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Hey guys!

In this video, I react to watching Iron Man for the first time. This movie was super fun and I'm excited to watch the rest of these films with you. I will be splitting up the MCU series of movies a fair amount so don't worry if you're not a big Marvel fan.

Also, after filming and editing this whole video, I'm now realizing that I didn't react to any end credit scenes. I'm just not used to watching through all the credits haha. I promise to start my reaction to "The Incredible Hulk" with the end credit scenes from this movie.

I hope you guys enjoy this reaction as I had such a fun time filming this. As always, thank you so much for your support here on Patreon and please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Until the next one, stay golden! 

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/vrrvQfc5JuI 

Original Movie: Iron Man

 *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners. 



Honestly, even if you're not a huge super hero fan it's worth it to watch these movies just because of how insanely culturally important they have been. I'm not sure if there has ever been a series of films that have been so wide spread and successful on a global scale.

Andy Jordan

Thanks as always for your work, Natalie, and keeping open a few bright spots on the interwebs. For context, the first shared cinematic universe was the Universal Classic Monsters (The Mummy, The Wolf Man, Dracula, etc.) of the Golden Age of the '30s through the '50s, and Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse in the '90s also featured Stan Lee like the MCU, but before that was a thing. Did you watch the post-credits scene afterwards, even though you didn't film it? All the best, Nat. Thanks for sharing the smiles.

Erik Lundmark

Is it okey if I make a wish? - If you're going through all the MCU movies now, could you maybe intersperse them with lesser known movies? Otherwise it'll just be blockbusters from now 'til Christmas.


Love Iron Man. The first MCU movie and possibly the best. Can’t wait to watch this later on. In the spirit of “firsts”, have you seen, what I consider still the best superhero movie - the original 1978 Superman and it’s sequel Superman 2.

Erik Lundmark

Am I the only one in the universe who likes Superman III ? :-) I must have seen that one more than 100 times when I was a kid... Still think it's better than people seem to remember...

Andy Jordan

I agree. I think there's a reason they've done so phenomenally well: they're actually good films. There are plenty of other franchises that are DOA because they're just not that great, so audiences were able to recognize there was something different about the MCU.


Yeah superman 3 is okay. Especially the junkyard scene. The first two though are cultural icons. Christopher Reeve is still the iconic superman, no matter how many others play the role.


Oh and Natalie. Minor spoiler that isn’t really a spoiler, in reference to your “after credits scene” comment for upcoming movies. The Incredible Hulk is the only MCU movie without an after credits scene. The scene directly before the credits in that movie is effectively the “after credits scene”. Just so you don’t waste your time.

Andy Jordan

Chistopher Reeve is the GOAT, although I will argue that Henry Cavill is a pretty darn good Superman himself because, like Reeve, he ably plays both Clark Kent and Superman, as well as Kal-El, which he got to do more than Reeves did. And while Margot Kidder is my nostalgic favorite, I will argue that Amy Adams is actually the better Lois Lane, and plays the part with more nuance.


Hey Andy! Thanks for the support :) I didn't watch the post-credits scene at all so it will be a first time react! Haha

Luis R.

Yes! I can’t wait to get home from work to see you start the MCU! I hope you enjoy these movies Nat! Also for shows Vikings is one of my favorites you may consider.

Gath Bard

I'm sure you already did, but since you started tackling the Marvel movies, I strongly suggest looking up the ideal viewing order as you progress. They fit in a continuity that might get a bit confusing towards the end of the series if you skipped the wrong movie, or if you watched another too early.

Robert Kelly

What order are you watching hem in? It may through you off unless you have seen some down the line out of order.


I think the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie has like 5 after credit scenes. You honestly just have to let the credits roll on all the movies. Some will have one, two, five, or even none.


Hey Natalie, I am watching Iron Man right now. Even though it's not the movie(s) I wanted, still good stuff. I like your new frame masking, it lets us figure out what you are seeing and avoids those pesky copyright issues. I hope you and Tyler are safe and healthy. I would also suggest that you no longer put a Marvel movie in the polls. Put up a new poll for movies, watch something, and then just roll with the next Marvel movie every 1-3 watches. Will save time and keep things sane.

Andy Jordan

In response to your question, the opening display of a film studio's title is often called a vanity card. Television shows usually put them at the end of the episodes. And in response to the idea that all MCU films are the same, I would strongly disagree. They all share some qualities, as well as the characters, obviously. But especially as they go on, each movie and titled character (as well as all the characters, in general) has its own distinct flavor. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", for example, is an espionage film, like "Three Days of the Condor" or "The Manchurian Candidate" (which is why they had Robert Redford in it). "Ant-Man" is a heist film disguised as a family comedy. "Spider-Man" is a coming-of-age dramedy. Etc., etc., etc. Of course, they're all part of a grander narrative, but they are definitely not just all the same; if they were, people would've stopped caring a long time ago.


You have to remember it’s a comic book movie Lol; a lot of it is out of the bounds of reality.

Armchair Wizard

I agree. Saying they're all exactly the same is incredibly reductive and just false.


Fun Fact. Happy, the Chaffeur of Tony is Jon Favreau. He is the Men behind The Mandalorian and together with Kevin Feige they build the MCU.

Armchair Wizard

I'm about to watch your reaction to this, but im pretty excited that you're starting this MCU journey. Also, i love your reactions, and you have a generally really chill vibe.

Jayson Phillips

Great Reaction!! I really can't wait to see you react to more Marvel movies!! Also watch the end credits for the extra clip they are what brings the movies together. ♥


Ironically, The Incredible Hulk's "credit scene" is actually before the credits!


Great reaction. I don't know what you changed in your playing device but i didn't had to keep re-synchronizing every few minutes now like all other movies. Played right along with mine. Keep it up :)


Agreed. These movies often require a bit more suspension of disbelief but it's worth the extra effort.


Fun minor fact: The actor playing the scientist/engineer who tells Jeff Bridges "I'm not Tony Stark" when he can't recreate the arc reactor technology, was the kid from A Christmas Story.


I am very much looking forward to The Incredible Hulk reaction. I quite enjoy that movie, and I actually prefer Edward Norton's portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk to Mark Ruffalo.

Ian Forbes

Great reaction, Natalie. Looking forward to your take on the MCU. Just a heads up, when you do eventually get to Iron Man 2, Don Cheadle will have replaced Terrance Howard in the role of Col. Rhodes. Howard and the studio could not agree on contract (I’m not going to get into the details, but didn’t want you to be too confused). You already know Ruffalo will replace Norton down the line.

Troy B.

I enjoyed the frequent outbursts of disbelief, and look forward to a ton of those in The Incredible Hulk. =D

Matthew Periolat

Well, congratulations. With this movie, you have now checked off three of my personal top ten movies - Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Iron Man. Titanic rounds out the top three, but we are not doing that one. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the movie, just sorry you missed the Easter Egg at the end. They learned their lesson, Incredible Hulk will have it’s right at the end. All the rest, watch through the end credits. And eventually mid credits. I’m glad you are spacing them out as doing twenty three movies (!) end to end is exhausting, Marvel fan or no. Enjoy them, space them and have fun. Oh, in case you missed it, Jon Favereau, who directed and co-wrote Iron Man, is writer on The Mandalorian. Small world, huh? That’ll be all, Miss Gold. See you for the next adventure!

Jack the Narrator

The first wave of MCU films (known by and large as Phase One) was the best of the series in that they were all produced before Disney bought & aquired Marvel. Each MCU film during Phase 1 had its own distinct look and feel to it. After the first AVENGERS is when the MCU movies became homogeneous with one another in terms of lack of overall directorial style, overemphasis on cheap, out-of-place humor and...ugh, "subverting expectations". Also thought I'd mention that none of the innocent bystanders in the freeway battle were killed. There's a brief shot but you see the bus passengers evacuate before its gets blown up by Obadiah/Iron Monger. Also Pepper ran out of the reactor building before it blew up during the climax.


Yes! Robert Downey Jr -IS- IRON MAN! So much fun watching this one again, the start of an era! Nothing like the MCU has been done before, can't wait for even more!

Armchair Wizard

i respect your opinion, but i still love most of them AFTER Disney took over. I think the best one by far was the first Avengers film however. I will say that.

Kevin Morris

For a couple of your questions, I think the helicopters found him in the desert cause they were investigating the massive explosion that he left behind. And the reason the arc reactor Obidiah stole from Tony fit in Obidiahs suit is cause they had Tony's original suit from the terrorists so they had a connection that would fit the same.

Alan Kobb

Hi. You asked how they are not hung over all the time? It's a good question. The answer: drama! :))


Hey Nathalie. I'm enjoying all the reaction vids. I've seen most of the Marvel movies at least twice, and I didn't realize until this time that the village the bald guy's gang attacked was the same one Yinsen was from. Man every watchthrough you learn something! Stay Awesome!


This is still one of my favorite Marvel movies. That man was born to play Tony Stark. I'm very excited to see if you're into this superhero genre and if you are I'll be glad to watch every video you put out :) Thank you!


If you do not have this series added to your watch list. Eureka, it was on the Sci Fi channel.


I'm saying this as a spectator, but if you don't include the end credits scenes in your reactions, people may get miffed.


Is there not supposed to be audio from the film? Not to mention it is so blurry you can't see it. Tried on two devices. The YT clip is clear, with audio. Thought maybe it was me but not sure


Nah, she masks it in the playback so folks can sync up their own copies. It's to avoid concerns some people have about using full reactions to see films for the first time (piracy).

Kelsey MacPhee

Loved your reaction. Just to let you know that you have to suspend your belief just a little bit when watching these types of movies. Movies based off of comics have what I and probably many others like to call 'comic book logic'. Comics have a whole different set of scientific improbabilities' compared to real life. Examples of him surviving explosions and stuff. Just to give you a little bit of warning for the other Marvel movies and other comic book movies you might watch. :)


So I'm paying money to see someone react to a movie, that I can't see, or hear? If creators are masking to avoid copyright issues, they need to give the audience a heads up, so they can have their movie ready to sync. They should also give us a que, when they start the movie to help the syncing process.


She wrote in the description of the tier that you signed up for that "these will be in watch along style, so you will need your own copy of the film/show to sync up with me!)" I don't know how she could be any clearer about what you're getting. I do agree that it would be helpful to have a countdown or something so we know when to hit play on our side, but I didn't find it all that challenging to sync my playback with hers within a second or so.

Thomas Malley

You need to cue up the movie on your own to watch along. Whether that be on iTunes or Prime or whatever you’re using.


Hey David! I'll be sure to include the countdown to pressing play next time :)

Richard Ryan

Hey Natalie, if you're wondering why Tony seems to be suddenly on fire in his belly as soon as that one town "Gulmira" is mentioned. That's the Village where Yinsen's family were killed and he was kidnapped by the [redacted]'s in the cave.

Richard Ryan

I'm glad you fogged the frame and had the subtitles on. using the appearances of the white blobs is a great way to re-sync in case one has to pause. When you hide it behind the leaves, it's harder to line up.

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

Hi Natalie, I'm a few days late but finally got to this reaction, and it was great! It had been a few years since I watched the entire Iron Man movie start to finish and forgot just how good it was and a great start to the MCU. One of the cool things about this being back in 2008 is that a lot of the technology that seemed amazing at that time is really coming true. There was even a recent video where Adam Savage made a 3D printed iron man suit and, along with tech from a company called Gravity, they were able to get it to fly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1wEO-pHizQ


bloody oath... theres always an extra clip at the end of the credits in marvel movies and sometimes movies that are not marvel... thats why I always wait out the credits in a cinema just incase or if at home just skip to the end of the credits!(I was hoping someone would mention this :D)


Didn’t you see Iron Man already? Oh wait, that was The Mandalorian, episode 3. My bad. ;-)


By the way, when Tony calls the one robot "dummy" he's actually calling him "DUM-E" which is the robot's actual name. It was the first robot Tony made himself.


Oh, and The Incredible Hulk is... not great. Perhaps the weakest MCU movie to date.


I tried to download this but received the error: Access to doc-0g-0k-docs.googleusercontent.com was denied

Doug Watson

I can't seem to watch this :(


Can't download/watch this at all


Looks like we have exceeded the download limits for this file.


The download limits reset every 24 hours or so. Just give it some time