first one insofar as execution. They kinda get bogged down in dialogue and philosophy and action scenes that could be tightened up. But the ideas that they present are interesting enough that, in retrospect, I find that they are decent additions. I wish they were done better, but the ideas and the messages and intent that's there is very interesting. Interesting enough to have long conversations with people about many years later. And it's best to watch it while the first one is still fresh in your mind. And of course, The Animatrix should be watched beforehand, to get a great backstory, and deepening of the themes of the universe. Plus little prelude into The Matrix Reloaded.

Garrick Smalley

Voted for the rest of Matrix just so you could finish the trilogy. Looks like we have to wait. The fifth element was my next choice.

Alex Vazquez

Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions should be your next move. Animatrix precedes both. Fifth Element is good-looking garbage reminiscent of Metal Hurlant illustrations. Saving Private Ryan beach-head sequence is breath-taking but the rest is standard WWII stuff. Gladiator's a good historical epic and a good Russell Crowe vehicle by Ridley Scott. I don't understand how you haven't seen any of these movies. Were you living off the grid on a commune or something? Did your folks deny you television? Were you at a research station in the Antarctic? Jeez.


Fifth Element is not garbage. Its one of the best cult films out there. Completely wrong as well on Saving Private Ryan. I enjoy Matrix Reloaded, but Revolutions completely misses the mark.

Armchair Wizard

Wow, i could not disagree with you more. The Matrix Sequels simply do NOT live up to the first film. Not to mention all of what you said about the other films. I respect your opinion, but definitely don't agree with it. Lol.


Add Memento after Inception and Interstellar


Fifth Element is an awesome movie. You're going to fall in love with it, Natalie!

Troy B.

I'm glad Fifth Element seems to have won, as I... *tries to read the room*... am in no hurry to revisit the Matrix sequels, and I'll leave it at that... and it's been over twenty years since I saw The Fifth Element so a lot of it will be new to me again, which can be fun. (Meanwhile, Russell Crowe isn't my cup of tea, and I am not sure I want to see Natalie cry through Saving Private Ryan.)

Erik Lundmark

5thElem Still holds up imo. Fantastic production designs.. It was a Gigantic movie here in Europe, also (I think) the last movie I ever bought on Vhs :-)


5th element is amazing. It's not on the list, but I'd also recommend Baahubali The Beginning (english version is on Netflix)

It Hurt A Lot

Hey I'm a new patreon. I'm excited to watch some full length reactions. I can't get enough of most of these movies anyway so I might as well watch them with you. Gladiator is just a great movie btw


The Mummy Trilogy! 😁

Nerd Going Outside

The matrix sequels are quite skippable, and The Fifth Element is popcorn-fun, but Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator are both masterpieces IMO.


I can watch this movie over and over again. I hope you like it. If this wins.



It Hurt A Lot

I hope the incredible hulk doesn't disappoint you too much. It's not that good. But I assume you're watching them in release order which is cool. The matrix sequels are trash, just skip em. Pet Koda for me

Thomas Malley

they cut out 45 minutes of the movie. All character driven scenes with all the drama that was supposed to make us care what happens. I’ve been trying to find a version that has all those scenes put in since it came out. It has a much much darker opening. Dr. Banner even reference the events of this alternative opening in one of the avengers movies.


Since she watched LOTR she just has to watch Hobbit trilogy


The Incredible Hulk isn't badly acted, but the pacing is pretty off. I'd say it's the last truly "iffy" Marvel movie for awhile.


I hope Gladiator wins this actually O.O all of them are good, but Gladiator is a must see


Natalie, the only way to make any sense of the Matrix Trilogy is to watch them all together , it a complex story.


Also I know you’ve just watched The Hulk and I know you’re wanting an origin story the you have to watch the first Hulk movie, I know its a terrible movie and they change so much of the story BUT you have to do it and get done so you can understand what happening